Hi there! Now I'm no lucky blocks genius like @Velocidad , @shamomshka or @Roxrock, but I enjoy the gamemode. These two suggestions are nothing that will overly change the game, but make it just that tiny bit nicer. Whenever you break a lucky block, most of the time if its an item not in vanilla then it will come with a sound effect/effects. For the wands they have sound effects. Slime wand makes a slime sound, shield wand makes rat tat tat noise, and mob wand plays a sound of a random mob. There may be more but to my understanding two wands have no sound. The regeneration wand and the frost path wand. I honestly think this is such a shame as they are quite useful. If I were a dev I would make the frost wand have the same sound as it does when you use it, kinda like you're placing a load of ice. You couod make it vice-versa and have it sound like you're breaking ice blocks. For the regen wand I don't really know an interesting one but I am sure that the masterminds at cube could come up with something. Just something to take into mind...