Happy Birthday CUBECRAFT!!As I am sure all of you know, today it is the servers birthday. We are now 1 year old!!! But also today as a little surprise we also hit 1000 players for the first time. This definitely proves that we are a very fast growing network. Thanks for all the support on the server, good luck trying to achieve 2000! If we can that will be amazing
Thanks, rubik!!!
ikrHappy Birthday CUBECRAFT!!
And good job on reaching 1000 people on the server on the very SAME day!!
Congrats @halothe23 and @rubik_cube_man!
You guys so deserved it!!
Shh, I'll give you a warning, stop saying revived, it people can post on it whenever they can, so technically, it will never reach a stalemate.And Revived.......
Not revived, was never revived, seek to my last post.Nu, seveer y u revive da thred D:
Sorry, I said revived because you revived it... :(Shh, I'll give you a warning, stop saying revived, it people can post on it whenever they can, so technically, it will never reach a stalemate.