Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on EggWars, try to stay on topic!

What do you think of the newly revamped EggWars shop?

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Feb 26, 2022
So as far as I think the UI itself like the design looks fabulous but the issue that I'm facing is practicality . As a player I want to buy things quick so I can start rushing. This shop fails at solving that purpose. The UI takes too long to load so most of the time I'm clicking at a blank button. Also the armor bundles should be at the trop as most people buy armor together. Also when you switch from weapons toe blocks the animation looks really janky and unpolished instead try going for a swap effect instead of just placing it at the top. So all in all

FOCUS on practicality make it less laggy for people with high ping. nd fix up armor and switching between tabs. Otherwise the cbecraft team did fantastic on the UI design they deserve a raise.
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Feb 26, 2022
So as far as I think the UI itself like the design looks fabulous but the issue that I'm facing is practicality . As a player I want to buy things quick so I can start rushing. This shop fails at solving that purpose. The UI takes too long to load so most of the time I'm clicking at a blank button. Also the armor bundles should be at the trop as most people buy armor together. Also when you switch from weapons toe blocks the animation looks really janky and unpolished instead try going for a swap effect instead of just placing it at the top. So all in all

FOCUS on practicality make it less laggy for people with high ping. nd fix up armor and switching between tabs. Otherwise the cbecraft team did fantastic on the UI design they deserve a raise.
also i just creating a forum account after playing cc for 3-4 years.


Novice Member
Feb 13, 2021
Việt Nam
Some suggestion by me
1. Improve the performance of the new ui. When i play it by a phone (vivo v5, android 7), the ui take a little bit time to load (about 1.5 sec), it kinda annoying if i want to quick buy stuff and enemy is rushing my base
2. In the armor section, orangize like put the leather bundle right next the leather helmet or boots
3. Show the item amount on each shop slot, and the price below the image, it will be useful for mobile players
Sorry my bad im bad at english ;_;
4. When switching another tab, dont make it had to load again


Jun 7, 2021
NOTE: Before voting on the poll, please read the entire thread!

Hey CubeCrafters!

As seen in this thread, we’ve released the EggWars Beta for a newly revamped shop! We’re wanting to potentially implement this into the main gamemode and would like to gauge feedback. You’ll be prompted for feedback when your EggWars game finishes, but also, you can give feedback in-game by typing /eggwars feedback. You can vote every 24 hours, in case your opinion changes.

We’ll be monitoring this feedback very closely, and cannot wait to see what you think of the new menus!

If you have any concerns, any form of feedback or any suggestions for alterations, feel free to respond to this thread & vote on the poll if you would or wouldn’t like the new shop in the main gamemode.

We expect you to play a couple of games before voting on this poll- this is important as this will potentially change the landscape of EggWars forever!

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions feel free to comment below! :heart:
I played now about 5 rounds with the new shop, and I cant see it anymore. I want the oldschool shop/menu back, it was so comfortable and I just loved. now there were a few updates I thought about quiting, and if this shop/menu would release am actually done with CubeCraft.
I really enjoyed and loved playing Eggwars, but at all I dont want to sit 5 minutes on shop buying my standart rushing stuff. ty
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Nov 23, 2021
Jul 22, 2021
The ui looks great but the navigation for controller players is terrible. When you buy something, instead of how it used to be when you buy something the marker stays on it. With the new marker, it goes on the shop category your on. I also think the armor bundles should be on top of the separate armor pieces


Feb 26, 2022
I think the UI is look pretty good, but a change I would like to see is it not reopening it every time you interact with it such as buying things, more of a quality of life change but it would be nice to see.


Feb 26, 2022
The main issues I find with this:
The main one at the moment is the 2 secondish delay every time something is selected in the shop, which makes the game so much more clunky, and it's so annoying to shop with it. Aside from that, I would find it easier if after you bought something, the item you just bought would stay selected rather than going back to the item type selection side. I also don't like where favourite items are, but I assume some people would, so it could be good if there was an option to switch between having the favourite items tab at the top or the bottom, as that could account for all players. Also, 5 obsidian is 12 gold rather than the 15 it was before which I'm not sure if that's a bug. Honestly, I prefer the shop before the update which added elytra etc, I found that one way easier to use and smoother.
I completely agree with this it's that small delay that will easily cost you your life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
I really like it but it does have its flaws.

Here is a list of problems I have at the moment that I would like fixed:

1) It is very slow compared to the shop before, so if anything can be done to fix that, it'd be really nice
2) There is not really a way to favourite stuff in the new egg wars shop menu, using the new UI, and the old UI limits the amount of favourite items, where there can be much more stuff shown in the new menu.

3) The shop menu should open in the favourites menu by default

4) For those who have been playing for a very long time, they have muscle memory for the old shop menu. So a nether games style toggle to go from new to old and old to new shop menu would be REALLY convenient.

This is what I mean by a toggle. In this server you can go between the different shop menu UI's
View attachment 207902

I think this setting should be located here
View attachment 207903
I definitely agree with this. Not everyone would be a big fan of the new layout, so why force then to use the new layout when you can have an option whether to use it or not.


Aug 4, 2020
I've been trying it out for a little bit, most of the things I've noticed have already been mentioned, but one thing that's really bothering me is that on mobile, it's more difficult to see the price of items and the other info that you see when hovering over an item with a mouse or controller. You kinda have to hold your finger on it without clicking, and then your finger is covering up the tooltip and you have to move it and then your not even clicking it anymore and then you buy something else on accident. It's like playing twister. Tooltips are a great way to save space, but they don't work well with touchscreen devices.

Also the tab you select should stay where it was in the list instead of moving to the top. It's just counterintuitive and annoying.


Feb 27, 2022
One of the most fun parts of cubecraft and egg wars specifically is trying to beat all other players as fast as possible while trying to get a new fastest time. This has been made impossible by the new UI. Despite the new UI looking good, while in an intense game it is very slow and clunky. It makes buying items quickly impossible because of lag and throws muscle memory out the window. Along with this, the menu size is way too large when in a game and prevent the player from watching their surroundings while buying items. My final critique is that the map selection tab is extremely small and should be just as large as the quick play tab especially since it requires a paid rank. I personally think that the UI in the main lobby is a huge improvement to the old menus but there should be a toggle option to return to the old in-game menus. If a toggle option is not added or the menus aren't properly fixed then I'll honestly be really disappointed, I have been playing cubecraft for more than five years and have put in countless hours and it would be sad if clunky menus that are barely usable while playing with a controller become the reason that I stop playing.
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Dec 31, 2020
Just bring back the old shop from before the UI change. This new one is way too laggy and half the time I have to guess where an item is because the icons don’t shop for 5 seconds causing me to spend triple the time in the shops


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
NOTE: Before voting on the poll, please read the entire thread!

Hey CubeCrafters!

As seen in this thread, we’ve released the EggWars Beta for a newly revamped shop! We’re wanting to potentially implement this into the main gamemode and would like to gauge feedback. You’ll be prompted for feedback when your EggWars game finishes, but also, you can give feedback in-game by typing /eggwars feedback. You can vote every 24 hours, in case your opinion changes.

We’ll be monitoring this feedback very closely, and cannot wait to see what you think of the new menus!

If you have any concerns, any form of feedback or any suggestions for alterations, feel free to respond to this thread & vote on the poll if you would or wouldn’t like the new shop in the main gamemode.

We expect you to play a couple of games before voting on this poll- this is important as this will potentially change the landscape of EggWars forever!

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions feel free to comment below! :heart:
The only problem is when you buy stuff, keep it vertical because its a little bit easier.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2022
It is visually unclear how much you buy any items other than armor, so you have to intuitively get used to the interface. It would be possible to add a counter of the number of items to the icon, as I tried to show in the picture below. I also want to note the slow speed of loading images of objects, 2~3 seconds are simply empty buttons. This can greatly interfere with the gameplay, so it is necessary to optimize


  • 30B51998-9780-4979-B981-21EEF289916B.jpeg
    323 KB · Views: 113


Aug 10, 2020
First of all, PLEASE and i mean PLEASE! Change back the menu UI to the old style before any updates.
#1 It wasn't laggy as it is now
#2 it was 100x easier to navigate
#3 its a small layout and its not as much as the new update like its thrown in your face.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! change it back.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
The Netherlands
I totally agree with Chango and I also think it's currently too laggy, there has to be found a way to reduce it otherwise it's just not good enough to be used in the main game imo


Dec 3, 2021
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Good but there a little problem in eggwar shop.

1. On mobile if you want to buy it it not showing a name and price but you need to touch and hold (and/or swipe) to see the price, item name and quantity (especially for building blocks) but the problem the finger you touch is difficult to see. But once I swipe to see other item information it scroll.
2. Once you successfully to buy it have sightly lag (about 0.5 second)
3. Sometimes images take 1 seconds to load all images and you need to touch and hold on screen to see info (see #1).

Advantages for whole server:
1. Shortcut and quick to access
2. Larger text and readable, especially for mobile phones
3. Every game you're on you can see player stats shortcut


Jan 29, 2021
NOTE: Before voting on the poll, please read the entire thread!

Hey CubeCrafters!

As seen in this thread, we’ve released the EggWars Beta for a newly revamped shop! We’re wanting to potentially implement this into the main gamemode and would like to gauge feedback. You’ll be prompted for feedback when your EggWars game finishes, but also, you can give feedback in-game by typing /eggwars feedback. You can vote every 24 hours, in case your opinion changes.

We’ll be monitoring this feedback very closely, and cannot wait to see what you think of the new menus!

If you have any concerns, any form of feedback or any suggestions for alterations, feel free to respond to this thread & vote on the poll if you would or wouldn’t like the new shop in the main gamemode.

We expect you to play a couple of games before voting on this poll- this is important as this will potentially change the landscape of EggWars forever!

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions feel free to comment below! :heart:
The biggest problem with this is that it is going to affect a ton of controller players. I played it on controller for the first time today and it took forever for me to get everything for a rush. Not to mention, it will also make the game a lot slower for many grinders and lb players.
NOTE: Before voting on the poll, please read the entire thread!

Hey CubeCrafters!

As seen in this thread, we’ve released the EggWars Beta for a newly revamped shop! We’re wanting to potentially implement this into the main gamemode and would like to gauge feedback. You’ll be prompted for feedback when your EggWars game finishes, but also, you can give feedback in-game by typing /eggwars feedback. You can vote every 24 hours, in case your opinion changes.

We’ll be monitoring this feedback very closely, and cannot wait to see what you think of the new menus!

If you have any concerns, any form of feedback or any suggestions for alterations, feel free to respond to this thread & vote on the poll if you would or wouldn’t like the new shop in the main gamemode.

We expect you to play a couple of games before voting on this poll- this is important as this will potentially change the landscape of EggWars forever!

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions feel free to comment below! :heart:
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