Wumpus Time
You might be wondering who Wumpus is, right? Well, in case you don't, lucky you! Wumpus is the mascot of Discord, you will see him every time you have no friends/chats in an area. And this week I'm 100% sure that Wumpus is very happy! Why? Just because there are nice Discord updates and… CubeCraft reached 50k members in the Discord server!! Anyways, have fun reading the new newspaper, from this week!
Lucky you?!
This week started off with an amazing giveaway from CubeCraft themselves! This was because the Discord server had reached the 50k members. How incredible is that? You could win a rank upgrade on Java or a bundle of your choice on Bedrock. In total, 2.6k people participated in the giveaway which is a HUGE number of members. There were 50 lucky people who won something. In the first pick of the giveaway bot 6 staff members won! That’s quite much if you think about it. These staff members don’t need the free stuff, so they decided to re-roll 6 other people. One of these lucky winners was @Nikoshka. Of course, he was really happy with his prize but he actually didn’t want it. That’s why he decided to give away the prize he won. How wholesome! Feel free to enter and follow this link. Good luck to all of you, may the prize go to the one deserving it!Article by: @xEefster
Top 3 Threads
CubeCraft 2022 - Qualifications
- by @CubeCraft 2022
In the upcoming year there will be a CubeCraft World Cup with 16 countries and each country has their own representatives! You can apply for your own country now! Check out their profile for more updates.
Top level leaderboard including yours - by @kkrypt0nn
Every gamemode has its own leaderboard, but globally, there isn’t so why not add it? By now this suggestion is marked as planned so expect to see this in the future!
Add a ‘information pop-up’ to the server list - by @YeaUhm
What about most of the important information of CubeCraft, like links, appearing when you hover over the server on the server list in Java? Lots of servers already have this feature, so what about CubeCraft?Article by: @colinverp
Jobs at CubeCraft
Woah, 4 new shiny positions to join Team CubeCraft! This is so cool! If you meet the criteria, maybe you could start your career based on your favourite hobby, can't wait to see the new devs/designers! Whenever you want to express your creativity by making fabulous maps or creating fancy models, you can!The roles open are:
Skin Artist

Level Designer (Builder)

3D Modeller

Video Producer

Article by: Ben5124
Discord Update: About Me
A new feature was added in the last Discord update! The About Me section, which allows you to put some sort of bio in your Discord profile.Quis suggested in this thread to update the rules to include the abuse of About Me pages, which is a good suggestion since there are people who don't have much common sense and that will take advantage of this grey spot on the rules.
This About Me feature is available to all users! So what are you gonna use? I personally use “Imagine checking Nyawh’s profile…” because, why not?! But I’m sure it’s meant to be used to put stuff such as your likes and dislikes, information about you (like age, height…) or maybe some cute quotes in there. There are endless possibilities in the 190 characters of available space!
Article by: Nyawh
Slime Survival Part 11
Without the slightest doubt I knew he was the mastermind. The slimes flocked to him and gathered around the raised pillar that he was standing on. But his eyes were on me and his expression told me that he had been expecting me to show up here. That’s when I started to piece everything together.He was the one who left those clues. He left the Frost Sword and the note in the house in the forest. He left the chest buried in the sand on the tropical island. All this time I thought whoever it was had been trying to help me. But the entire time it was the slimes’ creator who had led me here. And now he had me exactly where he wanted me.
The slimes all turned in unison and started moving towards me. Somehow, he must have silently commanded them to attack me. I was still precariously balanced on the ladder mounted to the wall of the building, I realised with dread that if I fell, there were one hundred slimes waiting for me. But there was another option.
I pulled the orange rod out, its natural heat warming my hand as I held it. The figure seemed to freeze at the sight of it, then calmed when he realised I didn’t know how to use it. I was not calm. The book had said that this rod could teleport me in a certain direction, but it hadn’t said anything about how to make it work. I tried pointing it towards a crate further down that I would be able to stand on without the slimes being able to reach me. I tried waving it like a wand, hoping that a certain movement would trigger it. But nothing worked, and I was actually considering throwing it to where I wanted to land when I felt a sudden, forceful, magnetic pull.
I closed my eyes against the bright light that was radiating from the rod. It pulled me straight from the ladder and in the direction of the crate, almost yanking my arm out of its socket. When the light cleared, I was standing on the wooden crate that I had been aiming at. It worked! But where was the rod? I gulped when I realised that it was a one-time use. I was facing off against a hundred slimes and their human leader, and I only had one more item left to help me.
Article by: FadedLeaves
Staff Changes
We did not have any new staff members nor did any current staff members resign. We do have some changes. @Mucchi and @gumoholic both became Sr. Designers! Also, @jelliobean went from Sr. Designer to Admin Team (Associate Producer, Games).
Wumpus Time
Üzgünüz, bu makale mevcut değil.
Lucky you?!
Üzgünüz, bu makale mevcut değil.
Top 3 Threads
Üzgünüz, bu makale mevcut değil.
CubeCraft'ta Meslekler
Vay canına, Team CubeCraft'a katılmak için 4 yeni bölüm! Harika! Eğer kriterleri karşılıyorsan belki de favori hobine göre kariyerini başlatabilirsin, yeni geliştiriciler/tasarımcılar görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum! Yaratıcılığını göz alıcı haritalarla ve etkileyici modellerle istediğin zaman gösterebilirsin!Şu anda açık olan bölümler:
Kostüm Tasarımcısı

Seviye Tasarımcısı (İnşaatçı)

3D Modelleyici

Video Üreticisi

Ben5124 tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: @Roxlad
Discord Güncellemesi: Hakkımda
Son Discord güncellemesinde yeni bir özellik eklendi! Hakkımda bölümü, Discord profiline bir nevi bio eklemeni sağlıyor.Quis, bu paylaşımda Hakkımda bölümüne göre kuralların güncellenmesini önerdi, ki bence güzel bir öneri çünkü görgü kurallarından anlamayan ve kurallardaki bu boşluktan yararlanacak insanlar var.
Bu Hakkımda içeriği tüm kullanıcılara açık! Peki sen ne kullanacaksın? Ben "Imagine checking Nyawh’s profile…" koyacağım, çünkü neden olmasın?! Ama sevdiğin ve sevmediğin şeyleri, kendin hakkında bilgileri (yaş, boy gibi...) veya belki sevimli sözler vs. koyabilmen için eklenmiş bir içerik olduğuna eminim. 190 karakterlik bu boşluk için sınırsız imkanın var!
Nyawh tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: @Roxlad
Slime Survival Bölüm 11
En ufak bir şüphe duymadan bunların onun planı olduğunu biliyordum. Balçıklar ona doğru kaçtı ve üstünde durduğu yüksek sütunun etrafında toplandı. Ama onun gözleri üstümdeydi ve bakışları ortaya çıkacağımı bildiğini söylüyordu. Ve o an tüm parçalar birleşmeye başladı.O ipuçlarını bırakan oydu. Donmuş Kılıcı ve ormandaki eve o notu bırakan, tropik adadaki kuma gömülmüş sandığı bırakan oydu. Tüm bu zaman bunları kim yapıyorsa bana yardım etmeye çalıştığını düşünmüştüm. Ama aslında beni buraya getiren balçıkların yaratıcısıydı ve şimdi tam olarak beni istediği yerdeydim.
Tüm balçıklar aynı anda döndüler ve bana doğru ilerlemeye başladılar. Her nasılsa sessizce onlara, bana saldırmaları için emir vermiş olsa gerek. Hala binanın duvarına yaslanmış olan merdivende tehlikeli bir şekilde dengedeydim ve eğer düşersem yüzlerce balçığın beni beklediğini dehşet içinde farkettim. Ama başka bir seçenek vardı.
Turuncu çubuğu çektim, sıcaklığı, tuttukça elimi ısıtıyordu. Figür bunu gördüğünde olduğu yerde donmuş gibi görünüyordu ama sonra nasıl kullanılacağını bilmediğimi farkettikten sonra rahatladı. Ben rahat değildim. Kitap, çubuğun beni belli bir yöne doğru ışınlayabileceğini söylemişti ama bunu nasıl yapabileceğim hakkında bir şey söylememişti. Balçıkların bana erişemeyeceği bir yer olduğu için çubuğu aşağıdaki bir kutuya doğru tuttum. Bir asa gibi salladım, belki belli bir hareket tetikler diye. Ama hiçbir şey olmadı ve inmek istediğim yere fırlatmayı düşündüm ama bir anda güçlü, manyetik bir kuvvet hissettim.
Gözlerimi çubuktan çıkan parlak ışığa karşı kapadım. Beni merdivenden kutuya doğru çekti, az daha kolum yerinden çıkıyordu. Işık yok olduğunda hedef aldığım tahta kutunun üzerinde duruyordum. Çalışmıştı! Ama çubuk neredeydi? Tek kullanımlık bir alet olduğunun farkına vardığımda yutkundum. Yüz balçıkla ve onların insan lideriyle karşı karşıyaydım ve bana yardım edecek sadece bir eşyaya sahiptim.
FadedLeaves tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: @Roxlad
Staff Changes
Üzgünüz, bu makale mevcut değil.
TCCT Applications
TCCT is searching for staff! Do you think CubeCraft having their own newspaper is incredible and do you want to contribute? Below are the options, click on the headings to apply!
As an editor you combine all the articles into the newspaper. You also add the translations with spoilers. Make sure you know how BB codes work before you apply. This job does take quite a lot time each week!
A reporter writes articles for the newspaper. They also actively search for content to write about across the Network. It’s super fun to work as a reporter!
Your job will be translating the newspaper into your own language. We already have many different languages so maybe we won’t accept you if it is a new language.
As a helper you can help us moderate our discord server. You need to be at least level 3 in our server!
Don't forget to join our Discord server!
Click here for the link - Information can be found there.