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Would you like to see an inventory swap mode in PoF?

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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Heya again!! 👋

I'll cut to the chase: I'm a big fan of playing the swapper gamemode every now and then in Pillars of Fortune, but when I initally voted for swapper on my first time playing, I expected the inventories to also swap with the players. That's why I'd like to suggest a separate voting option for inventory swap that is standalone from the swapper mode.

Would love to hear what you think!
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BicolourSine41 wrote on YeoXuHang's profile.
Thanks for playing!
BicolourSine41 wrote on Lord of Ducks's profile.
I can play PoF with you! But I don't have the subscription
BicolourSine41 wrote on !notcitingdow's profile.
Thanks for the follow! Have it back :)
Reesle wrote on yuduki0729's profile.
Welcome to the Official Cubecraft Forums! :D
Happy to have you here!
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Happy Birthday!
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