Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Eaglewolf13

    New Comman Suggestion! /stats

    HI, so I just came up with this awesome idea for a new command, which I think a lot of people would want! Basically this command is versatile, so you can use it between friends or if you suspect someone is cheating etc. The command is: "/stats (name)" when you do "/stats Eaglewolf13" for...
  2. DragonFire013

    Adding something to see your wins

    Maybe there should be a way to see how many wins you have, I've played eggwars for a while, and I would like to know how many wins I have in eggwars or in any other game. So maybe adding a command like /wins to see how many wins you have in a certain game? I know you probably are working on...
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