Hey CubeCrafters!
As the title states, the Spooky Season has dawned on CubeCraft. And it's Friday the 13th! We have an exclusive lobby hunt for everyone to check out - Read more about it below!
Mob Vote Lobby Hunt & Portal!
Rather than a pumpkin hunt this year, we have a very special exclusive lobby hunt. This year it's themed around the Minecraft Mob Vote!
We've hidden 5 Armadillos, 5 Penguins and 5 Crabs around our hub, if you find them all, you'll win some awesome rewards! - View them below
Find the Armadillo, Penguin or Crab in our hub!
Bedrock Hunt Reward - Mob Rave Win Effect
Java Hunt Reward - Armadillo Hat
The Minecraft mob vote is occurring between 13th October 18:00:00 BST to 15th October 18:00:00 BST. During this time, you join the Mob Vote Server via the Bedrock client home page, or via the CubeCraft Games Bedrock network! - We're hosting a portal in our main hub, simply punch the ballot portal and you'll be taken to the Mob Vote server, cast your vote for the next Minecraft mob, and play some mini-games!
CubeCraft Mob Vote Server Portal
Spooky Hub & Maps!
Our main hub has been revamped in celebration of the spooky season. @Unstrafeless did an amazing job adding creepy designs and builds to the lobby. Check it out! :)
Halloween Hub 2023
As usual, we have our epic spooky maps on both Java & Bedrock, we've updated them with 1.19 blocks, check them out below!
Horror Bundle + Halloween Bundles!
Our Spooky cosmetics are back! - Horror Bundle, EggWars Halloween Bundle & SkyWars Halloween Bundle. All of these are available in our server store, lobbies and content pack menus.
We've added a NEW kill effect to our Horror Bundle. Existing bundle holders will get access to this, check it out!
New Soulflame Kill Effect within Horror Bundle
Horror Bundle
EggWars Halloween Bundle
SkyWars Halloween Bundle
In celebration of the spooky period, we're going to be hosting giveaways on our Discord server, so keep an eye out on there! - We'll be giving away some Bedrock cosmetics and Java ranks!
Thanks for reading! We all hope you enjoy this spooky update as well as the Mob Vote Hunt. Don't forget to vote for your mob - Join the Mob Vote Server via CubeCraft or the front page of the Bedrock client!
As the title states, the Spooky Season has dawned on CubeCraft. And it's Friday the 13th! We have an exclusive lobby hunt for everyone to check out - Read more about it below!

Rather than a pumpkin hunt this year, we have a very special exclusive lobby hunt. This year it's themed around the Minecraft Mob Vote!

We've hidden 5 Armadillos, 5 Penguins and 5 Crabs around our hub, if you find them all, you'll win some awesome rewards! - View them below
Find the Armadillo, Penguin or Crab in our hub!
Bedrock Hunt Reward - Mob Rave Win Effect
Java Hunt Reward - Armadillo Hat
CubeCraft Mob Vote Server Portal

Our main hub has been revamped in celebration of the spooky season. @Unstrafeless did an amazing job adding creepy designs and builds to the lobby. Check it out! :)
Halloween Hub 2023
EggWars Teams of 4 - Graveyard
EggWars Teams of 2 - Ghosts
Free for All - Haunted
BlockWars CTF - Spooky
BlockWars Bridges - Skeleton
SkyWars Solo - Chandelier
SkyWars Teams of 2 - Haunted
EggWars Solo - Graveyard
Lucky Islands Solo - Spider
MinerWare - Halloween
EggWars Teams of 2 - Ghosts
Free for All - Haunted
BlockWars CTF - Spooky
BlockWars Bridges - Skeleton
SkyWars Solo - Chandelier
SkyWars Teams of 2 - Haunted
EggWars Solo - Graveyard
Lucky Islands Solo - Spider
MinerWare - Halloween
Team EggWars - Graveyard
Team EggWars - Ghosts
Teams EggWars - Creepy
Free for All - Haunted
Solo SkyWars - Chandelier
Solo Lucky Islands- Spider
Team EggWars - Ghosts
Teams EggWars - Creepy
Free for All - Haunted
Solo SkyWars - Chandelier
Solo Lucky Islands- Spider

Our Spooky cosmetics are back! - Horror Bundle, EggWars Halloween Bundle & SkyWars Halloween Bundle. All of these are available in our server store, lobbies and content pack menus.
We've added a NEW kill effect to our Horror Bundle. Existing bundle holders will get access to this, check it out!
New Soulflame Kill Effect within Horror Bundle
Horror Bundle
EggWars Halloween Bundle
SkyWars Halloween Bundle

In celebration of the spooky period, we're going to be hosting giveaways on our Discord server, so keep an eye out on there! - We'll be giving away some Bedrock cosmetics and Java ranks!
Thanks for reading! We all hope you enjoy this spooky update as well as the Mob Vote Hunt. Don't forget to vote for your mob - Join the Mob Vote Server via CubeCraft or the front page of the Bedrock client!