Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
Mar 17, 2014
fabulous land
Day 6

Eclipse frolicks through a field of flowers. Eclipse read online that frolicking through flowers increases your life expectancy. She also discovered A Pill That Get Rid Of Stomach Fat That Doctors Hate.

Younisho and zDutchie fight POWER RANGER and RoboticToast. Younisho and zDutchie survive. It was a dance battle and Younisho and Dutchie had the S I C K E S T moves.

CyanYellow searches for firewood. He wants to be ready to roast some mothertruckers.

hgbf is pricked by thorns while picking berries. hgbf found out that the berries can and will seduce the booty if roasted on an open fire.

Night 7

hgbf attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. So it turns out that a damp ass cave isn't a very good place to start a fire and therefore hgbf was bootyless.

Eclipse receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Eclipse recieved one of the sickest burns I've seen in a while.

zDutchie questions her sanity. She was questioning where he learnt those sick moves

CyanYellow receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. CyanYellow also received a sick burn but it wasn't that bad so he didn't need water but he did trip and fall over and got a cut on his hand and it hurt :(

Younisho tries to sing himself to sleep. Unfortunately, Ahmad was screaming all day for comedy purposes and he lost his voice so he sounded like a dying goose.

Fallen Tributes

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

District 4 - Team X Factor

Disctrict 4 - Team X Factor

GG to @POWER_RANGER and @Hulk Hogan and good luck to all those still alive.
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