Hello Bedrock CubeCrafters,
We've updated our Pillars of Fortune gamemode, and introduced a new subscription rank on Bedrock! - Read below to learn more.
Pillars of Fortune Update!
Couple of weeks ago we released a limited time gamemode, Pillars of Fortune. With the success and love for the game, we've decided to convert it into a Beta Game, and give it a little update. Pillars of Fortune is now housed in our Beta Games lobby, you also also find it on our travel compass.
Pillars of Fortune - Game & Map Voting!
We've added new voting options to Pillars of Fortune! - You can vote for the Game mode and Map mode. You'll need the Beta Games Subscription in order to vote; read below to learn more about that!
Game Mode Voting:
Pillars of Fortune - New Map!
We can't have an update with new map, and this is a little one :)
Beta Games Subscription!
With the introduction of Pillars of Fortune voting options, and more Beta Games in the future, we've decided to add a 30 Day subscription rank. With this rank, you'll gain access to game voting options and map selection for all our available Beta Games. This subscription lasts 30 days, and if you purchase multiple, they stack. Due to the nature of Beta Games, you'll see games being added, changed and removed, so we didn't want to add a permanent full-price rank. The Beta Games Subscription is more affordable for users and gives them more freedom when they want to purchase it to use its perks!
Beta Games Subscription
New Beta Games Hub!
With the new release of our Beta Games, we've added a new hub, check it out! :P
New Beta Games Hub
Thanks for reading! For you Java users, we'll be porting this update to Java in the near future :)
We've updated our Pillars of Fortune gamemode, and introduced a new subscription rank on Bedrock! - Read below to learn more.

Couple of weeks ago we released a limited time gamemode, Pillars of Fortune. With the success and love for the game, we've decided to convert it into a Beta Game, and give it a little update. Pillars of Fortune is now housed in our Beta Games lobby, you also also find it on our travel compass.

We've added new voting options to Pillars of Fortune! - You can vote for the Game mode and Map mode. You'll need the Beta Games Subscription in order to vote; read below to learn more about that!
Game Mode Voting:
- Normal - Base game
- Shuffle - You're given a whole random hotbar of items which changes randomly.
- Balanced - Everyone gets the same items.
- Swapper - At random intervals, everyone's positions are swapped.
- Normal - Base game
- Rising Lava - Lava spawns at the bottom of the map, and slowly rises.
- Portals - At the top and bottom of the map, portals are spawned; if you fall into a bottom portal, you're teleported to the top.
- Ablockalypse - Random blocks spawn around the map
- Fragile Blocks - Blocks you stand on will slowly break over time, so keep moving!

We can't have an update with new map, and this is a little one :)
New Map - Short

With the introduction of Pillars of Fortune voting options, and more Beta Games in the future, we've decided to add a 30 Day subscription rank. With this rank, you'll gain access to game voting options and map selection for all our available Beta Games. This subscription lasts 30 days, and if you purchase multiple, they stack. Due to the nature of Beta Games, you'll see games being added, changed and removed, so we didn't want to add a permanent full-price rank. The Beta Games Subscription is more affordable for users and gives them more freedom when they want to purchase it to use its perks!
Beta Games Subscription

With the new release of our Beta Games, we've added a new hub, check it out! :P
New Beta Games Hub
Thanks for reading! For you Java users, we'll be porting this update to Java in the near future :)