Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Mar 18, 2022
Bonjour CubeCrafters,

Lundi vers 17h UTC, notre mode de jeu Skyblock a connu un bug grave qui a corrompu les données de l’île pour toute personne rejoignant leur île depuis notre hall principal ou le hub Skyblock. Bien que nous l’ayons remarqué rapidement et que nous ayons réagi en conséquence, nous avons déterminé qu’une grande majorité des joueurs pourraient avoir été touchés. Pour cette raison, nous avons identifié les joueurs (environ 13000) qui ont rejoint pendant la période où nos serveurs avaient le bug, et nous avons malheureusement dû les empêcher de rejoindre Skyblock pendant les deux prochains jours pour un retour en arrière de 24 heures. Il s’agit de restaurer tous les générateurs et géniteurs qui ont été perdus.

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie ?

Nous sauvegardons régulièrement tout ce qui se trouve sur notre réseau spécifiquement pour des problèmes comme celui-ci. Pour les joueurs qui se sont joints pendant la période de présence du bug, nous avons décidé de restaurer leurs îles Skyblock à lundi à 11h UTC, ce qui signifie que toutes les modifications apportées aux îles, y compris la progression après cette heure, seront perdues.

Nous comprenons que cette solution puisse contrarier ceux qui viennent de commencer notre mode de jeu Skyblock, ou qui ont « grincé » pour gagner des pièces Skyblock; Cependant, c’est la meilleure solution dont nous disposons pour corriger les données corrompues et fonctionne pour le plus grand nombre de personnes. Nous sommes désolés si cela cause des inconvénients. Cela aidera à économiser des mois de progression perdue pour la plupart des utilisateurs. Ceci est SEULEMENT pour notre réseau Bedrock.

À la lumière du retour en arrière partiel, nous prévoyons d’activer un booster de générateur de minerai mondial qui durera 48 heures dans un proche avenir, pour aider les joueurs qui ont manqué leur progression à se remettre à niveau. 🎉

Nous espérons que vous comprenez et que vous passerez un bon reste de votre journée.
Cela fait une semaine que je ne peux pas aller sur le skyblock.


Mar 15, 2022
Bulgaria / UK
Half the people here don't even know what they're talking about

Is me not being able to login confirmation my lost spawners are being returned?
Did he stutter? Oh nvm, just read it again

i was affected by the bug but im still able to get onto my island?, even thought you said "we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days", why can i still join if im apparently not suposed to be able to
Your point?
Mar 15, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters,

On Monday at around 5pm UTC, our Skyblock game mode experienced a severe bug that corrupted island data for anyone joining their island from our main lobby or the Skyblock hub. Whilst we noticed this quickly and responded accordingly, we have determined that a large majority of players may have been impacted. Because of this, we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days for a 24-hour rollback. This is to restore all generators and spawners that were lost.

What does this mean?

We regularly back up everything on our network specifically for issues just like this. For the players that joined during the period of the bug being present, we've decided to roll back their Skyblock islands to Monday at 11am UTC, which means any changes made to islands, including progress after this time, will be lost.

We understand that this solution might upset those who have just started our Skyblock game mode, or have been 'grinding' to earn Skyblock coins; however, this is the best solution we have to fix corrupted data and works for the most amount of people. We're very sorry if this causes any inconvenience. This will help save months of lost progress for most users. This is ONLY for our Bedrock network.

In light of the partial rollback, we plan to activate a global ore generator booster which lasts for 48 hours in the near future, to help players that have missed progress get back up to speed. 🎉

We hope you understand and have a great rest of your day.
I don't mind if my world gets rolled back or deleted I just want to play It is the server game I play for real but I still can not join and I'm really sad to be honest. But I suppose the wait is worth it. I am just really curious as to how much longer It may be so I can stop checking every hour lol.

Did he stutter? Oh nvm, just read it again
That's not nice to say to someone but the answer is any progress u made 24 hrs before you couldn't login will be lost but they are working on trying to fix our islands we just need to have more patience. And I will apologize for the persons unhelpful reply even though I do not know them.some people like To reply with out thinking about how there comments might make others feel. I hope I helped answer question. I hope you Have a great day fellow cubecrafter.

I would message them and let them know or they have already rolled back your island 24 hrs. That's weird though I wish I could login. Lol I hope you have a great day fellow cubecrafter.
Your point?


Mar 16, 2022
if you don't mind me asking, what the honk is going on? I get these things to take time and that's fine but it's been 3 days and other than what's been said here I haven't seen or heard anything else- if it's possible could you give us a timeframe when it'll be done or anything? if not that's fine it's just mildly annoying,


Mar 18, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters,

On Monday at around 5pm UTC, our Skyblock game mode experienced a severe bug that corrupted island data for anyone joining their island from our main lobby or the Skyblock hub. Whilst we noticed this quickly and responded accordingly, we have determined that a large majority of players may have been impacted. Because of this, we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days for a 24-hour rollback. This is to restore all generators and spawners that were lost.

What does this mean?

We regularly back up everything on our network specifically for issues just like this. For the players that joined during the period of the bug being present, we've decided to roll back their Skyblock islands to Monday at 11am UTC, which means any changes made to islands, including progress after this time, will be lost.

We understand that this solution might upset those who have just started our Skyblock game mode, or have been 'grinding' to earn Skyblock coins; however, this is the best solution we have to fix corrupted data and works for the most amount of people. We're very sorry if this causes any inconvenience. This will help save months of lost progress for most users. This is ONLY for our Bedrock network.

In light of the partial rollback, we plan to activate a global ore generator booster which lasts for 48 hours in the near future, to help players that have missed progress get back up to speed. 🎉

We hope you understand and have a great rest of your day.
Aww that’s why I haven’t been able to for le past 3-4 days ok thank you CubeCraft uhh creators I guess is what I’ll say

Yes - if you are unable to join Skyblock, you are on the list for being rolled back.
Okay thanks 👍
Mar 15, 2022
Okay so that means we're in a que sort of deal? Alright that would make sense thank you so much for your response I truly appreciate your help. I hope you have a great day my fellow cubcrafter
Mar 19, 2022
its been a business week *Monday-friday* me and my buddys world *its his co-op* has been corrupted and weve been waiting forever *if you wanna check the username is Guy534

its been a business week *Monday-friday* me and my buddys world *its his co-op* has been corrupted and weve been waiting forever *if you wanna check the username is Guy534
would be nice to get an isle repair
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Mar 19, 2022
Hey I am new here. And also on the skyblock world. Me and my friends started a coop world with each other and it's going well. But the server is almost down for a week. I have checked every day so far and it's still not fixed. This is very annoying for me and my friends. Can you give us (and everybody whos is still waiting) a date or a time frame when it's getting fixed?
Have a good day 👋🏻


Mar 19, 2022
Guys we need an update. It has been more then a “couple of days” . Five to be exact. It is poor public relations to leave us in the dark. As a customer please offer a status update and or time frame. Like others I would just like to play again.


Mar 19, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters,

On Monday at around 5pm UTC, our Skyblock game mode experienced a severe bug that corrupted island data for anyone joining their island from our main lobby or the Skyblock hub. Whilst we noticed this quickly and responded accordingly, we have determined that a large majority of players may have been impacted. Because of this, we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days for a 24-hour rollback. This is to restore all generators and spawners that were lost.

What does this mean?

We regularly back up everything on our network specifically for issues just like this. For the players that joined during the period of the bug being present, we've decided to roll back their Skyblock islands to Monday at 11am UTC, which means any changes made to islands, including progress after this time, will be lost.

We understand that this solution might upset those who have just started our Skyblock game mode, or have been 'grinding' to earn Skyblock coins; however, this is the best solution we have to fix corrupted data and works for the most amount of people. We're very sorry if this causes any inconvenience. This will help save months of lost progress for most users. This is ONLY for our Bedrock network.

In light of the partial rollback, we plan to activate a global ore generator booster which lasts for 48 hours in the near future, to help players that have missed progress get back up to speed. 🎉

We hope you understand and have a great rest of your day.
Hello CubeCrafters,

On Monday at around 5pm UTC, our Skyblock game mode experienced a severe bug that corrupted island data for anyone joining their island from our main lobby or the Skyblock hub. Whilst we noticed this quickly and responded accordingly, we have determined that a large majority of players may have been impacted. Because of this, we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days for a 24-hour rollback. This is to restore all generators and spawners that were lost.

What does this mean?

We regularly back up everything on our network specifically for issues just like this. For the players that joined during the period of the bug being present, we've decided to roll back their Skyblock islands to Monday at 11am UTC, which means any changes made to islands, including progress after this time, will be lost.

We understand that this solution might upset those who have just started our Skyblock game mode, or have been 'grinding' to earn Skyblock coins; however, this is the best solution we have to fix corrupted data and works for the most amount of people. We're very sorry if this causes any inconvenience. This will help save months of lost progress for most users. This is ONLY for our Bedrock network.

In light of the partial rollback, we plan to activate a global ore generator booster which lasts for 48 hours in the near future, to help players that have missed progress get back up to speed. 🎉

We hope you understand and have a great rest of your day.
Any news on this I keep getting NAbungeecord30-g790d every time I try and join skyblock it would be nice to have a time frame since there hasn’t been anything said about skyblock since this happened its been almost a full week and its kinda irritating having to check if its fixed yet every day I understand there is alot of work that goes into fixing these issues but come on guys at least give us a date we can expect to be able to play again


Mar 17, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters,

On Monday at around 5pm UTC, our Skyblock game mode experienced a severe bug that corrupted island data for anyone joining their island from our main lobby or the Skyblock hub. Whilst we noticed this quickly and responded accordingly, we have determined that a large majority of players may have been impacted. Because of this, we have identified the players (around 13000) that joined during the period our servers had the bug, and we have sadly needed to prevent them from joining Skyblock for the next couple of days for a 24-hour rollback. This is to restore all generators and spawners that were lost.

What does this mean?

We regularly back up everything on our network specifically for issues just like this. For the players that joined during the period of the bug being present, we've decided to roll back their Skyblock islands to Monday at 11am UTC, which means any changes made to islands, including progress after this time, will be lost.

We understand that this solution might upset those who have just started our Skyblock game mode, or have been 'grinding' to earn Skyblock coins; however, this is the best solution we have to fix corrupted data and works for the most amount of people. We're very sorry if this causes any inconvenience. This will help save months of lost progress for most users. This is ONLY for our Bedrock network.

In light of the partial rollback, we plan to activate a global ore generator booster which lasts for 48 hours in the near future, to help players that have missed progress get back up to speed. 🎉

We hope you understand and have a great rest of your day.
Mate no offence but do you actually know what is going on due to your inability to give us an further information it’s been down a week I think considering a high amount of players have put money into this game mode we deserve a explanation
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Mate no offence but do you actually know what is going on due to your inability to give us an further information it’s been down a week I think considering a high amount of players have put money into this game mode we deserve a explanation
We will give an update when we're able to. Unfortunately, you'll appreciate we can't give an exact timeframe of when the rollback will be complete because we don't want to set any expectations at this point, but we are definitely still working on it and is currently one of our highest priorities to get it back out.


Mar 17, 2022
We will give an update when we're able to. Unfortunately, you'll appreciate we can't give an exact timeframe of when the rollback will be complete because we don't want to set any expectations at this point, but we are definitely still working on it and is currently one of our highest priorities to get it back out.
That’s not good enough Ben you as a developer must know what is going on I’m not asking for a update on when it will be back up and running I’m asking that rathe than not allowing us to know what is going on actually inform us what is happening and what you are actually doing to resolve this matter as soon as possible because at the moment all we know is there was a bug that messed up the generators now fortunately I was online up until the minute it got diss connected and did not experience such bug as most other plays could probably tell you they didn’t either so a explanation to why 13000 people can’t access there sky block other than a bug and we shut it down would be nice
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