I Joined Cc Discord and i discovered there have a lot of people ask how to appeal in #staff-help Channel.
So i would suggest to add a new channel in category "important" or "Support"
The Channel Named "#
What should write in this channel?
It should be this:
You got Banned / muted from our network?
Please follow below step to appeal your Ban/Mute.
1.Go to https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ , Choose your Minecraft Edition,Bedrock or Java.Write your username and appeal code ,the appeal code will show when you trying join the server.
(Notice: Please don't show your appeal code in public,people will abuse it.)
2.After You submitted your appeal,please be patient to wait your respond,it might take up few day or few week.
3.If your appeal got denied:
Muted- Please contact the Moderator Who muted you.
Sentinel Ban - Though if you were banned by Sentinel and your appeal has been denied then please email sentinelteam@cubecraft.net about your ban and besure to include your username + network (Java/Bedrock) you were banned on.The respond might take up few day,so please be patient.
Moderator Ban - Please Contact the moderator who banned you to discuss you future ban.
Moderator Ban But the moderator no longger are a Staff - Make an ex-staff appeal here: https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/ex-staff-appeals.134/
For more information,please read https://cbecrft.net/howtoappeal .
Once again,the respond might take up times,so always be patient,
Any other questions fell free ask on #staff-help,
That's is all what i want to suggest,anything wrong forgive

I Joined Cc Discord and i discovered there have a lot of people ask how to appeal in #staff-help Channel.
So i would suggest to add a new channel in category "important" or "Support"
The Channel Named "#

What should write in this channel?
It should be this:
You got Banned / muted from our network?
Please follow below step to appeal your Ban/Mute.
1.Go to https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ , Choose your Minecraft Edition,Bedrock or Java.Write your username and appeal code ,the appeal code will show when you trying join the server.
(Notice: Please don't show your appeal code in public,people will abuse it.)
2.After You submitted your appeal,please be patient to wait your respond,it might take up few day or few week.
3.If your appeal got denied:
Muted- Please contact the Moderator Who muted you.
Sentinel Ban - Though if you were banned by Sentinel and your appeal has been denied then please email sentinelteam@cubecraft.net about your ban and besure to include your username + network (Java/Bedrock) you were banned on.The respond might take up few day,so please be patient.
Moderator Ban - Please Contact the moderator who banned you to discuss you future ban.
Moderator Ban But the moderator no longger are a Staff - Make an ex-staff appeal here: https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/ex-staff-appeals.134/
For more information,please read https://cbecrft.net/howtoappeal .
Once again,the respond might take up times,so always be patient,
Any other questions fell free ask on #staff-help,
That's is all what i want to suggest,anything wrong forgive

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