Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Hey fellow CubeCrafters! So, I once again had a silly idea and I'd love to share it with you all.
I'm sure everyone knows that on the Bedrock network, there are these things called prefixes which are fun titles that show up in front of your username in chat. An example would be "[Dreamcatcher] HoshiCCG: Hey!". These titles come in all sorts of colours and are unlocked through various means such as finishing a lobby parkour, or by purchasing ranks or bundles.
Now, I feel that we're missing this genuine profile customization on Java. That's why I'd like to suggest Java suffixes. Why a suffix? Well, a prefix shows in front of the player's name, but considering Java uses Stone/Iron/Diamond/Obsidian prefixes already in chat and in the lobbies, it would be hard to combine these. These suffixes would only show above the player's head in the lobby, thus not clogging up the chat.
The suffixes would be obtainable in similar ways. I have made a few example suffixes to show how they would look on players as well as examples on how to unlock them. I'm sure the team can think of a lot of other creative ways to potentially obtain more. Yes, hi @AnolTongi.
Now, why should they be added you might ask. I think the Java network could benefit from some focus on customizability and player progression. These type of updates would go hand in hand as, for instance, some suffixes could be obtained from a new levelling or achievement system. The suffixes would also help increase the marketability of the available subscription ranks as exclusivity is always appreciated. There's a lot of possibilities and it is up to Team CubeCraft whether or not they'd like to open those windows!
Thanks for hearing me out, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks of this suggestion.
- A wild Hoshi