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What do you think of the Knockback? (Test #1)

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Dec 5, 2019
Honestly i dont like it, i requires no skill its just spamming the hit button and if i jump i can't even defend myself, so its basically the one with better ping wins.


Dec 24, 2020
I hate this style of pvp it’s exactly the same as the hive and that’s why I chose to play cubecraft over hive. I am an eggwars duos leaderboard player and play a lot but if the kB was changed to this I have to say I would play cubecraft a lot less and probably switch. This type of pvp takes less skill and favours less skilled players
The go and play mineplex then


Dec 24, 2020
Augmenter un peux les kb que l'on puisse bien combo et faire un minimum fly les kb test sont encore un peu réduite si vous augmentez un peu seraus parfait


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
The go and play mineplex then
Not the most helpful attitude to perfectly valid feedback, which is kinda the reason for the thread. SMH

I agree with Stampz2020 this new kb on eggwars would just make the game far too easy for experienced players... I mean it already is pretty easy to wipe out most mobile players already but this update as it stands if rolled out to all other modes would likely only exacerbate that. It just kinda comes down to a) having a pc and b) knowing the mechanic. I personally think It requires less skill than now.

Also agree with others.. it’s very Hive like and well, you know we all already have the choice to go to other servers if we favour their kB but we choose to be at cubecraft.

If ya’ll were minded to expand the test to a couple of eggwars maps (maybe golf and modern or library) you might get even better validated feedback... we could see what it does for fast rush times because I suspect rushing with nothing except a few blocks and a miner kit would become the norm... (I mean it kinda is already on many maps but will get far worse) possibly not what the game needs If it’s to be fun for more than just sweats/rush players/lb grinders.
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Forum Expert
Nov 17, 2019
I hate this style of pvp it’s exactly the same as the hive and that’s why I chose to play cubecraft over hive. I am an eggwars duos leaderboard player and play a lot but if the kB was changed to this I have to say I would play cubecraft a lot less and probably switch. This type of pvp takes less skill and favours less skilled players
So you’re saying you would rather stick to the broken, inconsistent, buggy, randomized knockback? Think about it. I don’t know a SINGLE person in the entirety of cubecraft that actually enjoys the broken 1.9 knockback. Even I REALLY dislike the knockback on cubecraft and have even taken breaks to play on other servers because it’s so broken. After 2 months of waiting from the community talk, we FINALLY get the knockback update and your saying that you want to keep it the way it is? I seriously don’t understand people. Give it a chance, it’s only been out for a day. LEARN how to use the knockback and then come back and complain once you understand it. One last thing, you said it “favours less skilled players” which I totally disagree with, in fact I believe it’s the opposite. Now you can actually combo for real. Tbh it took me a while to figure out how to start the air combos but I got it down. It actually does take skill to hold a combo. All i’m saying is give it a chance, because I cannot stand the old knockback, no one can.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
What I find unfortunate is some who have voted in favor of this not only don’t play bedrock but some also have no idea how this will effect us bedrock players. I’ve seen so many good arguments in opposition to this and if this were to be implemented would pretty much make bedrock way less fun or appealing for me and others.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Wales, United Kingdom
Honestly this new knockback isnt so good. It makes 2v1s much harder to win and it benefits the mouse and keyboard players too much over the controller and touchpad players. Testing it in solos wont show how hard it will become in situations where you are outnumbered. These knockback changes could ruin team modes.
ok?? it encourages more team work if this is a problem, which is a good thing.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
ok?? it encourages more team work if this is a problem, which is a good thing.

Let’s say we are In duels in a 2v1 it’s almost impossible to win unless your really good and kb helps me get away and reduced the amount of hits I take. With less kb I would take more damage, have less of a chance to use the kb to try and fall back to eat, and overall have a bad time. This situation would depend on my teammate dying which happens most times. In this case the kb is beneficial to me and my gameplay.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Wales, United Kingdom
Let’s say we are In duels in a 2v1 it’s almost impossible to win unless your really good and kb helps me get away and reduced the amount of hits I take. With less kb I would take more damage, have less of a chance to use the kb to try and fall back to eat, and overall have a bad time. This situation would depend on my teammate dying which happens most times. In this case the kb is beneficial to me and my gameplay.
"Unless you're really good" Then either quit, or get good then. Not tryna sound rude or anything, but just get used to actual realistic knockback instead of buggy randomised kb. I honestly don't understand you atm. Before it was kinda who had the most gear wins, and you could literally trade with random mobile players who are waiting for their happy meal at mcdonalds.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
I am not skilled on mobile, it is true. It is because I am mainly computer player, I am not playing on mobile that much. I know that it is not the best example (that clip). But I have tried to show how hard is to beat computer player while using touch controls with this KB system. I just don´t want you to think that I am upset mobile player (I am level 86 on Bedrock). I just think about them too. I can also combo players with keyboard and mouse, but it seems unfair to me.
@nrk⠀ He’s a pc main, might be a better player than most on pc, but he’s a casual on mobile, my point is here it is going to suck for all the mobile and console casuals that play cubecraft, and unlikr hive, they don’t have any other gamemodes to fall back to, like MM, DeathRun, BuildBattles, H&S


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
the problem with the kb on here is that you can go flying while others take no knockback while it might have similar kb to the hive, at least its balanced kb, I've tried it its way easier to get combos and I really like it
It’s not balanced at all, the oolder KB is more balanced in my opinion...
Not balanced as in, 1hit = x amount of blocks backwards
But balanced between platforms, the old kb was very bugged but favored players with low cps because of the bugs
This new kb completely SCREWS any mobile or casual players I don’t believe it should spread to any other gamemode


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
"Unless you're really good" Then either quit, or get good then. Not tryna sound rude or anything, but just get used to actual realistic knockback instead of buggy randomised kb. I honestly don't understand you atm. Before it was kinda who had the most gear wins, and you could literally trade with random mobile players who are waiting for their happy meal at mcdonalds.

That’s not a good statement to make. Your saying I should “magically get good” or “quit” that only makes this way more unappealing and pushes my point on the issues with this. Also no, I’ve played around with this new kb and it’s terrible. I play on both phone and pc. I like the combat now and always have. It’s not perfect but this new one offers more problems than solutions. Sometimes you are unlucky and sometimes it makes you lucky. True there are bugs but those could get fixed.

It’s not balanced at all, the oolder KB is more balanced in my opinion...
Not balanced as in, 1hit = x amount of blocks backwards
But balanced between platforms, the old kb was very bugged but favored players with low cps because of the bugs
This new kb completely SCREWS any mobile or casual players I don’t believe it should spread to any other gamemode
I was shocked on how bad it was when I tried it on mobile. Let alone all the problems I would have with this on PC. On mobile I get into a fight and get rekt. I’m not the best mobile player but I defiantly could do better before.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Wales, United Kingdom
That’s not a good statement to make. Your saying I should “magically get good” or “quit” that only makes this way more unappealing and pushes my point on the issues with this. Also no, I’ve played around with this new kb and it’s terrible. I play on both phone and pc. I like the combat now and always have. It’s not perfect but this new one offers more problems than solutions. Sometimes you are unlucky and sometimes it makes you lucky. True there are bugs but those could get fixed.

I was shocked on how bad it was when I tried it on mobile. Let alone all the problems I would have with this on PC. On mobile I get into a fight and get rekt. I’m not the best mobile player but I defiantly could do better before.
You're the one complaining that you can't win a 2v1 unless you aren't good. Ofc you aren't gonna win won if you aren't good. When someone tries to get java kb on bedrock, its a mess. The current knockback was meant for 1.9 pvp (cooldown, ew) and not for spam clicking. If you like the new knockback, then you obv haven't played a PvP server. They have been working on this for awhile, and you just say its bad?? Instead of saying "oH, mAkE iT bAcK t0 olD kB", explain what needs to be changed. Less upwards? More upwards? Less velocity? Explain.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
You're the one complaining that you can't win a 2v1 unless you aren't good. Ofc you aren't gonna win won if you aren't good. When someone tries to get java kb on bedrock, its a mess. The current knockback was meant for 1.9 pvp (cooldown, ew) and not for spam clicking. If you like the new knockback, then you obv haven't played a PvP server. They have been working on this for awhile, and you just say its bad?? Instead of saying "oH, mAkE iT bAcK t0 olD kB", explain what needs to be changed. Less upwards? More upwards? Less velocity? Explain.

I'm not saying I am trash, I am only pointing out it will make it very very difficult. Even to me, because it disrupts my only way to keep myself alive. Also just because you work on something for a while does not mean it's good? I can also have an opinion that many share on it. It's simply not good. Also, no. It should go back. There is not much that can be changed that will convince me any portion of this should be implemented. Sounds like I am unwilling to budge, which may be true, but that's because there is no way I see this being a good system of combat.


Dec 24, 2020
Here’s what I’ll say. Combos are definitely a lot easier, way easier. What I mean by that is that they are extremely easy to get somebody in and completely drop. I’ve been put into a combo many times where I couldn’t do anything unless I chucked a projectile at them. For people playing on mobile and controllers, it feels easier to play. And I like that. But to me, they also feel a little too extreme in terms of the vertical knockback, so I feel some adjustments would be nice.

I’d also suggest doing something like in Java where you can switch between new and old combat. Some people are not going to like the new knockback no matter what. So I’d suggest adding a feature where you can choose between new and old knockback.

I definitely really like it, but it still needs work.
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Nov 27, 2020

مرحبًا Bedrock CubeCrafters!

اليوم ، نحن متحمسون جدًا لتقديمنا الأول من اختبار Knockback! لقد ذكرنا في حديثنا عن مجتمعنا عن Bedrock أننا نريد ربطنا ببعضنا هذا قبل التنفيذ. هناك حاجة إلى إجراء نسخ معينة إلى بعض النصوص.

[المفسد = سجل التغيير]
إصدار اختبار المعاودة 1:
  • التكرار الأول.
  • جعل الارتداد أكثر اتساقًا - انحراف كبير عن الضربة القاضية الحالية.
  • زيادة السرعة الأفقية والعمودية من تكوين الارتداد الحالي 1.9.
[/ المفسد]

إليك بعض مقاطع الفيديو ، قبل وبعد ، لقتال يحدث في بيدروك.

[cc_title = "3AA9FF"] 🤔 قبل ذلك! [/ cc_title]
[MEDIA = cubecraft_encoded_cdn] 9e7124fc-bbf4-4e9d-80e4-9ae140492727 [/ MEDIA]

لاحظنا أن الضربة القاضية في حالة ركود شديد - فأنت تأخذ الضربة القاضية بشكل غير متسق ، وتحدث الضربات المزدوجة والثلاثية بشكل عشوائي عندما تحاول وتنتقد ، ولن تتمكن بشكل عشوائي من وجود أشخاص بعد الضربة. هذا جعل PvP'ing غير ممتع على الإطلاق.
[cc_title = "3AA9FF"] 😍 بعد! [/ cc_title]
[MEDIA = cubecraft_encoded_cdn] 50029562-cedc-47d8-a9e1-a7070deb32de [/ MEDIA]

عودة متسقة؟ المجموعات؟ على CubeCraft؟! ما هو هذا الكفر؟
الضربة التجريبية متاحة فقط في ردهة ألعاب بيتا ، فقط لعبتها فقط SkyWars. الإحصائيات لا تحسب ، ولا توجد لوحة صدارة. الوحيدة المفتوحة الآن هي أسلاك و بينج بونج و الدائرة. هذه اللعبة هو اختبار الضربة القاضية فقط وليس الطحن.

بمجرد أن تلعب بعض الألعاب ، يرجى التصويت على الاستطلاع في هذا الموضوع! سنستخدم هذا لمساعدتنا في تحديد ما إذا كان قد تم تحسين الضربة القاضية أم لا! إذا كنت لا تزال تجد مشاكل ، يرجى الرد على هذا الموضوع! سنقوم بتحديث هذا الموضوع إذا مررنا بأي تغييرات في قسم التغيير!

تعال ، سأضطر إلى العودة إلى الشرطة.شكرا لنتطلع إلى قراءة ملاحظاتك! إستمتع!💙


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
For people playing on mobile and controllers, it feels easier to play. And I like that. But to me, they also feel a little too extreme in terms of the vertical knockback, so I feel some adjustments would be nice.
Trust me, it’s not easier to play with this BS kb, I forgot to add that it can be affected by ping and causing a player to feel like they are using by reach hacks, they aren’t but sometimes randomly I get combo’d in the middle of comboing that same guy but I can’t do that because 200ping
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