Hi there,
we're all agreeing on the fact that a vanity update is needed, people are stocking up their vanity points but have nothing to spend them on. Most of the vanity sections are pretty brainless (not saying they're not cool, just that they don't need much brainstorming before you have a bunch of ideas).
In the past I've suggested some gadget ideas (they were accepted but never got implented for some reason) and gadgets are probably my most used vanity items so I wanted to come up with some more ideas as out of all of the vanity sections, a gadget update is what I'd like to see most :).
I spent some time on brainstorming and building the gadgets so I could showcase them and for now I'm done, I came up with 15 gadgets I feel like all would suit the Cubecraft lobbies and in this thread, I'll be showcasing and explaining them :).
Some of the gadgets are either old ideas by me or variations on it.
First I'll be showcasing you every gadget and after that I'll explain what the idea of each gadget is and go a little bit more into how it would work on Cube. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory though :p
The Gadgets:
Those were all my gadget ideas for now, if this thread gets appreciated I'll be sure to try to come up with some more. It's really not that hard to be honest...
If anyone is interested into how I got some of these gadgets to work make sure to ask, I'll be happy to explain them :)
Special thanks to @Pandaa__ , @komododragon 2002 , @hgbf and my brother for helping me command, demonstrate and brainstorm for idea's.
That's it for now,
we're all agreeing on the fact that a vanity update is needed, people are stocking up their vanity points but have nothing to spend them on. Most of the vanity sections are pretty brainless (not saying they're not cool, just that they don't need much brainstorming before you have a bunch of ideas).
In the past I've suggested some gadget ideas (they were accepted but never got implented for some reason) and gadgets are probably my most used vanity items so I wanted to come up with some more ideas as out of all of the vanity sections, a gadget update is what I'd like to see most :).
I spent some time on brainstorming and building the gadgets so I could showcase them and for now I'm done, I came up with 15 gadgets I feel like all would suit the Cubecraft lobbies and in this thread, I'll be showcasing and explaining them :).
Some of the gadgets are either old ideas by me or variations on it.
First I'll be showcasing you every gadget and after that I'll explain what the idea of each gadget is and go a little bit more into how it would work on Cube. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory though :p
The Gadgets:
This is an old trick in minecraft, if a bunch of chickens are spawned on the same block they'll form a cirkle, if then the cirkle block gets broken the chickens will slowly fall down and explode all over the place when they hit the ground.
Very simple but actually very fun! The Rocket Boots allow you to jump around with jumpboost, most gadgets are time-based but I think this could just be a thing that you turn on and can then use in the lobbies.
*A variation on this could be boots that boost you up extremely high once, showing you the entire lobbymap.
Both of those variations can be made cooler with fire particles boosting out of the shoes of the player when he jumps.
*A variation on this could be boots that boost you up extremely high once, showing you the entire lobbymap.
Both of those variations can be made cooler with fire particles boosting out of the shoes of the player when he jumps.
Spawns a tree right in front of the player that uses the gadget, I know its extremely random but its fun to have trees popping up in lobbies when you run towards a sign or something. The trees will get removed after a couple of seconds.
Spawns a spaceship a couple of blocks above the ground and tp's the user into it. After a couple of seconds the spaceship disappears and thus the player falls back down, It'd be really fun to see spaceships popping up in lobbies every now and then (same as with the three).
Spawns a small parkour in the middle of the lobby added a cake up top like the parkours in minerware, maybe a point given to the one that hits it first or something? I know there are already parkours in every lobby but this is just a super tiny one that'll only be around for 7 seconds or something.
The name is a reference to a series called The Lone Ranger for whoever knows that, could also be called 'Horse' or 'Rider' or something. Basically spawns a horse for you to ride on, disappears after 5 seconds.
Player recieves a bow, when the player shoots he gets teleported to the projectile every game tick (@hgbf tried to help me with this from his phone, he said something with a bowStat scoreboard could work. Didn't manage to fix it in the showcase but I'm sure its possible to make). You can basically teleport through lobbies with this thing which is pretty cool.
Spawns a commandblock with a pressureplate underneath and a sign saying something that would want to make you press the commandblock. I came up with ''Gives OP'' but could say a lot of things. Then, whenever the player steps onto the pressureplate a text pops up in the Titel Bar saying ''Nice Try...''. It's a pretty funny troll.
Spawns 4 iron doors around a pressure plate for someone like @komododragon 2002 to step into, after 5 seconds it disappears again. A really old school technique of trapping mobs or players but still very fun :D lobbies are often full of people so one of them will probabl step in and... be stuck for a couple of seconds :)
Similar to the rocket boots the piston launcher spawns a piston in the lobby that then extends and launches you up in the air. However it'll be lower than the rocket boots. Just a weird, simple gadget which could be pretty cool :)
This one is one of my favorites :) it's reference to the asdf movie for whoever never saw those. The gadget gives you a potato named ''Throw Me'' and spawns a wooden pressure plate on the ground, the player throws the potato onto the pressure plate and BOOM! Down goes the potato.
A cloud of particles gets summoned and the user turns invisible for 5 seconds, pretty simple but actually really cool to see or perform yourself. Trying this one out really gave me the feeling of a magician :D ''Badaboom badabeem im gone!''
Spawns a source of water and a fence around it so that the water can spread within the boundaries of the fence (I went with a 3x3 but this works with bigger sizes too). After the water filled up the area a Falling sand dry sponge falls down onto the sourceblock, soacking up every bit of water within the area, after that the fence and sponge get removed.
Yet another really simple but nifty gadget, changes a 3x3 (could be bigger) area into 9 different woolblocks which then get changed up for 7 times. After that the floor becomes normal too. A flashing lamp or something up top could add to this one.
Spawns some coloured concrete powder (Ordened in the colour order from a rainbow) which then fall down on the ground and on top of eachother. After that a bit of water is spawned next to the highest concrete block which will then fall down, concretizing all the powder (concretizing... BestWord2k17). After that the pole stays there for some seconds and then gets removed.
Those were all my gadget ideas for now, if this thread gets appreciated I'll be sure to try to come up with some more. It's really not that hard to be honest...
If anyone is interested into how I got some of these gadgets to work make sure to ask, I'll be happy to explain them :)
Special thanks to @Pandaa__ , @komododragon 2002 , @hgbf and my brother for helping me command, demonstrate and brainstorm for idea's.
That's it for now,
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