Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021

Hey! I was discussing a few things with @shamomshka (very active Lucky Islands player) about Lucky Islands like nerfs/buffs that we think some of the Lucky Islands items need and also some fun ideas that we would like to see in a next update of this wonderful mode, that's why I proposed him to make a thread where we make a list where people could give their opinion about these ideas and changes and hopefully in the future we could see them in the game.

Most of them are simple changes or ideas but I have left my favorite one at the end which I think is the most complex and fun idea on the whole list.

⚠️ This ideas and changes are thought from a Java point of view, meaning that some things may not be compatible or necessary in Bedrock.⚠️

Cool Text - List 472631310474707.png

1️⃣- Be able to escape from the freeze bow with the Elevator and Chorus fruit



2️⃣- Adapt all the maps for the Sorcerer’s Stick or remove it, since currently this item is “useless” if the maps are not adapted to have the Smithing Table +This table requires a Smithing Template to be able to upgrade the diamond armor, but this template are unobtainable in li so the best option would be that the table comes with permanent Smithing Templates.


3️⃣- Add the piercing enchantment to all the current crossbows(Multi-Shot and Speed fire) or add a crossbow with piercing.

This idea comes up due to the rise of shield usage and both me and shamomshka think they need some counters and we think this would be a good idea.

4️⃣- Make that the God Axe makes the shield break delay longer (from 5 secs -> 10 secs)

god axxe.PNG

5️⃣- Make that the Weighted Amulet if use it now in the offhand reduce 10/15% of kb

We came to the idea that this item needs a buff since nobody uses it and we believe this change would be ideal for people to use it more.
(I hope this change can be done without any problem so that the anticheat does not detect this like some hack xd)


6️⃣- Make the effect of the rainbow apple of 15/20 seconds max.

We believe that the effect of these apples needs a reasonable limit since there are effects such as the instant health effect that if it appears for 40 seconds we believe that it breaks the game a bit. This limit is set as a maximum, meaning that effects of 8 seconds or 5 seconds can continue to appear as they already appear right now.

rainbow applle.PNG

7️⃣- Make the Cage Trap invisible for everyone unless the one who put it after 5 seconds.

A small change to make this item better and more useful of course.

cage trap.PNG

8️⃣- Add wind charges and the mace (with low durability like 1 or 2)

9️⃣- Add “Insta Swapper”, a projectile(like an egg or snowball) that swaps positions instantly with any entity like users,mobs or animals by throwing it and hitting the entity. Can be deflected with shields.

🔟- Reduce a bit more the durability of the elytras

This is a change that I personally think is necessary, although it may seem that they have low durability, they last quite a long time and it is easy to find other elytras and put them together for more durability. I think about this change because there are many users who abuse the elytras when doing pvp and since when ur "flying" the hitbox is greatly reduced it is very difficult to hit them.

1️⃣1️⃣- Remove the angle limitation of the Ice Wand

This would open up the possibility for new moves and make this wand, which is currently only used to make bridges, more interesting.

1️⃣2️⃣- Make that after killing a blaze one of the possible drops is a fire resistance potion of 1:30 mins.

We think this change would be good to make it more worthwhile to kill the blaze, the chances would be 50% for the potion and the other 50% for the fire aspect rod.

1️⃣3️⃣- Buff soul speed 1 boots to soul speed 2
After the update 1.21 these boots are very slow in the soulsand, so I think this small improvement would make them go back to how they were before.

1️⃣4️⃣- Add a 3-leaf clover that only drops in all the modes except blessed mode, that have only 3 uses(one per leaf), this item makes that all lucky blocks that are broken with the clover have good drops.

Cool Text - 15 472573506981291.png

Any Lucky Islands player has ever encountered a glitched lucky block. At first, since it's so rare, you'd think it had a special and spectacular drop, but it's quite the opposite. Once you know what the drops are, it's a lucky block that everyone ignores. That's why this idea is about making glitched lucky blocks special and unique.

This idea has some lore, and it is that the glitched lucky block has brought 3 real-life good luck objects, which will be called legendary items but it has not only brought good things... it has also brought the 3 cursed versions of these legendary items, meaning that you have to be careful when breaking the glitched lucky block since not everything will be good drops.
glitech lucku.png

Cool Text - Legendary Items 472573919135988.png

The 3 legendary items that the glitched lucky block has brought from real life are the 4-leaf clover, the golden horseshoe and the rabbit's foot.

Cool Text - 4-leaf clover 472574082123323.png

If you break 15 normal lucky blocks with this item you can spawn a rainbow lucky block in ur location
(It would be cool if the item was a hat)

Cool Text - Golden horseshoe 472574329165121.png

This item let you spawn a pegasus(winged horse), a horse that will let you fly for 1:30 mins or until someone kills it or if dies for other reasons before the 1:30 mins.(This item is of one use)


Cool Text - Rabbits foot 472574915228151.png

If this item is on the offhand let you have a double jump with a delay of 20 seconds


Cool Text - Cursed Items 472575016916805.png

The glitched lucky block apparently not only brought good things but also brought the cursed versions of the 3 legendary items, these items on the contrary bring bad luck and it is better to never have them in your inventory.

Once you break the glitched lucky block, if you are unlucky enough to get the cursed items, they will go directly into your inventory and you won't be able to avoid picking them up or throwing them out of your inventory.

If your inventory is full, one of the items you have in your inventory will be randomly thrown to make room for the cursed item. There is a chance that the cursed item will go to the offhand and once there it cannot be moved either. Once dead, the cursed item will disappear with the user.

The 3 cursed items that the glitched lucky block has brought are the 5-leaf black clover,upside down horseshoe and Grudge of the rabbits

Cool Text - 5-leaf black clover 472575608265716.png

This is the cursed version of the 4-leaf clover, once you have this item you can't break more lucky blocks in the game

Cool Text - Upside down Horseshoe 472575680065356.png

This is the cursed version of the golden horseshoe, with this item you spawn in a skeleton horse and you will never be able to get off the horse, your destinies are sealed until the death of one of the 2.If the horse dies you will have the same fate, the horse will regenerate a heart every 20 seconds

Cool Text - Grudge of the rabbits 472575997193683.png

The hatred and resentment of all the rabbits towards humans for hunting the poor rabbits thinking that their paws brought luck led to the creation of this item.

When you have this item you receive jump boost 3 effect and double fall damage for all the game.

Cool Text - Feedback 472576644751245.png

In the end, these are simply ideas and changes that we would like to see in the game, but we understand that not all ideas will be accepted or that people may not like them. If there is something that does not convince you or that you would make some change, do not hesitate to say so.

If we get to 20 positive reactions :agree:, @shamomshka and I have decided that we would do a second part with more things that we had in mind but that we have not put in the thread so the thread is not super long.
Thank you for reading all the thread 🙏

ty sham for the help in making this thread


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2024
Leibniz Universe
View attachment 235689

Hey! I was discussing a few things with @shamomshka (very active Lucky Islands player) about Lucky Islands like nerfs/buffs that we think some of the Lucky Islands items need and also some fun ideas that we would like to see in a next update of this wonderful mode, that's why I proposed him to make a thread where we make a list where people could give their opinion about these ideas and changes and hopefully in the future we could see them in the game.

Most of them are simple changes or ideas but I have left my favorite one at the end which I think is the most complex and fun idea on the whole list.

⚠️ This ideas and changes are thought from a Java point of view, meaning that some things may not be compatible or necessary in Bedrock.⚠️

View attachment 235690

1️⃣- Be able to escape from the freeze bow with the Elevator and Chorus fruit

2️⃣- Adapt all the maps for the Sorcerer’s Stick or remove it, since currently this item is “useless” if the maps are not adapted to have the Smithing Table +This table requires a Smithing Template to be able to upgrade the diamond armor, but this template are unobtainable in li so the best option would be that the table comes with permanent Smithing Templates.

3️⃣- Add the piercing enchantment to all the current crossbows(Multi-Shot and Speed fire) or add a crossbow with piercing.

This idea comes up due to the rise of shield usage and both me and shamomshka think they need some counters and we think this would be a good idea.

4️⃣- Make that the God Axe makes the shield break delay longer (from 5 secs -> 10 secs)

5️⃣- Make that the Weighted Amulet if use it now in the offhand reduce 10/15% of kb

We came to the idea that this item needs a buff since nobody uses it and we believe this change would be ideal for people to use it more.
(I hope this change can be done without any problem so that the anticheat does not detect this like some hack xd)

6️⃣- Make the effect of the rainbow apple of 15/20 seconds max.

We believe that the effect of these apples needs a reasonable limit since there are effects such as the instant health effect that if it appears for 40 seconds we believe that it breaks the game a bit. This limit is set as a maximum, meaning that effects of 8 seconds or 5 seconds can continue to appear as they already appear right now.

7️⃣- Make the Cage Trap invisible for everyone unless the one who put it after 5 seconds.

A small change to make this item better and more useful of course.

8️⃣- Add wind charges and the mace (with low durability like 1 or 2)

9️⃣- Add “Insta Swapper”, a projectile(like an egg or snowball) that swaps positions instantly with any entity like users,mobs or animals by throwing it and hitting the entity. Can be deflected with shields.

🔟- Reduce a bit more the durability of the elytras

This is a change that I personally think is necessary, although it may seem that they have low durability, they last quite a long time and it is easy to find other elytras and put them together for more durability. I think about this change because there are many users who abuse the elytras when doing pvp and since when ur "flying" the hitbox is greatly reduced it is very difficult to hit them.

1️⃣1️⃣- Remove the angle limitation of the Ice Wand

This would open up the possibility for new moves and make this wand, which is currently only used to make bridges, more interesting.

1️⃣2️⃣- Make that after killing a blaze one of the possible drops is a fire resistance potion of 1:30 mins.

We think this change would be good to make it more worthwhile to kill the blaze, the chances would be 50% for the potion and the other 50% for the fire aspect rod.

1️⃣3️⃣- Buff soul speed 1 boots to soul speed 2
After the update 1.21 these boots are very slow in the soulsand, so I think this small improvement would make them go back to how they were before.

1️⃣4️⃣- Add a 3-leaf clover that only drops in all the modes except blessed mode, that have only 3 uses(one per leaf), this item makes that all lucky blocks that are broken with the clover have good drops.

View attachment 235703

Any Lucky Islands player has ever encountered a glitched lucky block. At first, since it's so rare, you'd think it had a special and spectacular drop, but it's quite the opposite. Once you know what the drops are, it's a lucky block that everyone ignores. That's why this idea is about making glitched lucky blocks special and unique.

This idea has some lore, and it is that the glitched lucky block has brought 3 real-life good luck objects, which will be called legendary items but it has not only brought good things... it has also brought the 3 cursed versions of these legendary items, meaning that you have to be careful when breaking the glitched lucky block since not everything will be good drops.

View attachment 235704

The 3 legendary items that the glitched lucky block has brought from real life are the 4-leaf clover, the golden horseshoe and the rabbit's foot.

View attachment 235705
If you break 15 normal lucky blocks with this item you can spawn a rainbow lucky block in ur location
(It would be cool if the item was a hat)

View attachment 235707
This item let you spawn a pegasus(winged horse), a horse that will let you fly for 1:30 mins or until someone kills it or if dies for other reasons before the 1:30 mins.(This item is of one use)

View attachment 235709
If this item is on the offhand let you have a double jump with a delay of 20 seconds

View attachment 235711
The glitched lucky block apparently not only brought good things but also brought the cursed versions of the 3 legendary items, these items on the contrary bring bad luck and it is better to never have them in your inventory.

Once you break the glitched lucky block, if you are unlucky enough to get the cursed items, they will go directly into your inventory and you won't be able to avoid picking them up or throwing them out of your inventory.

If your inventory is full, one of the items you have in your inventory will be randomly thrown to make room for the cursed item. There is a chance that the cursed item will go to the offhand and once there it cannot be moved either. Once dead, the cursed item will disappear with the user.

The 3 cursed items that the glitched lucky block has brought are the 5-leaf black clover,upside down horseshoe and Grudge of the rabbits

View attachment 235712

This is the cursed version of the 4-leaf clover, once you have this item you can't break more lucky blocks in the game

View attachment 235714

This is the cursed version of the golden horseshoe, with this item you spawn in a skeleton horse and you will never be able to get off the horse, your destinies are sealed until the death of one of the 2.If the horse dies you will have the same fate, the horse will regenerate a heart every 20 seconds

View attachment 235716
The hatred and resentment of all the rabbits towards humans for hunting the poor rabbits thinking that their paws brought luck led to the creation of this item.

When you have this item you receive jump boost 3 effect and double fall damage for all the game.

View attachment 235718

In the end, these are simply ideas and changes that we would like to see in the game, but we understand that not all ideas will be accepted or that people may not like them. If there is something that does not convince you or that you would make some change, do not hesitate to say so.

If we get to 20 positive reactions :agree:, @shamomshka and I have decided that we would do a second part with more things that we had in mind but that we have not put in the thread so the thread is not super long.
Thank you for reading all the thread 🙏

ty sham for the help in making this thread
Nice idea and I agree but that is a loooonnngggg thread. Took me 3 minutes to Read all that
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Reactions: shamomshka


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
I love basically all of these ideas! One point I would like to mention though is the piercing crossbows.

Crossbows are very, very powerful, to the point of being able to 2-hit kill players without armour or with very minimal armour. And even then, it can easily kill players with armour in a few hits. Shields are basically the only counter to this, especially when it comes to close combat. Piercing crossbows cannot be countered, thus I feel it shouldn’t be added. It’s just overpowered. If you want to counter shields, use an axe, or jump behind the player if you can.


Dedicated Member
Jun 20, 2024
View attachment 235689

Hey! I was discussing a few things with @shamomshka (very active Lucky Islands player) about Lucky Islands like nerfs/buffs that we think some of the Lucky Islands items need and also some fun ideas that we would like to see in a next update of this wonderful mode, that's why I proposed him to make a thread where we make a list where people could give their opinion about these ideas and changes and hopefully in the future we could see them in the game.

Most of them are simple changes or ideas but I have left my favorite one at the end which I think is the most complex and fun idea on the whole list.

⚠️ This ideas and changes are thought from a Java point of view, meaning that some things may not be compatible or necessary in Bedrock.⚠️

View attachment 235690

1️⃣- Be able to escape from the freeze bow with the Elevator and Chorus fruit

2️⃣- Adapt all the maps for the Sorcerer’s Stick or remove it, since currently this item is “useless” if the maps are not adapted to have the Smithing Table +This table requires a Smithing Template to be able to upgrade the diamond armor, but this template are unobtainable in li so the best option would be that the table comes with permanent Smithing Templates.

3️⃣- Add the piercing enchantment to all the current crossbows(Multi-Shot and Speed fire) or add a crossbow with piercing.

This idea comes up due to the rise of shield usage and both me and shamomshka think they need some counters and we think this would be a good idea.

4️⃣- Make that the God Axe makes the shield break delay longer (from 5 secs -> 10 secs)

5️⃣- Make that the Weighted Amulet if use it now in the offhand reduce 10/15% of kb

We came to the idea that this item needs a buff since nobody uses it and we believe this change would be ideal for people to use it more.
(I hope this change can be done without any problem so that the anticheat does not detect this like some hack xd)

6️⃣- Make the effect of the rainbow apple of 15/20 seconds max.

We believe that the effect of these apples needs a reasonable limit since there are effects such as the instant health effect that if it appears for 40 seconds we believe that it breaks the game a bit. This limit is set as a maximum, meaning that effects of 8 seconds or 5 seconds can continue to appear as they already appear right now.

7️⃣- Make the Cage Trap invisible for everyone unless the one who put it after 5 seconds.

A small change to make this item better and more useful of course.

8️⃣- Add wind charges and the mace (with low durability like 1 or 2)

9️⃣- Add “Insta Swapper”, a projectile(like an egg or snowball) that swaps positions instantly with any entity like users,mobs or animals by throwing it and hitting the entity. Can be deflected with shields.

🔟- Reduce a bit more the durability of the elytras

This is a change that I personally think is necessary, although it may seem that they have low durability, they last quite a long time and it is easy to find other elytras and put them together for more durability. I think about this change because there are many users who abuse the elytras when doing pvp and since when ur "flying" the hitbox is greatly reduced it is very difficult to hit them.

1️⃣1️⃣- Remove the angle limitation of the Ice Wand

This would open up the possibility for new moves and make this wand, which is currently only used to make bridges, more interesting.

1️⃣2️⃣- Make that after killing a blaze one of the possible drops is a fire resistance potion of 1:30 mins.

We think this change would be good to make it more worthwhile to kill the blaze, the chances would be 50% for the potion and the other 50% for the fire aspect rod.

1️⃣3️⃣- Buff soul speed 1 boots to soul speed 2
After the update 1.21 these boots are very slow in the soulsand, so I think this small improvement would make them go back to how they were before.

1️⃣4️⃣- Add a 3-leaf clover that only drops in all the modes except blessed mode, that have only 3 uses(one per leaf), this item makes that all lucky blocks that are broken with the clover have good drops.

View attachment 235703

Any Lucky Islands player has ever encountered a glitched lucky block. At first, since it's so rare, you'd think it had a special and spectacular drop, but it's quite the opposite. Once you know what the drops are, it's a lucky block that everyone ignores. That's why this idea is about making glitched lucky blocks special and unique.

This idea has some lore, and it is that the glitched lucky block has brought 3 real-life good luck objects, which will be called legendary items but it has not only brought good things... it has also brought the 3 cursed versions of these legendary items, meaning that you have to be careful when breaking the glitched lucky block since not everything will be good drops.

View attachment 235704

The 3 legendary items that the glitched lucky block has brought from real life are the 4-leaf clover, the golden horseshoe and the rabbit's foot.

View attachment 235705
If you break 15 normal lucky blocks with this item you can spawn a rainbow lucky block in ur location
(It would be cool if the item was a hat)

View attachment 235707
This item let you spawn a pegasus(winged horse), a horse that will let you fly for 1:30 mins or until someone kills it or if dies for other reasons before the 1:30 mins.(This item is of one use)

View attachment 235709
If this item is on the offhand let you have a double jump with a delay of 20 seconds

View attachment 235711
The glitched lucky block apparently not only brought good things but also brought the cursed versions of the 3 legendary items, these items on the contrary bring bad luck and it is better to never have them in your inventory.

Once you break the glitched lucky block, if you are unlucky enough to get the cursed items, they will go directly into your inventory and you won't be able to avoid picking them up or throwing them out of your inventory.

If your inventory is full, one of the items you have in your inventory will be randomly thrown to make room for the cursed item. There is a chance that the cursed item will go to the offhand and once there it cannot be moved either. Once dead, the cursed item will disappear with the user.

The 3 cursed items that the glitched lucky block has brought are the 5-leaf black clover,upside down horseshoe and Grudge of the rabbits

View attachment 235712

This is the cursed version of the 4-leaf clover, once you have this item you can't break more lucky blocks in the game

View attachment 235714

This is the cursed version of the golden horseshoe, with this item you spawn in a skeleton horse and you will never be able to get off the horse, your destinies are sealed until the death of one of the 2.If the horse dies you will have the same fate, the horse will regenerate a heart every 20 seconds

View attachment 235716
The hatred and resentment of all the rabbits towards humans for hunting the poor rabbits thinking that their paws brought luck led to the creation of this item.

When you have this item you receive jump boost 3 effect and double fall damage for all the game.

View attachment 235718

In the end, these are simply ideas and changes that we would like to see in the game, but we understand that not all ideas will be accepted or that people may not like them. If there is something that does not convince you or that you would make some change, do not hesitate to say so.

If we get to 20 positive reactions :agree:, @shamomshka and I have decided that we would do a second part with more things that we had in mind but that we have not put in the thread so the thread is not super long.
Thank you for reading all the thread 🙏

ty sham for the help in making this thread
It is similar to bedrock except a few things and Java pvp/mechanisms, The only thing Java has different (actually there are a few more) is the trap item and we don’t have exploding trapped chests


Nov 13, 2024
I love basically all of these ideas! One point I would like to mention though is the piercing crossbows.

Crossbows are very, very powerful, to the point of being able to 2-hit kill players without armour or with very minimal armour. And even then, it can easily kill players with armour in a few hits. Shields are basically the only counter to this, especially when it comes to close combat. Piercing crossbows cannot be countered, thus I feel it shouldn’t be added. It’s just overpowered. If you want to counter shields, use an axe, or jump behind the player if you can.
Hey Hoshi, thanks for the feedback.

It´s true that crossbows can be very op in general and that crossbows with piercing would counter the only counter to crossbows, the shield.
But I think the most op thing right now in lucky island IS the shield.
It´s easy to make, counters hits and all damage from bows, crossbows and explosions.
Using an axe is not enough, because if the person with the shield uses an axe as well (which many players do) they always get the first hit. In many cases that means you are allready dead.

So I think adding a little dangerous spice to the game for shield users is a good thing.
It would be good if the piercing crossbow would be more rare than the other crossbows, but we think that the game needs more counters to the Shield or that the Shield has to be „nerfed“ or changed a bit.

The shield would still counter all the other crossbows, therefore the shield would still be op and very strong in any fight situation.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Using an axe is not enough, because if the person with the shield uses an axe as well (which many players do) they always get the first hit. In many cases that means you are allready dead.

So I think adding a little dangerous spice to the game for shield users is a good thing.
It would be good if the piercing crossbow would be more rare than the other crossbows, but we think that the game needs more counters to the Shield or that the Shield has to be „nerfed“ or changed a bit.
I'd say the best option is to have it drop with very low durability. An alternative, not a very good one but still an alternative, would be to make it an Overpowered only drop. Finally, it could potentially be a drop from the rainbow lucky block. Still, I'd say the first option I mentioned is the best in terms of nerfing the weapon enough that it is not overpowered, yet still exists in the game.
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Nov 13, 2024
I'd say the best option is to have it drop with very low durability. An alternative, not a very good one but still an alternative, would be to make it an Overpowered only drop. Finally, it could potentially be a drop from the rainbow lucky block. Still, I'd say the first option I mentioned is the best in terms of nerfing the weapon enough that it is not overpowered, yet still exists in the game.
Ohh I like the low durability idea. Like the knockback 2 sword. What do you think? Maybe a max durabilty of 3-5?

Ohh I like the low durability idea. Like the knockback 2 sword. What do you think? Maybe a max durabilty of 3-5?
The new completed Idea then could be somewhat like this:

Piercing Crossbows:

1. Durabilty of 5, similar to knockback 2 sword

2. Drop rates from Crossbows
-Quick Charge: 29%
-Multishot: 29%
-Unenchanted Crossbow: 29%
-Piercing Crossbow: 13%
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Reactions: Hoshi


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Here are some of my thoughts:
  1. I simply agree with this
  2. This is not actually in the bedrock version of lucky islands. I feel like even with smithing tables this item wouldn’t do enough. In most games I don’t get diamond armor or tools anyway, and in cases where I do, getting them upgraded often isn’t worth the time. While I totally agree with this suggestion overall, I think it would be better if the sorcerer’s stick gave you a different item entirely. For example, getting a random potion would fit the theme of the item, but the item would become more rewarding to use.
  3. While shields aren’t a problem in bedrock lucky islands even in the slightest, I still wouldn’t mind this change and for bedrock it wouldn’t have much of a significant impact.
  4. As mentioned, this wouldn’t change much on the version of the game I play.
  5. In my personal opinion, the weighted amulet it actually very useful. I’m not sure how significant knockback is on Java, but on bedrock it is a very significant part of the game. I think the reason this drop is rarely seen is simply the fact that it doesn’t come from Diamond lucky blocks despite being a useful item.
  6. I’m not sure if this issue exists in bedrock lucky islands, I’ve never seen it give instant health before, but I agree either way.
  7. Another Java exclusive drop it seems, I haven’t tried no idea what this is.
  8. Agree
  9. I’m unsure about this. The concept it extremely similar to the swapper we already have in the game, which is already very similar to regular enderpearls in use. I could see this item being used in PvP if you throw it at a player and then jump over a gap to get them to fall in the void, but doing that could be extremely risky.
  10. This is another thing bedrock players just don’t have.
  11. 100% Agree
  12. Agree
  13. agree
  14. I think this is a very cool idea, I agree with this as well
  15. Well this is the biggest part of this suggestion so I’m going to have more to say here. First off, I agree completely that glitched lucky blocks should be greatly expanded upon. Right now they are extremely rare (it has a weight of .1 although this might not reflect the true probability of it coming out of a lucky block) They also don’t do much. Whenever I open them, I’ve found that they will always do nothing except if they are opened in the location they initially spawned in. When I reported this as a bug, I was told that the glitched lucky block dropping nothing was an intended drop. I later learned, however, that the weight for this drop is 0, which should mean that it never happens. And even when the lucky block does do something, it always isn’t actually impactful. Opening glitched lucky blocks is basically pointless right now.
Here is my feedback regarding your suggestion for improving the glitched lucky blocks:

I really like this idea but think it could use some tweaking. Having a lucky block that brings with it a significant risk would make the game really interesting. Here is my feedback regarding each individual drop:
  • I have a few problems with this idea. You haven’t specified if this item can only be used to get one rainbow lucky block or if you can keep getting more and more. In the case of the former, I think the drop could be a bit underwhelming, but in the case of the latter, the 27 lucky blocks from the rainbow lucky block would basically mean having 2 more free rainbow lucky blocks, a little overpowered if you ask me. A big issue is how much the quality of rainbow lucky blocks drops can vary. It might be more balanced if this drop worked the same way as the three leafed clover, except it never runs out of uses.
  • The flight time here is a little long in my opinion, it could lead to a situation of a player almost dying, only to fly away and camp in the sky for 90 seconds.
  • I really like the concept of the rabbit’s foot, wouldn’t change it except maybe a slightly shorter delay.
  • Onto the negative drops, getting the 5 leaved clover would be really unfortunate if you opened the glitched lucky block early on, and not much if you opened this after you already have a lot of loot. Instead, I would make it so that the next 15 lucky blocks you open are guaranteed to give you negative drops (regardless of block type)
  • The upside down horseshoe is the drop I am least certain of. It seems a bit too punishing, not only is getting around much more difficult, the horse you are riding becomes a very easy target. I’m honestly not sure what the best way to fix these problems would be.
  • The grudge of the rabbit is another drop I really like and isn’t too punishing.

This is how I would change glitched lucky blocks (This actually comes from a suggestion I made in the past, but I’ve modified it slightly):
Rather than making them come out of normal lucky blocks, I would make them exist initially at the start of each game. Specifically, each lucky block would have a small probability of being a glitched lucky block instead. I think a reasonable probability would be .5%, except it could have a much larger probability in crazy mode, say, 4%. As for the drops that come out of these lucky blocks, I think that they powerful, chaotic, and unpredictable. Here are some examples:
  • Start a random event
  • Shuffle every player’s inventory
  • Have the block opener swap places with a random player
  • Teleport the player to a random location on the map (make it the highest grounded location at a random X and z, so players don’t get stuck at the bottom of the map)
  • drop 13 random spawn eggs
  • drop a curse of binding elytra
  • drop a random item with sharpness 6
  • summon the eggwars villager (and allow players to trade with it normally)
  • Summon a warden
I honestly really like both of our ideas and think they would add interesting aspects into the game. I personally think that my idea for glitched lucky blocks feels more fitting. However, I think the idea you have for glitched lucky blocks could work really well if an entirely new type of lucky blocks were to be added to the game. I think that cursed lucky blocks would be a good name for the lucky blocks which provide these items. As for how these lucky blocks could be obtained, I’m not entirely sure. One option would be to have them work in the same way glitched lucky blocks currently work, randomly coming out of regular lucky block rarely (although I think a weight of .1 would likely still be to small) Another option is to have them be like rainbow lucky blocks and have a single one generate in a specific (or perhaps, random) location on the map each game. It might be best if rather than starting out initially, these lucky blocks spawned in after a certain amount of time has passed, keeping players on their toes.

Lastly, I appreciate the amount of detail and work you put into the creation of this suggestion, especially for glitched lucky blocks, and it makes me really happy to see such effort being put towards this game. I’m thankful towards both of you for making this suggestion.


Nov 13, 2024
Here are some of my thoughts:
  1. I simply agree with this
  2. This is not actually in the bedrock version of lucky islands. I feel like even with smithing tables this item wouldn’t do enough. In most games I don’t get diamond armor or tools anyway, and in cases where I do, getting them upgraded often isn’t worth the time. While I totally agree with this suggestion overall, I think it would be better if the sorcerer’s stick gave you a different item entirely. For example, getting a random potion would fit the theme of the item, but the item would become more rewarding to use.
  3. While shields aren’t a problem in bedrock lucky islands even in the slightest, I still wouldn’t mind this change and for bedrock it wouldn’t have much of a significant impact.
  4. As mentioned, this wouldn’t change much on the version of the game I play.
  5. In my personal opinion, the weighted amulet it actually very useful. I’m not sure how significant knockback is on Java, but on bedrock it is a very significant part of the game. I think the reason this drop is rarely seen is simply the fact that it doesn’t come from Diamond lucky blocks despite being a useful item.
  6. I’m not sure if this issue exists in bedrock lucky islands, I’ve never seen it give instant health before, but I agree either way.
  7. Another Java exclusive drop it seems, I haven’t tried no idea what this is.
  8. Agree
  9. I’m unsure about this. The concept it extremely similar to the swapper we already have in the game, which is already very similar to regular enderpearls in use. I could see this item being used in PvP if you throw it at a player and then jump over a gap to get them to fall in the void, but doing that could be extremely risky.
  10. This is another thing bedrock players just don’t have.
  11. 100% Agree
  12. Agree
  13. agree
  14. I think this is a very cool idea, I agree with this as well
  15. Well this is the biggest part of this suggestion so I’m going to have more to say here. First off, I agree completely that glitched lucky blocks should be greatly expanded upon. Right now they are extremely rare (it has a weight of .1 although this might not reflect the true probability of it coming out of a lucky block) They also don’t do much. Whenever I open them, I’ve found that they will always do nothing except if they are opened in the location they initially spawned in. When I reported this as a bug, I was told that the glitched lucky block dropping nothing was an intended drop. I later learned, however, that the weight for this drop is 0, which should mean that it never happens. And even when the lucky block does do something, it always isn’t actually impactful. Opening glitched lucky blocks is basically pointless right now.
Here is my feedback regarding your suggestion for improving the glitched lucky blocks:

I really like this idea but think it could use some tweaking. Having a lucky block that brings with it a significant risk would make the game really interesting. Here is my feedback regarding each individual drop:
  • I have a few problems with this idea. You haven’t specified if this item can only be used to get one rainbow lucky block or if you can keep getting more and more. In the case of the former, I think the drop could be a bit underwhelming, but in the case of the latter, the 27 lucky blocks from the rainbow lucky block would basically mean having 2 more free rainbow lucky blocks, a little overpowered if you ask me. A big issue is how much the quality of rainbow lucky blocks drops can vary. It might be more balanced if this drop worked the same way as the three leafed clover, except it never runs out of uses.
  • The flight time here is a little long in my opinion, it could lead to a situation of a player almost dying, only to fly away and camp in the sky for 90 seconds.
  • I really like the concept of the rabbit’s foot, wouldn’t change it except maybe a slightly shorter delay.
  • Onto the negative drops, getting the 5 leaved clover would be really unfortunate if you opened the glitched lucky block early on, and not much if you opened this after you already have a lot of loot. Instead, I would make it so that the next 15 lucky blocks you open are guaranteed to give you negative drops (regardless of block type)
  • The upside down horseshoe is the drop I am least certain of. It seems a bit too punishing, not only is getting around much more difficult, the horse you are riding becomes a very easy target. I’m honestly not sure what the best way to fix these problems would be.
  • The grudge of the rabbit is another drop I really like and isn’t too punishing.

This is how I would change glitched lucky blocks (This actually comes from a suggestion I made in the past, but I’ve modified it slightly):
Rather than making them come out of normal lucky blocks, I would make them exist initially at the start of each game. Specifically, each lucky block would have a small probability of being a glitched lucky block instead. I think a reasonable probability would be .5%, except it could have a much larger probability in crazy mode, say, 4%. As for the drops that come out of these lucky blocks, I think that they powerful, chaotic, and unpredictable. Here are some examples:
  • Start a random event
  • Shuffle every player’s inventory
  • Have the block opener swap places with a random player
  • Teleport the player to a random location on the map (make it the highest grounded location at a random X and z, so players don’t get stuck at the bottom of the map)
  • drop 13 random spawn eggs
  • drop a curse of binding elytra
  • drop a random item with sharpness 6
  • summon the eggwars villager (and allow players to trade with it normally)
  • Summon a warden
I honestly really like both of our ideas and think they would add interesting aspects into the game. I personally think that my idea for glitched lucky blocks feels more fitting. However, I think the idea you have for glitched lucky blocks could work really well if an entirely new type of lucky blocks were to be added to the game. I think that cursed lucky blocks would be a good name for the lucky blocks which provide these items. As for how these lucky blocks could be obtained, I’m not entirely sure. One option would be to have them work in the same way glitched lucky blocks currently work, randomly coming out of regular lucky block rarely (although I think a weight of .1 would likely still be to small) Another option is to have them be like rainbow lucky blocks and have a single one generate in a specific (or perhaps, random) location on the map each game. It might be best if rather than starting out initially, these lucky blocks spawned in after a certain amount of time has passed, keeping players on their toes.

Lastly, I appreciate the amount of detail and work you put into the creation of this suggestion, especially for glitched lucky blocks, and it makes me really happy to see such effort being put towards this game. I’m thankful towards
Thanks a lot for the Feedback Roxrock, and the Bedrock point of view.

I will try to answer some things from the java point of view, because thats what the thread is mostly about and I dont know the bedrock version at all xD

I will address the numbers you commented to which I have an answer for, like why we think its important for the Java version especially.

2. The Sorcerer Stick

In java version its quite common that you get diamond tools or armour, we even have a diamond kit where you get 7 diamonds at the start.
With the Sorcerer Stick where you need to kill a player with it in main hand its quite hard to do but still a good reward, so that you can make netherite armour at least sometimes for sure. The problem right now that we are addressing is that we cant even use it at all anymore (which we could before) because we cant get the template since the update to 1.20 in java.
- so our suggestion is to either fix it or to remove it.

5. Weighted Amulet

I can imagine that the Amulet is very strong in Bedrock version, like it would be in 1.8 java as well. But now we have hit cooldown and that amulet isnt usefull enough. It cant be used in pvp bc you wont knock the enemy of the map most of the time because of the hit cooldown.
You can use it if you have much better armour, but thats not a sign of a good item because you could just use your sword and 3 hit the person instead as well.
So with that change, we java players could use it in off hand and get a slighty better combo potential with the less knockback that we get, like the knockback reduce helmet in bedwars. (idk if thats the same for you either),
With that, that item may be more popular again and not be thrown into the void and it could motivate players to use that item more often, also as an off hand item.

9. Insta Swapper

I dont know if its maybe different for you in bedrock.
But the Insta Swapper would be kinda different than the Swapper that we have rn. The Swapper we have right now (like i said idk how its in bedrock) only swaps blocks in a 3x3x3 field and entities within, it also only does that after a certain time.

The idea with the Insta Swapper is that we have a very dynamic Item.
Its hard to use it right and its a rare drop as well, but using it right will result in many amazing and fun plays. Because you not only can swap (if you manage to do so) with other players to send them to void like you mentioned as well, you can also use it to swap with other entities instantly, like combining it with the slime wand for example which then can be great for escaping or positioning yourself in a fight and probably much more. In general it can be a good item to escape, swapping with a mob or with the attacking player to confuse him or to engage in fights and for having more fun situations and unexpecting moments in Lucky Island.

15. The Glitched Lucky Block

I will let the genius behind that idea answer that one, so Velocidad will probably answer that soon :)

Thank you very much for your interest and your feedback. If you have questions regarding anything feel free to ask <3
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
5. Weighted Amulet

I can imagine that the Amulet is very strong in Bedrock version, like it would be in 1.8 java as well. But now we have hit cooldown and that amulet isnt usefull enough. It cant be used in pvp bc you wont knock the enemy of the map most of the time because of the hit cooldown.
You can use it if you have much better armour, but thats not a sign of a good item because you could just use your sword and 3 hit the person instead as well.
So with that change, we java players could use it in off hand and get a slighty better combo potential with the less knockback that we get, like the knockback reduce helmet in bedwars. (idk if thats the same for you either),
With that, that item may be more popular again and not be thrown into the void and it could motivate players to use that item more often, also as an off hand item.
I would like to mention that, personally, I always saw it as more of a utility item in the terms of it not necessarily having to be used in combat. You can use blocks in your offhand and the amulet in your main to safely bridge. Or you can use it to get across a bridge safely, to be able to rush without getting knocked off.

I don't think every item should have a direct function in combat, because players will try to come up with unique ways to use it if it doesn't. I believe that should be encouraged, rather than simply making everything offense focused. It's more of a defensive item.

That being said, I do think it can use a slight buff when used in main-hand, but I do stand by my reasoning "against" making it offense focused as well.


Dec 18, 2024
View attachment 235689

Hey! I was discussing a few things with @shamomshka (very active Lucky Islands player) about Lucky Islands like nerfs/buffs that we think some of the Lucky Islands items need and also some fun ideas that we would like to see in a next update of this wonderful mode, that's why I proposed him to make a thread where we make a list where people could give their opinion about these ideas and changes and hopefully in the future we could see them in the game.

Most of them are simple changes or ideas but I have left my favorite one at the end which I think is the most complex and fun idea on the whole list.

⚠️ This ideas and changes are thought from a Java point of view, meaning that some things may not be compatible or necessary in Bedrock.⚠️

View attachment 235690

1️⃣- Be able to escape from the freeze bow with the Elevator and Chorus fruit

2️⃣- Adapt all the maps for the Sorcerer’s Stick or remove it, since currently this item is “useless” if the maps are not adapted to have the Smithing Table +This table requires a Smithing Template to be able to upgrade the diamond armor, but this template are unobtainable in li so the best option would be that the table comes with permanent Smithing Templates.

3️⃣- Add the piercing enchantment to all the current crossbows(Multi-Shot and Speed fire) or add a crossbow with piercing.

This idea comes up due to the rise of shield usage and both me and shamomshka think they need some counters and we think this would be a good idea.

4️⃣- Make that the God Axe makes the shield break delay longer (from 5 secs -> 10 secs)

5️⃣- Make that the Weighted Amulet if use it now in the offhand reduce 10/15% of kb

We came to the idea that this item needs a buff since nobody uses it and we believe this change would be ideal for people to use it more.
(I hope this change can be done without any problem so that the anticheat does not detect this like some hack xd)

6️⃣- Make the effect of the rainbow apple of 15/20 seconds max.

We believe that the effect of these apples needs a reasonable limit since there are effects such as the instant health effect that if it appears for 40 seconds we believe that it breaks the game a bit. This limit is set as a maximum, meaning that effects of 8 seconds or 5 seconds can continue to appear as they already appear right now.

7️⃣- Make the Cage Trap invisible for everyone unless the one who put it after 5 seconds.

A small change to make this item better and more useful of course.

8️⃣- Add wind charges and the mace (with low durability like 1 or 2)

9️⃣- Add “Insta Swapper”, a projectile(like an egg or snowball) that swaps positions instantly with any entity like users,mobs or animals by throwing it and hitting the entity. Can be deflected with shields.

🔟- Reduce a bit more the durability of the elytras

This is a change that I personally think is necessary, although it may seem that they have low durability, they last quite a long time and it is easy to find other elytras and put them together for more durability. I think about this change because there are many users who abuse the elytras when doing pvp and since when ur "flying" the hitbox is greatly reduced it is very difficult to hit them.

1️⃣1️⃣- Remove the angle limitation of the Ice Wand

This would open up the possibility for new moves and make this wand, which is currently only used to make bridges, more interesting.

1️⃣2️⃣- Make that after killing a blaze one of the possible drops is a fire resistance potion of 1:30 mins.

We think this change would be good to make it more worthwhile to kill the blaze, the chances would be 50% for the potion and the other 50% for the fire aspect rod.

1️⃣3️⃣- Buff soul speed 1 boots to soul speed 2
After the update 1.21 these boots are very slow in the soulsand, so I think this small improvement would make them go back to how they were before.

1️⃣4️⃣- Add a 3-leaf clover that only drops in all the modes except blessed mode, that have only 3 uses(one per leaf), this item makes that all lucky blocks that are broken with the clover have good drops.

View attachment 235703

Any Lucky Islands player has ever encountered a glitched lucky block. At first, since it's so rare, you'd think it had a special and spectacular drop, but it's quite the opposite. Once you know what the drops are, it's a lucky block that everyone ignores. That's why this idea is about making glitched lucky blocks special and unique.

This idea has some lore, and it is that the glitched lucky block has brought 3 real-life good luck objects, which will be called legendary items but it has not only brought good things... it has also brought the 3 cursed versions of these legendary items, meaning that you have to be careful when breaking the glitched lucky block since not everything will be good drops.

View attachment 235704

The 3 legendary items that the glitched lucky block has brought from real life are the 4-leaf clover, the golden horseshoe and the rabbit's foot.

View attachment 235705
If you break 15 normal lucky blocks with this item you can spawn a rainbow lucky block in ur location
(It would be cool if the item was a hat)

View attachment 235707
This item let you spawn a pegasus(winged horse), a horse that will let you fly for 1:30 mins or until someone kills it or if dies for other reasons before the 1:30 mins.(This item is of one use)

View attachment 235709
If this item is on the offhand let you have a double jump with a delay of 20 seconds

View attachment 235711
The glitched lucky block apparently not only brought good things but also brought the cursed versions of the 3 legendary items, these items on the contrary bring bad luck and it is better to never have them in your inventory.

Once you break the glitched lucky block, if you are unlucky enough to get the cursed items, they will go directly into your inventory and you won't be able to avoid picking them up or throwing them out of your inventory.

If your inventory is full, one of the items you have in your inventory will be randomly thrown to make room for the cursed item. There is a chance that the cursed item will go to the offhand and once there it cannot be moved either. Once dead, the cursed item will disappear with the user.

The 3 cursed items that the glitched lucky block has brought are the 5-leaf black clover,upside down horseshoe and Grudge of the rabbits

View attachment 235712

This is the cursed version of the 4-leaf clover, once you have this item you can't break more lucky blocks in the game

View attachment 235714

This is the cursed version of the golden horseshoe, with this item you spawn in a skeleton horse and you will never be able to get off the horse, your destinies are sealed until the death of one of the 2.If the horse dies you will have the same fate, the horse will regenerate a heart every 20 seconds

View attachment 235716
The hatred and resentment of all the rabbits towards humans for hunting the poor rabbits thinking that their paws brought luck led to the creation of this item.

When you have this item you receive jump boost 3 effect and double fall damage for all the game.

View attachment 235718

In the end, these are simply ideas and changes that we would like to see in the game, but we understand that not all ideas will be accepted or that people may not like them. If there is something that does not convince you or that you would make some change, do not hesitate to say so.

If we get to 20 positive reactions :agree:, @shamomshka and I have decided that we would do a second part with more things that we had in mind but that we have not put in the thread so the thread is not super long.
Thank you for reading all the thread 🙏

ty sham for the help in making this thread
inspired me to make a list of changes and new ideas, thank you
  • Agree
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
  • I have a few problems with this idea. You haven’t specified if this item can only be used to get one rainbow lucky block or if you can keep getting more and more. In the case of the former, I think the drop could be a bit underwhelming, but in the case of the latter, the 27 lucky blocks from the rainbow lucky block would basically mean having 2 more free rainbow lucky blocks, a little overpowered if you ask me. A big issue is how much the quality of rainbow lucky blocks drops can vary. It might be more balanced if this drop worked the same way as the three leafed clover, except it never runs out of uses.
  • The flight time here is a little long in my opinion, it could lead to a situation of a player almost dying, only to fly away and camp in the sky for 90 seconds.
  • I really like the concept of the rabbit’s foot, wouldn’t change it except maybe a slightly shorter delay.
  • Onto the negative drops, getting the 5 leaved clover would be really unfortunate if you opened the glitched lucky block early on, and not much if you opened this after you already have a lot of loot. Instead, I would make it so that the next 15 lucky blocks you open are guaranteed to give you negative drops (regardless of block type)
  • The upside down horseshoe is the drop I am least certain of. It seems a bit too punishing, not only is getting around much more difficult, the horse you are riding becomes a very easy target. I’m honestly not sure what the best way to fix these problems would be.
  • The grudge of the rabbit is another drop I really like and isn’t too punishing.
First of all I think we have different perspectives when it comes to these items, my main idea is that if you find the glitched lucky block, I want the drop to be very good or very bad to the point that it almost seems unbalanced, but that makes you think twice and know that the glitched lucky block can either solve your game or ruin it. And I notice that your point of view would be to make the good not so good and the bad not so bad.

-I did not specify the uses because as I said I want it to be a really good drop, meaning that has no limit, if you notice I put that I would like it to be a hat not simply for the aesthetic fact but so that all the players know that you have an op item and that if they don't go after you and let you break more lucky blocks you can become very strong. (It would be like a helmet but without any protection, that is to say the same as not having a helmet). About the 27 lucky blocks in the rlb it is something that I had completely forgotten about and it is true that it would be quite unbalanced, to balance it I would make the only lucky blocks that count for the 4 leaf clover, would be the ones that are from the beginning of the game, that is to say the lucky blocks that are obtained from the abilities (I think they are only in java), kits and from another lucky block such as the rainbow lucky block would not count.The last part you mention is one of the ideas that came up when Shamomska and I were discussing this item, but I totally discarded it since it would make it totally useless in blessed mode apart from the fact that it seemed like an unattractive idea to me.

-As I said at the beginning I want it to be a good item, apart from that I understand what you say and it is very possible that this will happen as with so many other items that we already have, there are people who can run an entire game if they have elytras and if they already have the Grappling hook bow they can be going around the map until they run out of arrows. With this I mean that I would not lower the time from 90 seconds because some users use it to escape, which at the end of the day is a basic strategy and is already done with other items currently.Also using it to escape would have many counters since when spawning the pegasus the enemy can steal it, hit you with the freezing bow and thus throw you into the void, shoot you with a normal bow, lock you with the shield wand, etc.

-It may be a good change, but well, all balance changes like these you never know if they are necessary until you play with the item for several games.

-You're absolutely right, if you got the 5-leaf clover at the beginning it would be very bad, but that's where the risk lies since if you get the 4-leaf clover at the beginning it won't be as complicated to get the rainbow lucky block. In the end it's up to you to decide if it's worth breaking the glitched lucky block regardless of how far the game has progressed. The change you mention seems uninteresting to me and not as bad as I want the drop of cursed items to be.

-I think you already know what my answer is going to be for this xD

- :)

I honestly really like both of our ideas and think they would add interesting aspects into the game. I personally think that my idea for glitched lucky blocks feels more fitting.

It's true that my idea is a bit "crazy", but in the end it's what I was looking for, I wanted something interesting and something that was a bit different from the drops we've seen so far in Lucky Islands. On the other hand, your idea is more "moderate" and it's true that in a certain way it is more fitting.

Lastly, I appreciate the amount of detail and work you put into the creation of this suggestion, especially for glitched lucky blocks, and it makes me really happy to see such effort being put towards this game. I’m thankful towards both of you for making this suggestion.
The same can be said for me, I really appreciate that someone takes their time to respond to each of the sections giving their honest and detailed opinion. I hope we can have a big update of Lucky Islands since it has been somewhat neglected despite being quite popular, and hopefully see your idea or mine implemented in game.

inspired me to make a list of changes and new ideas, thank you
I'm glad that our thread inspired you. If we get to 20 positive reactions on this thread, we'll do a second part. So it would be good to get in touch before posting our threads so that our ideas or changes aren't repeated.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I understand now that most of your comment was regarding the Java version of lucky islands so I understand and agree with most of your points. I’ve now realized how important these differences are, so I’ve made a thread here where I plan on keeping track of these differences since it is important to consider both versions of the game when making feedback for lucky islands as a whole.
9. Insta Swapper

I dont know if its maybe different for you in bedrock.
But the Insta Swapper would be kinda different than the Swapper that we have rn. The Swapper we have right now (like i said idk how its in bedrock) only swaps blocks in a 3x3x3 field and entities within, it also only does that after a certain time.

The idea with the Insta Swapper is that we have a very dynamic Item.
It’s hard to use it right and it’s a rare drop as well, but using it right will result in many amazing and fun plays. Because you not only can swap (if you manage to do so) with other players to send them to void like you mentioned as well, you can also use it to swap with other entities instantly, like combining it with the slime wand for example which then can be great for escaping or positioning yourself in a fight and probably much more. In general it can be a good item to escape, swapping with a mob or with the attacking player to confuse him or to engage in fights and for having more fun situations and unexpecting moments in Lucky Island.
I think the swapper works the same on bedrock. I think it is similar because I would expect it to be used in the same way, which is as a way of transporting yourself across the map. Both items could also be used to switch your location with a mob in order to get that mob to attack a player. There are rarely times when I use a swapper item without using it on myself. The main difference between the two it the mob requirement with the insta swapper. For this reason, I’m not as enthusiastic about this as I am about the 3 leaved clover, but I’m not against this idea either.
First of all I think we have different perspectives when it comes to these items, my main idea is that if you find the glitched lucky block, I want the drop to be very good or very bad to the point that it almost seems unbalanced, but that makes you think twice and know that the glitched lucky block can either solve your game or ruin it. And I notice that your point of view would be to make the good not so good and the bad not so bad.

-I did not specify the uses because as I said I want it to be a really good drop, meaning that has no limit, if you notice I put that I would like it to be a hat not simply for the aesthetic fact but so that all the players know that you have an op item and that if they don't go after you and let you break more lucky blocks you can become very strong. (It would be like a helmet but without any protection, that is to say the same as not having a helmet). About the 27 lucky blocks in the rlb it is something that I had completely forgotten about and it is true that it would be quite unbalanced, to balance it I would make the only lucky blocks that count for the 4 leaf clover, would be the ones that are from the beginning of the game, that is to say the lucky blocks that are obtained from the abilities (I think they are only in java), kits and from another lucky block such as the rainbow lucky block would not count.The last part you mention is one of the ideas that came up when Shamomska and I were discussing this item, but I totally discarded it since it would make it totally useless in blessed mode apart from the fact that it seemed like an unattractive idea to me.

-As I said at the beginning I want it to be a good item, apart from that I understand what you say and it is very possible that this will happen as with so many other items that we already have, there are people who can run an entire game if they have elytras and if they already have the Grappling hook bow they can be going around the map until they run out of arrows. With this I mean that I would not lower the time from 90 seconds because some users use it to escape, which at the end of the day is a basic strategy and is already done with other items currently.Also using it to escape would have many counters since when spawning the pegasus the enemy can steal it, hit you with the freezing bow and thus throw you into the void, shoot you with a normal bow, lock you with the shield wand, etc.

-It may be a good change, but well, all balance changes like these you never know if they are necessary until you play with the item for several games.

-You're absolutely right, if you got the 5-leaf clover at the beginning it would be very bad, but that's where the risk lies since if you get the 4-leaf clover at the beginning it won't be as complicated to get the rainbow lucky block. In the end it's up to you to decide if it's worth breaking the glitched lucky block regardless of how far the game has progressed. The change you mention seems uninteresting to me and not as bad as I want the drop of cursed items to be.

-I think you already know what my answer is going to be for this xD

- :)

It's true that my idea is a bit "crazy", but in the end it's what I was looking for, I wanted something interesting and something that was a bit different from the drops we've seen so far in Lucky Islands. On the other hand, your idea is more "moderate" and it's true that in a certain way it is more fitting.

The same can be said for me, I really appreciate that someone takes their time to respond to each of the sections giving their honest and detailed opinion. I hope we can have a big update of Lucky Islands since it has been somewhat neglected despite being quite popular, and hopefully see your idea or mine implemented in game.
- You’re definitely right about us having a bit different perspectives on this, the balance of the game is definitely a priority of mine. I mainly felt like the upside down horseshoe sounds way to punishing that the other 3 and it would be really hard to win if you got it.
- I’ll admit that after thinking about this part of my comment again I don’t like my suggestion I had here and I completely missed the problem with blessed mode. I honestly wouldn’t have a problem with the 4 leaved clover at all if I felt that the drops from rainbow lucky blocks were more balanced and fair. However, I think that changing the 4 leaved clover in the way you suggested would be a significant improvement in balancing the item.
-The grappling hook bow and elytra are both not in bedrock lucky islands (that sounds like a pain, lol) so pearling away is really the only “get out of jail free card”, but it usually only buys you a couple of seconds before you get cornered or caught up to. I have a different idea for balancing the Pegasus. I noticed that all of the other items you suggested cause permanent effects for the rest of the game, good or bad. So instead of making the Pegasus single use for 90 seconds, why not make it usable multiple times for shorter durations and with a cooldown.
-True, that’s a fair point.
-This is also a good point. I felt like it would make the game interesting if players could lift the curse if they endured enough bad lucky block drops but if you are going for permanent effects from these drops then I understand why this wouldn’t fit.
-I don’t want to repeat myself here, but I have a gut feeling that this would just be a death sentence to most players who get this outcome. I don’t have any ideas for alternatives that I’m extremely enthusiastic about but here are some basic brainstorm ideas:
  • You are stuck riding a horse that is slow, can’t jump, and can’t be killed.
  • For the rest of the game the player is chased by a flying skeleton horse that attacks the player. This horse can be killed, but will respawn where it died after 10 seconds and has a lot of health.
  • The player is given a horse with the wither effect and must keep it alive for the rest of the game, or else the player dies.
- Yes, my main point here was that the glitch theme doesn’t make a lot of sense and I don’t think these mechanics shouldn’t be tucked away in a really rare lucky block drop, which is why I envisioned a new lucky block type. I gave my own suggestion as a way of trying to make glitched lucky blocks at least do something substantial, although the game wouldn’t be hurt if they were just replaced or removed instead.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021
  • You are stuck riding a horse that is slow, can’t jump, and can’t be killed.
  • For the rest of the game the player is chased by a flying skeleton horse that attacks the player. This horse can be killed, but will respawn where it died after 10 seconds and has a lot of health.
  • The player is given a horse with the wither effect and must keep it alive for the rest of the game, or else the player dies

-I almost find this drop more punishing than mine hahaah, it would be very easy to lock up the other player with blocks since it is very difficult to break blocks with the horse and if you are also slow and can't jump it becomes more complicated, but I really liked this idea, it is very interesting.

-This idea is definitely my favorite of the 3, it would be something like the vengeful spirit of the pegasus or something like that xD.

-This idea is very interesting, at first I thought it would be very difficult to heal the horse but it is true that Lucky Islands is full of hay bales, on top of that you can also heal it with normal or golden apples, what I don't know is if the wither effect will be too fast compared to the healing and that could be too frustrating (but that is the intention of the cursed items🤭).
- Yes, my main point here was that the glitch theme doesn’t make a lot of sense and I don’t think these mechanics shouldn’t be tucked away in a really rare lucky block drop, which is why I envisioned a new lucky block type. I gave my own suggestion as a way of trying to make glitched lucky blocks at least do something substantial, although the game wouldn’t be hurt if they were just replaced or removed instead.

We have 2 different points of view on this, but they seem equally correct to me, as they say, there's no accounting for tastes.

If we get to 20 positive reactions :agree:, @shamomshka and I have decided that we would do a second part with more things that we had in mind but that we have not put in the thread so the thread is not super long.
Thank you all for supporting the thread, we have already reached 20 positive reactions. As promised we will do the second part, I would like to say that it will be soon but it is something that takes time and effort to do, but without a doubt we will do the 2nd part in the not too distant future I hope.
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