This is indeed kinda unfair so I understand why this could be an option.
The only thing is a lot of times when I play, the last person I have to kill is a camper. This would mean that this camper who didn't do anything the entire game would get more points than someone who didn't camp and got loads of kills, this would also be unfair.
This could also increase the amount of campers because why would you leave your island, get loads of kills and still have a pretty big chance of dying instead of camping, doing nothing, becoming 3th or 2nd and still gain more points?
I would rather get points for making kill(s) (streaks) since this would actually decrease the amount of campers. This would also be fairer because you could still get more points as the player in 1th place if he made zero or maybe one kill while you made loads off kills.
This would actually make the difference between skilled players and campers.