Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Aug 18, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username?
Oh God... this question. Prepare for cringe: SunnyPieVicky
I don't have an exact reason for this name to be honest... except that the Vicky part is my real name ;D
What was your FIRST skin?
This took me way too long to find xD
I had an obsession with frogs back then for some reason (didn't realise how cringy I really was... I apologise in advance)
How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?
I discovered Minecraft way before I actually started playing it. I think the first time I found it was when my dad had downloaded it onto the family computer back in 2012? My sisters played it a lot but I wasn't too keen so I just went back to hiding in my room playing pokemon on my DS :)
I started actually playing in 2014 after I went round to a friend's house a couple of times to find the game was actually good! I remember playing on her sister's account and the LAN worlds she had set up to look at all her amazing builds! Back then, I thought Minecraft was just about building in a massive sandbox world and I had no idea you could actually play with rands on the other side of the world. A month after getting addicted to this game and going round my friend's house pretty much every day to use her computer, I was able to convince my dad to buy me my own account xD
How and when did you discover Cube and what's your best memory so far?
I discovered Cube not long after I got my account (a week maybe?) as I quickly got curious to find if there was anything else I could do in this game. I asked my friend and she mentioned multiplayer servers. I was immediately interested. That's when she introduced me to Cube (my first ever Minecraft server) and all the amazing games and people there were. I was automatically addicted xD
I played SG probably more than I should've and messed up my stats pretty bad with how noob I was (still am, not gonna lie). But I didn't really care about how terrible I was, I just loved how fun the game was!
The memories I've shared on this server have been amazing but my favourite would have to be meeting all the amazing people :3 (and also this one time where my friend was testing out the bomber kit in Skywars and, being the show off he is, telling me to stand back cuz he was making a trap and didn't want me to blow up and then lighting it and blowing himself and the whole island up! :D good times) And also desert and candy ily


Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
What was your ORIGINAL username?
_Monkey_10, because my friend's name was _Monkey_9 and his friend _Monkey_8 and so on. We were one big Monkey family :D

What was your FIRST skin?
Well, to be honest... I forgot, but I believe it was a monkey with a suit :p

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you started playing?
I started playing on 1/12/14, but before that I played on a cracky version called Keinett Launcher or something like that, and the only server you could play on was Minecraft Zocker. I already knew Cube existed than, but I couldn't play on it since my Minecraft was yeah, a patch or something. I discovered Minecraft because my friend, one of the other monkey's, his friend that wasn't a monkey found minecraft and downloaded Keinett, after all these years I still don't know how he got that version...

How and when did you discover Cube and what's your best memory so far?
I was searching for a good server to play on, probably like everyone, but since Keinett didn't allow me to play on Cube, I had to wait until I got the real version of MC. After that I inmidiantly started playing on Cube, back in the good old days when SkyBlock, UHC and Parkour were still a thing ;)
I never left Cube because I was so obsessed of all the amazing games they had. One year later I joined the forums, but I became active 6 months ago. My best memories are the times that I've spent with my friends. But I hope more awesome thing will happen in the future and I hope I can meet more new friends :D
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Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username?
IceScreams (cuz ya know... ice cream... yea... long story)

What was your FIRST skin?

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?
I didn't really wanted to get Minecraft at first, but I have a kid brother who really wanted it so one thing led to another. The current account I play on wasn't my main, but since I've spent a good amount of time playing in this account (more than my main actually), I decided to make this my main account :P

My first account I got back in

And the second in

I didn't really play Minecraft till the end of the spring of 2016.

How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far?

When you live with a kid brother who spends a lot of time playing Minecraft on your accounts, you're bound to find a whole list of servers already there. I, like many before me, started Cubecraft with Egg Wars. Then it became pretty apparent I was a total noob. I was afraid of PvPing, building, and moving of my island. So I wasted a good amount of time setting a record of buying steak while my team mates died around me. So I moved on to Tower Defense. I spent a lot of time figuring out the game and spending hours trying to win (cause I'm a tryhard). During this time I would alternate between Egg Wars, Tower Defense, and Block Wars. It was only when I found the 1.8 Section of FFA (August of 2016) when I became a full on Cubecrafter. There's a lot of things between now and when I started FFA, but not something I want to spend a lot of time typing.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username? Ricardo_Gzz_19
What was your FIRST skin? http://www.minecraft-skin-viewer.ne...00&head_only=0&display_hairs=1&antialiasing=1
How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing? Since 2011, but I bought my account in 2015. I discovered minecraft because of a friend.
How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far? I discovered Cubecraft in YouTube and my best memory was when I won my first game, I can still remember my crazy reaction <3


Forum Expert
Nov 14, 2013
Original Username:
SevereWarning (After Severe Thunderstorm Warning, not giving people severe warnings)

Original skin:
Well sheesh, if only my sister didn't delete the video. I made a video in 2013 of me building my own skin. Basically is was a guy with blonde hair and a suit... something like this: http://m.imgur.com/k9dZC3k

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?:
Well, I discovered it in December 2012 after my parents got a family iPad. Me, being a classy sassy no good spoiled kid, begged my mom to get Pocket Edition on the iPad after I viewed other people playing the game on YouTube. About 5-6 months later, I noticed that Minecraft had a computer edition! This was a few weeks after my family got a laptop (changing from a nice old Windows XP device) Again, I asked my parents (hell if they knew I'd have an addiction to the game for 2 years and ruining my social and education life I bet they would've grounded me) for the computer edition, for the sole reason of me wanting to build rollercoasters. So roughly 2 weeks after my birthday I got the game, and with me being a fan of SkyDoesMinecraft at the time, created my first rollercoaster the very night of the purchase of the game. The Budder Coaster. *cringe* _shivers_

How did you discover the torture chamber of CubeCraft and what was your best memory?:
Now a couple weeks after I got Minecraft, I played on a server a friend from my church ran. This server was called Triantis. I played on it for a couple months.. all my early Minecraft memories lay there. Fast forward to September 2013. I was finding parkour servers to play after watching a few of the Team Crafted parkour videos. At the time, parkour was the hot thing in Minecraft and everyone wanted to play it. After searching around for a bit, I found the same link Drew shared with us... the link to the MinecraftServers page Luke (Morfilling) posted. I joined the server and the immediate gammode I went to was... you guessed parkour right? Nah, I went to KitPVP and saw an admin abusing his powers. (okay not really but he was flying and throwing potions of harming at players on the sand island of the OG kitpvp lobby -- Lukey_Dude I'm looking at you)

Now for the memory? I'll have you guys take a look at this to sum it all down:
And if you want to see other people's stories from around early 2014...
And uh... my builder application from 2014 that a lot of people (25 people) liked.

I'm still cringing from tagging all my posts with ~Consider, Severe~.. I guess it was just a time where I was trying to act all formal.

Anyways that's all I have to say, thanks guys!
~Consider, Severe~
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Dedicated Member
May 12, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username? Well, this is embarrassing, this was a while ago, it was: Captaindiamonds9

What was your FIRST skin? I'm not quite sure TBH, but I think it was this one: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10088298/diamond-king-l/ cringe .-.

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing? Well, I had this friend who played these "Minecraft games". So one day I decided to join them and we played using our imaginations whilst my friend was narrating what I did. I saw that all my friends got the game and was like why don't I give it a try. I asked dad "got 30 bucks I can have"?"Yea, but you will have to work" he said. So I worked and got it... This is the sad part. So at the time we did not have internet and did not really know that it even existed, so down to mcdonalds we went. To go and use their 10/10 internet! We arrived their with my sisters Mac book pro. Dude this is so sad. So I at the time I was a top notch gamer (JOKES), so I decided to download the Windows version and not the Mac version. Witch broke the computer .-.. It was the 25 August, 2013 when I got Minecraft. So for a while I was a real noob and did not know what "multiplayer even was". Until my friend gave me a hand on what server to play on, I eventually found my way to you guys in about 2015 ish. And had a great time so far... That's it for my story thx Cheez :D

How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far?
I can't really say, the amount of laughs and smiles you guys have given me is priceless and never ending. As Cheez said about the live streams. @Mac brought me happiness though his streams, with his great Skywars stats and fails. And meeting all of you!:D @Buuuddy really helped me and made me smile a lot, I remember him the most because he was my first Cubecraft forum guide :D

Thanks Cheez you God :rolleyes:
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SpinZepz said: Captaindiamonds9
I r8 8/8
Don't worry my first username was way worse it was SHBRobocop, still to this day I'm cringing at that name.
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Forum Expert
Jul 26, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username? TheFastBowler
What was your FIRST skin? A steve skin :P
It's been the same skin that it is today.
How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing? I discovered Minecraft through a YouTuber you may all be familiar with called stampylonghead (this was ages ago :P). I really got interested in it and eventually, a few years later only it was that I bought an account, on Minecraft PC, on January 10th, 2016. (Yes, you can call me a noob if you like, I'm only a year old on MC! ;) )However, I have had prior experience by playing on my friends account and also playing Console Minecraft in the early days on my Minecrafting career.
How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far? I discovered Cube through Vikkstar123 through a YouTube video of him playing Egg Wars. I absolutely loved the gameplay and eventually started watching more and more videos about it, mostly by BajanCanadian. Around April/May of 2016, I finally decided I was going to play on Cube myself. It's been a blast ever since and I've loved every moment of it.
I have loads of amazing memories, so I'd list a few.
1. Meeting HackersDontWin in Egg Wars lobby 1 in July of 2016. He was singing 'Let it Go' in all caps. :P
2. Playing an UnderDaSea game with Dreym, Prince3Lawi, and Mystical_Ice in hardcore. It was probably the best game of egg wars I've ever played. We started off the game with Dreym and I in one team, just rushing Lawi's team. We just ran in without armour or anything, eventually after about 30 minutes of suicide killing, Mystical_Ice managed to break Lawi's egg, and we killed that team. What was even more surprising, we were pretty much naked throughout the game. There was only 1 team left after that, all 3 in full iron. Dreym tried to collect diamonds, Ice and me just ran in, knocked off the last team in full iron, with lots of work, broke the egg, and then fists of glory to finish the game. It's hard to believe that we won that, it was the best game I've ever played. It doesn't sound as great as the game really was, you'd have to be a part of it to get the real feel. ;)
3. Meeting and getting to know so many friends on Cube. Zrathex, LarsWijn, xx_360noscope101, Orangeric, Nikoshka, ThatGrimCreeper and all the amazing people.


Dedicated Member
May 9, 2016
Maple Syrup Land
What was your ORIGINAL username? no_name99 (got new account because couldnt access it so i named it EclipseFTW7 which is now EclipticEffect)
What was your FIRST skin? oh jezz umm i dont remember except for the newer account which was a custom Jeff The Killer Skin with the youtube play button on the back
How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing? well i went to a friends house to hang with them when i was 10 i saw him playing minecraft in like 1.3 or something like that and i was like "ima get that now it seems fun" and i got addicted to it
How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far? my bro BlackDeath showed me the server almost a year ago and i fell in love with the server right away. my best memory was meeting the staff and connecting with the players on TS and being apart of the community and helping the players and feeling good about it after i do


Forum Expert
Jul 7, 2016
What was your ORIGINAL username?
It was not a random name, this name "has" a story ( :p) and somehow is related to my profile picture.
Brilliant minds, I want to see if you can guessssss.

What was your FIRST skin?
Well, as everyone here (or half of the people) it was a Steve or Alex skin (Alex in my case :/). But if we talk about an edited or created skin, then it's this one: (made by me)

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?
I discovered Minecraft when my best friend played it in 2011, the first time I saw it, it seems so funny for me because the moon and the sun were squares xD and I have to admit it: I didn't like Minecraft. Why? I don't know, maybe the blocks and view (I was so wrong), even though I wanted to play it at the same time.

I started playing Minecraft in 2014 if I am right, but it was not Minecraft for PC, it was Minecraft Pocket Edition, I downloaded and started playing, I have to admit something else: I was completely noob, I didn't even know how to craft sticks. It was 0.8 or 0.6 version. Skeletons and zombies kept killing me, then I "made" an underground house making holes to see the light (although it was night xD) and... bad decision: a skeleton killed me.
I closed MCPE, uninstalled and I didn't play it again until 2015. In this year, the game was updated and it was easier for me to play. I learnt more things, made my oficial first world (which is still saved in my SD Card) and... the end!
July, 2015
I started to play MC on my laptop when it was bought (a gift from my mother <3), by this time, I hadn't bought a Premium account for what I played Minecraft on a "cracked launcher", then I played on survival worlds and on No premium servers and it was here where I learnt much about hacks and skills (I became in a very good player in 1.8, it just took less than a month :p)
P.S.: I used to play CTF, DTM, DTC and TD (Team Deathmatch) on one of those servers, that is why I love BlockWars.

How and when did you discover Cube and what’s your best memory so far?

I discovered Cubecraft watching YouTube videos and this server seemed (and it still is) one of the best with unique and funny game modes. I bought a Premium account, January 12, 2016 and guess what: Cubecraft was the first server I added in my server list and then I joined it! And also, Blockwars inmediately became in my favourite game mode, you know why ;)

My best memory was when I used to play alone (I always was alone and I liked it for some reason :p) for at least 6 or 5 months until I met @ThreeaSan and it changed everything, she "adopted" me in her group and we started to play together. We were like a squad because we were like 5 people and... it was great! I met many people during this time and some of them are San currently (A "family" for me). ;)


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2015
Username: abfc2000
Skin: I have never changed it ^_^
Origin: I have a friend that played Minecraft pocket edition 3 years ago. I wasn't very interested by then, but I gave it a shot and started building different things, such as underground caves, and floating houses with flowers on it. I just loved it. A year later, I downloaded it on PC.
CubeCraft origin: I knew almost nothing about servers. Just played on a few ones that I searched for in the internet. I knew about CubeCraft, but I thought that it was closed because of something I don't remember right now. But one of my friends introduced me to it and I started playing SkyWars. It was enjoyable, so that's how I kept playing on CubeCraft until now, 2 years later :)


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
What was your ORIGINAL minecraft username?
I do not plan on changing it anytime soon :P

What was your FIRST skin?
Because i was one of those noob people who though being herobrine was cool xD

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?
I went to play with my friends in 2011 ish.
They were playing Minecraft on an Xbox360.
I thought that it was a violent game, because i saw them playing it when it was nightime in the game, and they were killing innocent cows :/
Yeah i learned it wasnt so bad after all :)

I first played it at my friends house, not knowing what to do at all xD

How and when did you discover Cube and what's your best memory so far?
I discovered CubeCraft by watching the BajanCanadian's vids, he sadly does not play eggwars anymore :(
My best memory was probably meeting my best friend SweatyGamerYT. His name is now Sweaty_GG.
We have been friends on the server for about 5 months now, playing with eachother almost everyday.


Forum Expert
Aug 28, 2016
Doofenshmirtzz Evil Inc.
What was your ORIGINAL minecraft username?
PerryJ. It´s a fine name and I would never change that name!

What was your FIRST skin?
It´s Diciple of D´Sparil. A monster character from the game Heretic (1994)

How did you discover Minecraft and when did you start playing?
A couple of friends from another forum years ago were playing Minecraft and I was really interested in it so I bought an account.

I'm feeling old looking at that.

How and when did you discover Cube and what's your best memory so far?
It was April 2016 when I played Cubecraft for the first time and it felt like I finally found the perfect server. My brother showed me Cubecraft. I don't have a particular memory yet but I like to make lots of memories with friends in the future.

That's about it.

Have a great day,


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
My original minecraft username was also komododragon2002 (I changed it for a short period to DragonInsanity... and I changed it also back)
I have always had the mlg boba fett skin!
I have been playing minecraft since 16 november 2013... Every classmate was already playing it... One of them invited me for a (cringe) minecraft party, the whole night. So during the party i bought minecraft. None of them is playing it anymore, except me (:
At the party we played on their own server. However, everyone killed eachother, so it became a total mess, untill one of them told us about cubecraft. (!)
I can't come up with any 'best' memory, i mean, i played a lot of games with many of you, and many people come and go!
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Fionn thx for including me in your PFP! I

ehmmmm…I don’t know how to team in a 1v1 game…
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Thanks for the follow :)
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