Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2016
Eggwars lobby 3
With 1.9 just around the corner (29th Feb 2016 to those who haven't noticed the justified panic across the minecraft community), comes great opportunity for the vanity system!
We have armour and hat-related vanity items, so why not weapons and tools? With the update could come hundreds of different combinations for items that can be equipped in both the on-hand and off-hand character slots, allowing for infinite variety within the lobbies, and would also give you completionists unlockables to constantly strive towards! When you log in, you will automatically be holding the items that you logged out with, similarly to how hats work. Here are a few examples of the hundreds of possibilities and their unlock requirements:

On-hand vanity items:
Wooden sword: 500 vanity points, level 5
Enchanted wooden sword: 1000 vanity points, level 10
Wooden pickaxe: level 5
Wooden axe: level 5
Wooden spoon: level 5
Stone sword: 1500 vanity points, level 15
Enchanted stone sword: 2000 vanity points, level 20
Stone pickaxe: level 20
Stone axe: level 20
Stone spoon: level 20
Iron sword: 3500 vanity points level 30
Enchanted Iron sword: 4000 vanity points, level 35
Iron pickaxe: level 35
Iron axe: level 35
Iron spoon: level 35
Diamond sword: 5000 vanity points, level 55
Enchanted Diamond sword: 5500 vanity points, level 60
Diamond pickaxe: level 55
Diamond axe: level 55
Diamond spoon: level 55
Bow: 6000 vanity points
Netherstar: 5,000 vanity points, Mythical drop from cubelet
Any spawn egg (Cannot be used): 2,500 vanity points each
Book: 2,500 vanity points
Enchanted book: 5,000 vanity points
Enderpearl (Cannot be thrown): 10,000 vanity points
Eye of ender (Cannot be thrown): 20,000 vanity points
End Crystal: 35,000 vanity points, level 35
TNT block: 10,000 vanity points, level 15, uncommon drop from cubelet
Torch: Common drop from cubelet
Redstone torch: Rare drop from cubelet
Plain banner: Rare drop from cubelet
Coloured banner (Any one colour): Legendary drop from cubelet
Fishing rod: 5,000 vanity points
Bucket: Common drop from cubelet
Bucket of water: Uncommon drop from cubelet
Bucket of lava: Rare drop from cubelet
Bucket of milky milk: Legendary drop from cubelet

Firework: Gold+ donator rank
Music disc (all discs): Emerald+ donator rank
Iron block: Iron+ donator rank
Lapiz block: Lapiz+ donator rank
Gold block: Gold+ donator rank
Diamond block: Diamond+ donator rank
Emerald block: Emerald+ donator rank
Obsidian block: Obsidian+ donator rank
Redstone block: Admin+ rank
Clock: Legendary drop from cubelet
Compass: Legendary drop from cubelet
Flint & steel: Legendary drop from cubelet
Enchanted gold sword: Earn all survival games achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted bow: Earn all skywars achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted emerald: Earn all money walls achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted beacon: Earn all Control Point achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted gold shovel: Earn all spleef achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted firework: Earn all Quakecraft achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted snowball: Earn all Paintball achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted clock: Earn all Hourglass achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+
Invisibility potion (Cannot be consumed): Earn all Hide and Seek achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+
Monster head collection: Earn all Super Craft Bros achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Gliding wings: Earn all Parkour Minigame achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted TNT/Enchanted Flint and steel: Earn all TNT run achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Off-hand vanity items:
Shield: 500 vanity points
Shield pattern customization: 2500 vanity points per colour, 500 vanity points per pattern applied
Cubecraft logo custom shield pattern: 100,000 vanity points, level 100
Wooden sword: 500 vanity points, level 5
Enchanted wooden sword: 1000 vanity points, level 10
Stone sword: 1500 vanity points, level 15
Enchanted stone sword: 2000 vanity points, level 20
Iron sword: 3500 vanity points level 30
Enchanted Iron sword: 4000 vanity points, level 35
Diamond sword: 5000 vanity points, level 55
Enchanted Diamond sword: 5500 vanity points, level 60
Apple: Common drop from cubelet, level 5
Golden apple: Rare drop from cubelet, level 20

God apple: Mythical drop from cubelet, level 45
Dandelion: Common drop from cubelet
Azure Bluet: Common drop from cubelet
Allium: Uncommon drop from cubelet
Blue Orchid: Uncommon drop from cubelet
Red tulip: Rare drop from cubelet
Orange tulip: Rare drop from cubelet
White tulip: Rare drop from cubelet
Pink tulip: Rare drop from cubelet
Oxeye Daisy: Legendary drop from cubelet
Sunflower: Legendary drop from cubelet
Poppy: Mythical drop from cubelet
Book and Quill: Legendary drop from cubelet
Bucket: Common drop from cubelet
Bucket of water: Uncommon drop from cubelet
Bucket of lava: Rare drop from cubelet
Bucket of milky milk: Legendary drop from cubelet
Iron ore: Iron+ donator rank
Lapiz ore: Lapiz+ donator rank
Gold ore: Gold+ donator rank
Diamond ore: Diamond+ donator rank
Emerald ore: Emerald+ donator rank
Coal ore: Obsidian+ donator rank
Redstone ore: Admin+ rank

Clock: Legendary drop from cubelet
Compass: Legendary drop from cubelet
Nametag: Legendary drop from cubelet
Cookie: Legendary drop from cubelet

Enchanted gold sword: Earn all survival games achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted bow: Earn all skywars achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted emerald: Earn all money walls achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted beacon: Earn all Control Point achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted gold shovel: Earn all spleef achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted firework: Earn all Quakecraft achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted snowball: Earn all Paintball achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted clock: Earn all Hourglass achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+
Invisibility potion (Cannot be consumed): Earn all Hide and Seek achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+
Monster head collection: Earn all Super Craft Bros achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Gliding wings: Earn all Parkour Minigame achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)
Enchanted TNT/Enchanted Flint and steel: Earn all TNT run achievements (Excluding 1,000 wins+)

Please express your opinions on this suggestion below, as well as in the poll. Not only will it provide long-term incentives to continue to play the server, it'll finally give donators something to spend those pesky vanity points on.
And with that, I leave you a screenshot of my dream vanity loadout ^.-
View attachment 77108
I think that you guys(staff) have worked really well with the 1.9 update and taken the best out of it it and put it to use... unlike many other servers struggling to comprehend exactly what will pop up next in the update. Good Job staff!


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
you are just someone who is really butthurt and was never used to the pre 1.9 update.

adapt or perish?
aka change something which was always the same to something new
that doesnt make sense?
Actually, the 1.9 update is completely logical. Odds are, everybody reading this comment knows at least two people that have quit the game entirely in favour of different things, and the reason for this is usually because the game has become stale. Minecraft is a game of infinite potential; not infinite enjoyment. From a business perspective, this update was actually quite clever, given that all that combat has ever consisted of was two users in identical gear at an arm's race to break the other player's armour, all whilst chomping countless god apples to provide invincibility.

With the 1.9 update comes variety, and more reliance on genuine skill as apposed to which user has the better loadout, or which user is capable of clicking faster. Currently, there are very few things that change the tide of combat; circle-strafing, w-tapping and block-hitting are three common techniques that are used in PvP, however despite this the fights will still result in the same conclusion. With 1.9, we are given variety; you could trade speed for a higher damage output with axes, you can finally use bows as a dominant weapon, you can choose to duel-wield a strength or speed potion for ease of access, you can duel-wield god apples to intimidate your opponents whilst simultaneously providing yourself with an escape option when your fight looks as though it will end in the other player's favour, or you could duel-wield a shield and attempt to absorb your opponent's hits.
Now this is speculative, however I believe that this update was brought upon us because combat has always been the same, and players are beginning to notice this and leave because of it. Classic Minecraft PvP may be simplistic, but above the surface, it's bland and unimaginative, and this change in PvP algorithm will likely capture the attention of users that have left the Minecraft community lately, as well as motivate members within the current community to enjoy the game more than ever with the variety that we have been demanding over the past few months.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
south africa
Disable attack cooldowns in minecraft 1.9! From -

/replaceitem entity @p slot.armor.head minecraft:wooden_button 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackSpeed",Name:generic.attackSpeed,Amount:99999999,Operation:0,UUIDMost:90498,UUIDLeast:161150}]}
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Ah yeah give me a 2 swords in the Lobby!
Wait does this mean Cubecraft Is UPDATING
I think....
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Kazwa wrote on Lyriie's profile.
autumn themed profile in march :o
Reesle wrote on bananaman348's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🍌 🎉
Reesle wrote on Swxrz's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳

… and nice pfp! 🌕
Reesle wrote on Lyriie's profile.
You’re new pfp is so pretty!
Fjackp14_ wrote on Lyriie's profile.
Cool new banner and pfp!
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