Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net



    Bedrock EggWars Reach 21k wins

    I reach 21k wins With exams and everything!

    Bedrock EggWars 20k wins in eggwars duels

    I just need 5k wins for 1st But I will get it No problem

    Bedrock games played stats is glitch?

    Hello! I want to know Is this glitch? games played is the sum of games won and lost How are the games played less than win? The picture is not fake. The picture is cropped because I don't want to publish the players' stats.

    Reach 19k wins

  5. J

    Bedrock Duels What's your preferred PvP tactics?

    My preferred tactics is to half circle strafe right and then go left so that the opponent misses me when they eventually turn right to attempt to hit me. Then I either forward tap or crit abuse :p. If they present me with too many problems (like constantly looking to strafe me back), then I go...
  6. JDgamers

    Java Skywars Java: Experience Earning

    Experience Earning Hey guys! I’m here to suggest something which concerns the experience (xp) earning on Skywars (Java). As Cubecraft has removed a ton of games some time ago, there now are fewer ways to earn experience and level -up. The game that now gives you the most experience upon...
  7. Velocidad

    SkyWars Finally,10k wins in solo SkyWars :)

  8. Blom

    All Networks Wins in Team Games

    Not sure if it is on bedrock as well, but in some games, you'll not be awarded a win if you died, but your team won. The example why I came to this suggestion was Battle Zone. If you stay all game long to watch your teammate win, you'll not get the win yourself. I find that quite unfair, as you...
  9. pieterpeer

    Planned Monthly Leaderboards

    🗓️ Monthly Leaderboards 🥇 The idea 💡 Hi everyone, a feature that I personally would love to see is Monthly Leaderboards. It has been suggested before, but not since the new way Feedback & Suggestions work. The idea would be to add a monthly leaderboard in the menus next to the current 'all...
  10. colinverp

    Java daily stats - repost

    hello Cubecraft players! I had an idea out of problem I regularly have: the fact that i was playing for multiple hours, and it goes very well or bad, and i want to see how much kills, wins, k/d is for that day, and i know i can write it down, but i don't think of writing my stats down on the...
  11. YahirplaysMC123

    Bedrock Woo 2200 skywars wins

    Yay after sweating perfusly over many days and questioning my life choices and wether or not im using video games as an escape from reality and my inevitable demise on this soon to be destroyed planet. I won 2200 solo skywars games! The reward for this is satisfaction of knowing that i can beat...
  12. RemiFan

    Java More MW progression achievements

    Hello! In minerware there's only one kind of progression achievement, wins. However, there's a normal achievement which is to play 10.000 microgames. This should be a progressive achievement instead, as that's exactly what it is, a progressive achievement. Now, I understand that most progressive...
  13. GHSpaghetti

    Bedrock Skywars Mega Bug?

    Skywars mega I feel is very hectic but really fun however there is either a bug or feature which is very annoying. I was playing with a friend and we fought the last person in our game and won, however I died and he didn't. It said at the end that we won however when we looked at our stats it...
  14. JDgamers

    Java Player of the day/week/month

    Hi! :p The titel says it already: Player of the day, week and month! So I'd like to see a different type of leaderboard in how many wins someone got on skywars/eggwars/etc. in one day/week/month. So i think that there will be more different players who are not in the leaderboards at the moment...
  15. JoeProKill2000

    All Networks Winstreak

    In cubecraft, you can view your stats by clicking on a game and clicking on the stats paper. I am a try-hard skywars player so I play basically for stats. One stat that really should appear there but doesn’t is win streak. We have wins, deaths, kills, etc. but no win streak. I would love to see...
  16. Foxy011

    I Have A Question...

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right thread to post this on. But with the new update and the big change, is there any way to be able to see how many wins you have on a game? Thanks.
  17. Simply

    2000 Wins

    After a lot of No-Lifing, I have finally reached the number 2 with three 0's behind it. Yay such an achievement. So here's to the next thousand wins :D
  18. ImJunior

    1000 wins!

  19. Caliditas

    Afk wins farming

    Hey, Is just standing afk in a party to get much wins bannable? Some people are doing this to get free wins without doing anything so maybe it could be considered as multiaccounting. Thanks for the answer! Caliditas
  20. zMaan

    500 Wins!

    Hey, I just made 500 wins in team skywars. I know it's not so good, but at least I have it. Thank you in advance ;)
  21. XflameSwordX

    Lego Maestro Watch Out!

    Hey Lego Maestro, Just letting you know I am coming for you! I have watched your statistics of you being in the number one place. You get a pretty decent amount of wins per day, but I get more, by June or July I will pass you in wins by around 86. So watch out! I am not in top 5 yet though I am...
  22. DjaroGames

    I waited so long for a screenshot of 3000 wins, then I rematched someone and everything was ruined

    I rematched a person a few times, then this happened. I'll just wait until I have 4K wins I guess?
  23. XflameSwordX

    Skywars Kill Board

    Hey People XflameSwordX Here, So I have an idea for cubecraft Skywars to make it way more competitive. I mentioned in my previous thread about making a new leaderboard for Skywars. Cubecraft, People want to see where they are in the rankings whether that means top 10 or top 1000. Please make...
  24. P

    All my life

    Finally, The time has come.. 3 years playing on Cubecraft.. Of which 2 year I was an absolute noob.. A thousand wins.. I'm proud https://imgur.com/a/W9Fd8 https://imgur.com/a/9C0Hx ---- I still remember me and my cousin were playing Castle, and I won my first game ever.. Cousin: OMG!! I'm...
  25. XflameSwordX

    New Pro Leaderboard Please

    Hey Cubecraft, I love the Pro Board to show off your wins, but what about kills? HYPIXEL lets you see your kill stats compared to everyone elses. For example, lets say the Number 1 Killer has 1000 kills, and I have 200. I cant see my ranking compared to the top 10. Also why is there only a win...
  26. Sebbikull

    100 Wins and 1000 kills! :D

    I just hit 100 Solo skywars wins! https://imgur.com/a/bADR8 And 1000 Solo skywars kills! https://imgur.com/a/Dp0er https://imgur.com/a/7wo89
  27. P

    Win streaks

    Hey readers! I saw a Youtube video "Bedwars 1000 winstreak", but why doesn't Cubecraft have winstreaks? I think adding this would be really cool and handy! This way, players can try to beat a worldrecord like "Eggwars 1000 winstreak" ;p Kind regards Berre_
  28. _Rogue_Killer_

    Video Eggwars Fails and Wins!

    These are just some of my Eggwars Fails and Wins! Would like to get some feedback (not on the editing quality, i just whipped it up real quick) Hope you all have a laugh :D Enjoy!!! Ok fixed with old stats:D
  29. GinnyTheCute

    Why am i able to win 1 v 8's in eggwars?

    I dont know how i manage to win 1 v 8's
  30. NewbsDontWin

    Top leaderboard Win each gamemode in Arcade games

    I want a top 5 as in skywars but then from each game mode in arcade games like the top 5 wins or kills or wathever that is in that gamemode. That would be nice. Thanks for reading.
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