Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. ItzCamJam

    Cute Pet Companions!

    You want a pet? No. Miniature. But you can get a dog! No. Zombie cool. Anyone with a rank unlocks some! Ok. Thinking... You still keep your miniature. I get pet now. That is right, folks! Cubecraft should have the option to unlock pets for anyone who has a rank! But wait, what about Stone Rank...
  2. Luzario

    Prestige Levels

    Prestige Levels Before I start this thread I want to credit @CampersDontWin for inspiring this thread and @MagnificentSpam for giving me that spark for the idea. :D Hello! My name is Luzario_ and today I came up with this idea for cube craft! Please leave feedback. This might have...
  3. A

    Store Needs PayPal

    I believe the store needs PayPal because a lot of our parents don't understand how payment wall works and the whole ID thing. That is the reason i didn't get a rank and it could be the same with many other people. What do you think?
  4. WZ1521

    New Gamemode/Pricing/Too High Ranks

    A new game mode that I think should be added is hardcore. It will include 2x the price for mobs and towers. On the same topic, there should be a half pricing, you get half the income. I would also like to complain that you need obsidian rank to vote game mode and emerald rank to vote pricing. In...
  5. ItsDaniii

    No me dan el rango

    Buenos días, por donde empiezo, hoy, (como es el santo de mi hijo) le quería comprar un rango de CubeCraft en especial el rango Lapizlazuli ya que el me lo lleva pidiendo desde hace meses. He puesto mis datos mi dirección, mi código postal etc. en el segundo paso, pagué con la targeta visa (en...
  6. Squabbit


    Does anyone know when the next sale for RANKS is going to be? Thanks!
  7. Shadow_Von_Argent

    The Eggwars Update. What are you're Thoughts?

    THE EGGWARS UPDATE: So as most of you have seen or hopefully watched the live stream of the new Eggwars update coming. We notice a lot of changes which some have suggested and others clearly don't want. So I have decided to make a poll and a thread of what you guys want. Let the voices of the...
  8. Sakaisito

    Duda acerca de comprar un rango

    Hola chicos! Bueno pues ami me encantaría comprar un rango pero cuando veo me pide mi nombre real, direccion y cosas personales y yo he comprado en tiendas grandes como Spotify, Steam, Netflix etc. y nunca me han pedido mas de mi tarjeta de tredito y direccion de correo electronico y la duda que...
  9. JasperEdits

    If I change my MC name...

    I have Emerald rank, but i want to change my name, will my rank desapear?
  10. JasperEdits

    Survival Server

    I been waiting for a survival server for too long A survival server will be great, imagine, with ranks maybe they do that you can fly on survival or, they add Plots or something like a mine with minerals or... Well, a normal survival server! The survival servers are the easyers servers to do...
  11. JasperEdits

    Ranks on website!

    I want that if you buy a rank (its my case (emerald rank)) In the website appear like Name: JasperWorld Rank: Emerald He wants to be a helper: Yes xD Please the ranks thing will be great! XdXdXdxd
  12. Gatsbe

    Colored Armor for the Ranked in Arcade

    In the waiting lobby of the arcade, the top five players are displayed according to the amount of trophies that they have earned. The players are represented by their head on an armor stand with plain leather armor. My suggestion applies to people with ranks. If a person with an iron rank is on...
  13. Cactus Awex

    Cubecraft Conspiracy Theory (With Proof)

    Recently I made a post titled: THE RANK SCANDAL. where I explained in a unique format how cubecraft's emerald and obsidian rank are exactly the same as the diamond rank but with 4 changes, 2 of which don't even affect core gameplay, and the other 2 or minor, and what did cubecraft do? It...
  14. M

    Video (YOUTUBE RANK) Can I get YouTube Rank on CubecraftGames

    Hello, Cubecraft staff. My name is Joel and I would like to apply for YouTube Rank on your server. I have over 100 Subscribers. I know that is not much, but I have achieved that goal in under four days. I would like to think that my channel will grow fast. I have uploaded 3 videos on Cubecraft...
  15. P


    Hi! How can i get the builder rank? I'm a very good builder and i would like get the builder rank and do maps for eggwars... Thanks
  16. DaHammy

    Multiple Ranks?

    Okay... So... I was wondering if it's possible to have multiple ranks. As example, if someone has the obsidian rank, and he applies for helper, would his prefix be obsidian & helper together? Or would it just be Helper? And is it possible to choose, which rank you want when you are a helper...
  17. Thibo_Skillzz

    stop teambalance!

    Hye everybody, im sure that you all have already played blockwars, and we all like that game, ehm, that's what I think about it. But the game isn't funny anymore when you got moved to the other team, cuz when your team is winning and you got moved to the loosing team, you'll get angry and leave...
  18. Bastys509

    More benefits for the ranks...

    Hello cubecraft, my Name is Bastian and my username Bastys509, im a obsidian rank, i start to play Minecraft again and i have a recommendation, once that minecraft don't aprovve the pay to win servers, you changed all the beneffits for the ranks, i think that all the ranks could unlock all the...
  19. Jackxist


  20. Jackxist

    Eggwars - New modifier | Disable Blocks

    The Suggestion I have previously made a suggestion to add a modifier for egg protection so diamond ranks can vote for 0, 2 or 5 minute spawn protection for the egg but people have been complaining about campers going mid then getting diamonds and going back and just camping on their islands with...
  21. S

    Rank upgrades? Answered - Requesting Lock

    Hello, I was just wondering, For example, If I have the Gold rank and I want to upgrade to Diamond. Will I have to pay the full price like I didn't have a rank or would it cost the price between gold and diamond? (Would I need to pay $90 AUD to get Diamond if I had Gold, or would I need to pay...
  22. SmolenDog

    Harder punishment against teamers

    Seriously, teamers are much worse than hackers. I can't play a single game of SkyWars solo without finding a team. When I find one of them I can already just suicide because I have no probabilities of winning against them. Also when you warn them and tell them they can be banned they will always...
  23. KitKatkels17

    A new Begging Rule

    Ok Who reading this is gold rank or up, If you are then you know just as well as I do how annoying it is going into a game and having people in the waiting lobby spam chat with stuff like OP OP OP!!! It's annoying and flat out rude when you chose what you want and everyone wants to target you...
  24. Z

    Adding PayPal to Ranks paying method on Payment Wall

    It would be very helpful because I really wanna but Diamond Rank I tried using credit card but I am having too many problems and I would be great if I could use PayPal to buy it Please Reply Thanks
  25. The_G0dPiXeL

    Decrease the price of ranks

    Nobody in their right mind would spend $180 on a MINECRAFT RANK, I've seen way too many Obsidian ranks and I feel bad for them because they got suckered out of their money. CubeCraft does not need hundreds and hundreds of dollars to host a server, and a Minecraft server should not be the...
  26. PieCreeper

    Cheaper Ranks

    The ranks on CubeCraft are far too expensive. The highest ranking of CubeCraft is over $100 which is insane! I think the price of the ranks should be decreased. Below is what I think is a reasonable price for all ranks. Iron: $4.99 Lapiz: $14.99 Gold: $24.99 Diamond: $39.99 Emerald: $54.99...
  27. Amasteo


    Hey there! About a year ago I bought a rank in cubecraft, but now I no longer play, is there any way I can get the money back?
  28. D

    Coding rank plugin??

    rank plugin name
  29. Crank_MZ

    Cubecraft giftcard

    Hey, I have a good idea for the CubeCraft store, giftcards. My idea is that you can buy a giftcard in the Cubecraft store, in different amounts. The amounts will be for example: 10€ , 25€ , 50€ , 100€ If this is in the shop, people with parents that don't want to buy them or let them buy a rank...
  30. S

    Artwork Quistion Ranks

    Hey qubecraft I have a quiestion I have A dimond rank (Smittie65) I wil chanche my Name is my rank away or is he staing
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