Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
Day 5

Ping Ether silently snaps Nikoshka 's neck.

MaestroCygni diverts Skifby 's attention and runs away.

Pineapplemuffintrain discovers a cave.

hgbf travels to higher ground.

iConfueZ steals from iPlayWithYou while he isn't looking.

CyanYellow , xMegaCoolx , Earth , Thefty , and TheBrownster904 hunt for other tributes.

Cheez discovers a cave. larswijn , Cynamooo , and xWaYAnGel get into a fight.

Cynamooo triumphantly kills them both.

ZigZag unknowingly eats toxic berries.

POWER RANGER55 questions his sanity.

Dotsy goes hunting.

Adept steals from TheFastBowler while he isn't looking.

Netflix Addicted makes a slingshot.

Fallen tributes 5

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Nikoshka District 9

larswijn District 7

xWaYAnGel District 2

ZigZag District 10

Night 5

Cheez begs for POWER RANGER55 to kill him. He refuses, keeping Cheez alive.

Thefty tends to his wounds.

TheBrownster904 , Netflix Addicted , Cynamooo , and Skifby sleep in shifts.

Earth and iPlayWithYou tell stories about themselves to each other.

Pineapplemuffintrain thinks about winning.

CyanYellow defeats xMegaCoolx in a fight, but spares his life.

iConfueZ stabs Ping Ether while his back is turned.

Adept sets an explosive off, killing TheFastBowler , hgbf , Dotsy and MaestroCygni .



Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
Weekly-ish update:

Day 6

Netflix Addicted convinces TheBrownster904 to not kill him, only to kill him instead.

xMegaCoolx scares POWER RANGER55 off.

Skifby discovers a cave.

Earth chases Pineapplemuffintrain .

Adept tries to sleep through the entire day.

Fallen tributes 6

12 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Ping Ether District 6

TheFastBowler District 4

hgbf District 1

Dotsy District 5

MaestroCygni District 7

iConfueZ District 7

Thefty District 2

Cheez District 9

Cynamooo District 3

iPlayWithYou District 4

CyanYellow District 12

TheBrownster904 District 11

Night 6

Earth thinks about winning.

Netflix Addicted , Pineapplemuffintrain , and xMegaCoolx cheerfully sing songs together.

Skifby thinks about winning.

Adept destroys POWER RANGER55's supplies while he is asleep.

Day 7

Earth , Adept , POWER RANGER55, Pineapplemuffintrain , and Skifby hunt for other tributes.

Netflix Addicted camouflauges himself in the bushes.

xMegaCoolx practices his archery.



Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
Arena event

A monstrous hurricane wreaks havoc on the arena. Earth survives.

Skifby stabs xMegaCoolx , then pushes him close enough to the hurricane to suck him in.

Adept pushes POWER RANGER55 into an incoming boulder.

Netflix Addicted pushes Pineapplemuffintrain into an incoming boulder.

Fallen tributes 7

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

xMegaCoolx District 10

POWER RANGER55 District 2

Pineapplemuffintrain District 1

Night 7

Netflix Addicted receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Skifby loses sight of where he is.

Adept severely slices Earth with a sword.



Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
Day 8
Netflix Addicted and Skifby track down and kill Adept .

Night 8
Skifby taints Netflix Addicted 's food, killing him.

The winner is Skifby from District 5!


1. Skifby
2. Netflix Addicted
3. Adept
4. Earth
5. Pineapplemuffintrain
7. xMegaCoolx
8. TheBrownster904
9. CyanYellow
10. iPlayWithYou
11. Cynamooo
12. Cheez
13. Thefty
14. iConfueZ
15. MaestroCygni
16. Dotsy
17. hgbf
18. TheFastBowler
19. Ping Ether
20. ZigZag
21. xWaYAnGel
22. larswijn
23. Nikoshka
24. Gainfullterror
25. Relyca
26. Mr Lucario
27. SpinZepz
28. Dutchi
29. Codexprivate
30. Marieke2001
31. KintAura
32. zDutchie
33. Jeff Bllkth
34. DX2004
35. abfc2000
36. TBNRSexyDoritos
37. iJoris
38. Jordanzz
39. NedGaming
40. Armandy
41. Steyro
42. iSavageSardine
43. Unipotato
44. Da Steel Dragon
45. Fadedroses
46. Anmazing
47. xFirelion
48. KronosReeper

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happy birthday!
Wave Master7S wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
Thanks for the follow!
Amacchi wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy bday!!! 🎉
Zawuri wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy birthday!
Fjackp14_ wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy bday 🎂 🥳
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