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The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
tcct edition 31.jpg

šŸŽ“ Setting High Bars

Tomorrow the exams in the Netherlands will start. I donā€™t really know how that is in your country but I do know that the bars are set high. I wish you all the best and I hope you have a short time to read our wonderful (a bit smaller than a normal) edition!

šŸ° Spring winners

Throughout the month of April there were 4 creative competitions. The winners got announced this week! Congrats to @Meiske @petrolinalo and @Simply for getting the first place. Yes you heard it right. There are only 3 winners in 4 competitions, but how? Well @Meiske won 2 competition. Sheā€™s not only an amazing skin artist, she can also draw wonderful drawings. At the bottom of this article you can look at what the winners have made. They have won a rank upgrade. But not only the number 1 winners won prizes. There is a top 3 in every competition, so if you havenā€™t read the thread yet. is a link to the thread.

Article by: @colinverp

šŸŽ„ CubeCraft Clips!

In the 10th of May, R0wan posted a new thread called ā€˜Submit your clip to feature on CubeCraftā€™s socials!ā€™. Now, you are able to submit your clips for a possible post on CubeCraft their social media: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Twitter. Each month a new theme will get announced, for instance funny kills & epic fails. Keep in mind there are some rules, which you need to take a look to before submitting your clips. For more information, take a look at this thread.

Article by: @ShinyArrow

šŸ–Š Among Names

A few days ago @FleurSchx made a thread about a problem that she and @Quis had. You canā€™t report a player when they leave a game since you canā€™t see their username. Within this week CubeCraft fixed this, so you can see the name of the person leaving in the leave message. This is very helpful for reporting players who just randomly press the emergency button to troll, and then leave. Overall a very useful and simple addition.

Article by: @colinverp

šŸŒŸ Top 3 Threads

šŸ„‡ New team Sizes - by @Dualninja

@Dualninja has a very good idea for the Bedrock players among us! He suggests to add SkyWars games with 3 or even more players to Bedrock, just like it is on Java. See it yourself!

šŸ„ˆ Eggwars Generators - by @Adxm

@Adxm suggests to put a cooldown on autogenerated messages in EggWars. This is because it could be very annoying when you are in a fight with someone and you keep getting the message that you can not hit the generator with your sword. What he exactly means? Check it out yourself!

šŸ„‰ Dr. Manhattan Watchmen - by @Chango

In this thread @Chango shows of a skin he made. If you ask me it is gorgeous! Check it yourself and leave your opinion.

Article by: @xEefster

ā“ Interview With RubenMLL

Another week, another birthday! Congrats @RubenMLL, another year older. Oh wait, you reader doesnā€™t know him? Let me introduce you to him quick!!
We as The CubeCraft Times have a lot of banners in our editions. We have pictures on other social medias and sometimes we have little photos in our newspapers. @RubenMLL is one of our 2 designers. He helps making and improving them as much as he can!
Just like other people everyone got their own story how they got into TCCT. Some people just apply (which you should definitely do!) and others, like @RubenMLL, get selected. How? We did a logo contest in which he participated. After the competition we definitely saw a hidden talent in him, and we reached out to him to help us. ā€œThe day after finishing the contest I woke up with the fact that I have been selected to be a TCCT designer, which shocked at the same time as happy for that achievement.ā€ - @RubenMLL.
If you ask him, @RubenMLL will tell you that our community exist out one of the kindest and funniest people he has ever met! And so is @RubenMLL, he is a very kind and open person and always wants to help his partners and people in general!
Last but not least, he wants to add something really important! ā€œYou wonā€™t regret reading it. And to the people who want to join the team, you wonā€™t regret that either because they are a magnificent staff team!ā€ - @RubenMLL.

Article by: @xEefster

šŸ“œ Suggestion Game Time!

The good old times. The gorgeous memories. The awesome feelings. We want that back, right?! And so does @Blom_Follom. He made a suggestion about bringing up some nice old gamemodes. It is kind of similar with the new boss game of Mineware, but it does have some nice extra things. You should check it out here!
Another nice suggestion that has been made this week is the one from @Adxm. We all know the floor is lava trend and to be honest, I think that this is a perfect copy from it! But then with lava! It is a new minigame in which the lava level keeps increasing. See it yourself here!
The last suggestion I want to show you is from @Velocidad. I know quite a lot of our readers are a very high level on CubeCraft, not only because I know you are a pro, but also because I have high hopes in you. Wouldnā€™t it be nice if you got rewards for all the levels you get up? Well, I definitely think it would make people loving levelling up even more! For more details, follow the link!
Note: Of course there are many other nice suggestions! You should check those out too.

Article by: @xEefster

šŸ Slime Survival Part 6

I quickly counted the number of slimes that were approaching me from all directions. Seven - almost double the amount I had faced last time. There was nowhere for me to go. I backed up towards a cliff face as the slimes stalked towards me. I reached for the Frost Sword and waved it towards them in a warning, even though I knew I was heavily outnumbered. Some of the slimes hesitated, but the one closest to me did not.
The slime charged at me, and I realised at the last second that it wasn't going for me, it was going for the sword. I pulled it back and the slime's momentum caused it to fall to the ground, so I quickly plunged the Frost Sword deep into its back. The explosion of ice made the other slimes scatter, but I knew I wouldn't be safe for long. I ran from the corner I had been trapped in and sprinted in the direction of the village. All the doors of the houses were shut and locked; this time hiding inside one of them wasnā€™t a possibility. I heard footsteps in the sand behind me, and looked back to see that two of the slimes had spotted me again. I turned back to find out that I had reached a dead end. There was a solid stone wall in front of me, and a house to either side of me.
Thinking fast, I made an attempt to climb up the side of one of the houses. I pulled myself on to the roof just in time, but I realised with horror that the slimes were able to climb up as well. I looked around frantically for an escape route, but the only possibility I could see was to jump to the roof of another house. It was very far away, and if I didnā€™t make it, it would definitely be over for me. But I didnā€™t have any other choice. I backed up as far as I was willing to go on the rooftop, and just as the two slimes pulled themselves up, I jumped.

Article by:@FadedLeaves

šŸ“œ Staff Changes

Last week 2 helpers got promoted to moderator. Congrats to @Maaarijn and @Deann. Also, @Elizab got promoted to Business Operations (Admin). Sadly we needed to say goodbye to 3 staff members. @Borgnath stopped as a translator. @IlluzionzDev stopped as a developer and @Nammed stopped as a skin artist. We will miss you and thanks for all your work! šŸ’—

Note: We are sorry for the small amount of translations. Our team has been really inactive due to exams. If you have any exam, I wish you the best!

šŸŽ“ Setting High Bars

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸ° Spring winners

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸŽ„ CubeCraft Klipp!

Den 10:e maj sĆ„ la R0wan upp en ny trĆ„d vid namn ā€˜Submit your clip to feature on CubeCraftā€™s socials!ā€™. Nu kan du skicka in klipp fƶr att mƶjligtvis fĆ„ vara med pĆ„ CubeCrafts sociala medie: YouTube, TikTok, Instragram & Twitter. Varje mĆ„nad sĆ„ kommer ett nytt tema att tillkƤnnages, till exempel roliga dƶdsfall & episka fails. Kom ihĆ„g att det finns nĆ„gra regler som du mĆ„ste lƤsa igenom innan du skickar in ett klipp. Fƶr mer information, ta en titt pĆ„ this trĆ„den.

Artikel av: @ShinyArrow
Ɩversatt av: @Kazwa

šŸ–Š Among Names

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸŒŸ Top 3 Threads

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

ā“ Interview With RubenMLL

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸ“œ Suggestion Game Time!

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸ Slime Survival Del 6

Jag rƤknade snabbt hur mƄnga slimes som nƤrmade sig mig frƄn alla hƄll. Sju - nƤstan dubbelt sƄ mƄnga som jag mƶtte fƶrra gƄngen. Det fanns inget hƄll fƶr mig att gƄ. Jag backade upp mot en klippa medan slimsen gick emot mig. Jag tog fram Frost SvƤrdet och viftade det mot dem som en varning, Ƥven fast jag visste att de va kraftigt mƄnga fler. NƄgra av slimsen tvekade, men den nƤrmast mig gjorde inte det. Slimen laddade upp mot mig, och jag insƄg i sista sekund att den inte var pƄvƤg mot mig, den var pƄvƤg mot svƤrdet. Jag drog tillbaka det och slimens momentum gjorde att den fƶll ned mot marken, sƄ jag tog Frost SvƤrdet och stack det snabbt in i dess rygg. Explosionen av is gjorde sƄ att de andra slimsen spreds ut, men jag visste att det inte skulle vara sƤkert lƤnge till. Jag sprang frƄn hƶrnet jag va fƄngad i och sprintade i riktning mot byn. Alla husdƶrrar var stƤngda och lƄsta; denna gƄng var det inte mƶjligt att gƶmma sig inne i en av dem. Jag hƶrde fotsteg i sanden bakom mig, och kollade bak fƶr att se tvƄ av slimsen hade fƄtt syn pƄ mig igen. Jag vƤnde mig om fƶr att se att jag nƄtt en ƄtervƤndsgrƤnd. Det var en fast sten vƤgg framfƶr mig, och ett hus pƄ bƄda sidor om mig.
Jag tƤnkte snabbt, och gjorde ett fƶrsƶk att klƤttra upp pƄ sidorna av en av husen. Jag drog upp mig sjƤlv pƄ taket precis i tid, men jag insƄg med skrƤck att slimsen ocksƄ var pƄ vƤg upp. Jag kollade frenetiskt omkring mig fƶr ett sƤtt att fly, men den enda mƶjlighet jag kunde se var att hoppa upp pƄ taket av ett annat hus. Det var vƤldigt lƄngt ifrƄn, och om jag inte lyckades, skulle det definitivt vara ƶver fƶr mig. Men jag hade inget annat val. Jag backade upp sƄ lƄngt jag kunde pƄ taket, och precis nƤr de tvƄ slimsen drog sig upp, hoppade jag.

Artikel av:@FadedLeaves
Ɩversatt av:@Kazwa

šŸ“œ Staff Changes

TyvƤrr, den hƤr artikeln Ƥr inte tillgƤnglig.

šŸŽ“ Setting High Bars

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸ° Spring winners

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸŽ„ CubeCraft Klipleri!

10 Mayıs'ta R0wan 'CubeCraft Sosyal Medyalarına Kliplerinizi Sunun!' isimli bir gƶnderi paylaştı. Artık CubeCraft'ın sosyal medyalarında (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram ve Twitter) paylaşılma şansı iƧin kliplerinizi sunabilirsiniz. Her ay yeni bir tema duyurulacak, mesela komik ƶldĆ¼rmeler ve harika başarısızlıklar. Kliplerinizi sunmadan ƶnce birkaƧ kural olduğunu aklınızda tutun ve ƶnceden gƶz atın. Daha fazla bilgi iƧin bu paylaşımı okuyabilirsiniz.

@ShinyArrow tarafından yazıldı
Ƈevirmen: @Roxlad

šŸ–Š Among Names

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸŒŸ Top 3 Threads

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

ā“ Interview With RubenMLL

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸ“œ Suggestion Game Time!

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸ Slime Survival Part 6

Her yƶnden Ć¼stĆ¼me doğru gelen balƧıkları hızlıca saydım. Yedi - son seferin neredeyse iki katı. Gidecek bir yerim yoktu. BalƧıklar Ć¼zerime gelirken arkama uƧurumu aldım. Donmuş KılıƧ'a ulaştım ve uyarı amacıyla onlara doğru salladım, sayıları benden Ƨok daha fazla olduklarını bilmeme rağmen. Bazı balƧıklar tereddĆ¼t ettiler, ama bana en yakın olan etmedi.
BalƧık Ć¼zerime atıldı, ve son saniyede bana değil kılıca geldiğini farkettim. Geri Ƨektim ve balĆ§Ä±ÄŸÄ±n momentumu yere dĆ¼ÅŸmesine sebep oldu, ben de Donmuş KılıƧ'ı hızlıca arkasına sapladım. Buzun patlamasıyla diğer balƧıklar dağıldırlar ama uzun bir sĆ¼re gĆ¼vende olmayacağımı biliyordum. Tuzağa dĆ¼ÅŸtĆ¼ÄŸĆ¼m kĆ¶ÅŸeden koştum ve kƶyĆ¼n olduğu tarafa yƶneldim. TĆ¼m evlerin kapıları kapalı ve kilitliydi; bu kez iƧlerinden birinde saklanmak gibi bir ihtimal yoktu. Arkamdaki kumdan ayak sesleri duydum ve balƧıklardan ikisinin beni tekrardan farkettiğini gƶrdĆ¼m. Arkama dƶndĆ¼ÄŸĆ¼mde Ƨıkmaza geldiğimi farkettim. ƖnĆ¼mde taştan bir duvar ve diğer taraflarımda da evler vardı.
Hızlıca dĆ¼ÅŸĆ¼nĆ¼p evlerden birine tırmanmayı denedim. Kendimi Ƨatıya tam zamanında Ƨekmiştim ama balƧıkların da tırmanabildiklerini dehşetle farkettim. Bir kaĆ§Ä±ÅŸ yolu iƧin Ƨılgınca etrafıma bakındım, ama gƶrebildiğim tek şans başka bir evin Ƨatısına zıplamaktı. Ƈok uzaktaydı ve eğer yapamazsam işim kesinlikle biterdi. Ama başka bir Ƨarem yoktu. Gidebildiğim kadar geri Ƨekildim ve balƧıklar kendilerini yukarı Ƨektikleri anda zıpladım.

@FadedLeaves tarafından yazıldı
Ƈevirmen: @Roxlad

šŸ“œ Staff Changes

ƜzgĆ¼nĆ¼z, bu makale mevcut değil.

šŸ’¼ TCCT Applications

TCCT is searching for staff! Do you think CubeCraft having their own newspaper is incredible and do you want to contribute? Below are the options, click on the headings to apply!

šŸ–‹ Publisher

As an editor you combine all the articles into the newspaper. You also add the translations with spoilers. Make sure you know how BB codes work before you apply. This job does take quite a lot time each week!

šŸ§Š Reporter

A reporter writes articles for the newspaper. They also actively search for content to write about across the Network. Itā€™s super fun to work as a reporter!

šŸŒ Translator

Your job will be translating the newspaper into your own language. We already have many different languages so maybe we wonā€™t accept you if it is a new language.

šŸ›  Helper

As a helper you can help us moderate our discord server. You need to be at least level 3 in our server!

Don't forget to join our Discord server!

Click here for the link - Information can be found there.​

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I havenā€™t been active a lot lately because I have been so busy with sports and test and school, I am going to take a break for a while (probably not) and relax, I havenā€™t even played Minecraft in 2 weeks.
Flxen wrote on ItzJuan's profile.
Zawuri wrote on xLquriee's profile.
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Cool new pfp!
ItzJuan wrote on Axgie's profile.
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