Lunar New Year Event!
CubeCraft Games lunar new year period. A cool brand new update so also some new pictures. There are themed maps and there is also a lantarn hunt. (Floating paper laterns in the lobby)I went to explore the server and took some pictures of maps and the lunar new year lobby. Also there are some new amazing parkours in the lobby.
All pictures are in a spoiler because you really should first check the Lunar New Year update on the server yourself.
What is Lunar New Year
In western countries better known as chinese new year. Lunar New Year is the beginning of a calendar year whose months are moon cycles. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger, known to be king of all beasts in China. This New Year is celebrated in many different Asian countries, but definitely not in china alone.

New Lobby
A Lunar New Year themed lobby or a lobby with a typical chinese look. In the lobby you can also find a lantern hunt (bedrock: 12, java:20) There are also 3 new lobby parkours where you can test your parkour skills and discover the lobby.
Lunar New Year Maps!
There are many game modes that have been given Lunar New Year Maps. Eggwars, Skywars, Lucky Islands and Parkour. I took pictures in all the different game modes.
Dragon - Solo EggWars!
Temple - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
Coins - Solo SkyWars!
Fireworks - Team SkyWars/Duos
Lucky Islands!
Tiger - Solo Lucky Islands!
Lanterns - Team Lucky Islands/Teams of 4
You can read more about the update itself here
If you want a look back at the winter lobby check it out here
I hope you can have a lot of fun on the server during this period!