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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

~Special thanks @StorySays for all the Banners <3
Arcade is a game here on Cubecraft where you are able to play an array of fast-paced, team-based gamemodes that test your reflexes and strategies to the extreme!

There are six gamemodes which will be covered:
Line Dash
Wing Rush
Slime Survival
Quake Craft

Team game modes don’t allow the game to start until there are similar or balanced teams, this is to prevent the game starting with unbalanced teams, such as a 1 v 4.​


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Line dash is a port of the popular seasonal game "Snow Down". Line Dash has elements of this mixed with Tron. The objective of the game is to run around while leaving a trail behind you and wipe out other players who also have trails, and be the last team standing, but be careful not to run into their trails. There are three teams: Red, Green, and Light Blue, with a maximum of twelve players, there are four people on a team. Once there are three players left the borders start to shrink and limit the space.

How to Play
Eliminate the other team by trying to get them to cross your trail, you can collect power ups to help eliminate the other teams. Don’t cross over the other team's colour trail otherwise you will be eliminated!

Maps & World Events


Curse of the Mummy Archer, if shot by the mummy archer you have a chance of receiving either Slowness or Blindness.


It’s raining acorns! Be cautious of the acorns falling out of the sky.


Reverse global warming, icebergs appearing out of the ground.


No special happenings besides being a scientists test subject.



No special happenings besides being close to sonic.

Voting Options

Rank Required: Diamond

Normal Mode
Try to get your enemies to run over your trail in this classic mode!

Side Tasks
Kill a player with TNT
Get a kill in the first 30 seconds
Kill a player while invisible

Chaos Mode
Players are given infinite speed 3 and only TNT powerups making this a reckless and difficult mode!

Side Tasks
Kill 3 players with TNT
Get a kill in the first 30 seconds
Kill two players whilst under the effect of the speed powerup


A small duration of invisibility, watch out- your boots are still visible!

Long Tail
Your trail gets an extension to trap more players.

Jump Boost
Give you the ability to jump.

Speed Boost
Obtain a massive speed boost to swiftly glide in front of enemies.

Get a throwable snowball that makes a single trail block wherever it lands, to take out players from a distance.

Throw a slimeball that blinds players within a certain radius of the explosion.

You’re able to zoom through other teams tracks without being harmed for a limited amount of time

Punch Bow
You are given a punch bow to shoot players creating massive distance between you.

Allows you to leap to an area you are facing.

You get a throwable tnt, that if aimed right can kill other players or destroy their trails

Rotten Egg
A throw able egg that after contacting an enemy will give them side effects such as nausea and slowness.

Ender Pearl
Get an ender pearl to teleport to an area of your choosing.


Different ways to survive or utilization of the different power ups in Line Dash to help you reign supreme, I will be showing you the different techniques you can use in order to win;

TNT Lasso
Circle a player and trap them in a small inescapable circle of trail and fire a TNT into the center of the circle to explode your way to victory.

Panic Button
If you are hit with a flash bang create a small circle around yourself with the little vision you have and sit inside the circle, unless this is early game you should be able to sit there until it runs out without the trail catching up. This does however make you vulnerable to ‘TNT Lasso’.

Speed Drift
Obtain a Speed II power up and chase somebody, once you reach the front of them quickly hit a left turn and swerve into their view.

Storage Leap
Keep a hold of a leap when you get in case of dangerous circumstances e.g when the border has crept in and you can get stuck easily or if you have been TNT Lasso’d you can jump the trap.

Ender Wall
Ender pearl to the front of someone, as soon as you teleported create a long line and block them off, this requires extremely accurate and can be quite difficult to land.
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Wing rush is a flying racing game, it has elements from Mario Kart, these being the power ups you can either use to your advantage or use against your opponents. One of our useful bars is your speedometer and boost capacity, this is shown using the Exp bar, you can use your boost by pressing F. Be sure to fly through the checkpoints and make sure you’re going the correct way.

How to play
While racing through the map collect power ups to slow down your opponents. Rush to the finish line to win!


Biomes ~ 2 laps

Nature ~ 1 lap

Ravine ~ 2 laps

Voting Options

Rank Required: Obsidian

-Hoop Mode

-Normal Mode

Hoop Mode

While racing through the track be aware of the hoops. You can earn points by flying through each hoop and get a different amount depending on the block it’s made of. Be aware as your time counts down, the first lap each checkpoint adds 10 points, the second lap each checkpoint adds 5, when time runs out, it’s game over.

How to play

Fly through hoops and collect as many points as you can.
You have limited time to live, but going through checkpoints gives you bonus time.
Press 'f' (swap hand key) to use boost (exp bar is boost capacity)

Hoop Point Amounts

Iron ~ 3

Gold ~ 5

Diamond ~ 10

Side Tasks

Get 100 Points Without Crashing.

Don’t go through any Iron hoops and get at least 20 points.

Stay alive at least 200 seconds.

Normal Mode

How to play
Follow beacons (checkpoints) and be first to finish.
Press ‘F’ (Swap hands key) to use boost (exp bar is boost capacity).
Collect power ups to help eliminate the others.

There is a features on screen, known as the ‘boss bar’ by staff, which shows your progress in the map, each notch are a checkpoint, it also states the lap you’re on and the time you’ve taken. Try and beat your time record that is shown.

Side Tasks for normal

Kill an enemy with arrows.

Kill an enemy with lasers.

5 seconds ahead of everyone.

Power ups

Blind Wave

Allows you to blind your enemies for a short time

Spider Web Trail

Webs follow you and creates a trap for your enemies to get caught in


Become invincible and avoid crash damage


Drop TNT behind you and blow your enemies up

Lightning Stick

Strike your enemies with lightning causing them to spin out


Shoot down your enemies


Zap your enemies out of the sky

Powerup Trap

Trick your enemies into thinking it’s a powerup that causes them to crash

Full Boost Bar

Fill your boost bar to speed past enemies

Anvil Head

Give your enemies anvil head and they can’t fly up and slowly go down


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Spleef offers six different game modes, while still giving the same idea as classic spleef. Collect power ups to increase your chances at winning, but be aware when the floor starts shattering. Lightning signals when the layer has started to shatter, it begins at the center and works it way out. You can vote for some options but not all, Tnt Run, Classic spleef, splegg and random layer are the ones you can currently vote for in the waiting lobby. Hope you have an eggcellent time playing spleef!

How to play
Different Types of Layers have been generated, you have to survive for as long as you can.
Use power ups to help you eliminate other players.















Voting Options

Vote for games: Lapiz
Want to be the one choosing what mode to play in Spleef, plus other arcade games + global features? Donate for a rank at https://store.cubecraft.net !

-Random Layer Mode

-Classic Spleef Mode

-TNT Run Mode

-Splegg Mode

Side Tasks

Be the last person standing on the top layer

Walk across 500 blocks

Pick up at least 25 powerups in one game


Located on Every Layer

Jump Boost

Gives you an added jump boost

Speed Boost

Obtain a massive speed boost to swiftly glide away from enemies


Stay hidden from people by turning invisible

Specific layers


Big Egg

Capture an egg to destroy a large selection of the floor

Lava Layer

Wet Feet

Reverse the floor back to normal and not destroy blocks below you-Good for being afk for 10 seconds

Bow Spleef

Shotgun Bow
Shoot a spread out range of arrows

Line Bow

Shoot a stretched out line ahead of you

Classic Spleef

Get 10 snowballs that destroy singular blocks



Fly blocks across the map or save yourself from falling



Like the big egg, destroy a large amount of tnt with this bomb
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013

Paintball has two modes, the normal version you may play in real life and capture the flag. In paintball run around shooting paintballs at the opposing team, head shots can account for 30% more damage and is great when in close combat.Self building structures do have the ability to break after a certain amount of hits. While playing normal mode don’t rush in alone as it leaves you vulnerable, you have a team, work with them. In Capture the flag you may need to have a transportation team protecting you as you make your way back to your base with their flag.

How to play
Shoot and kill the other team while avoid being killed yourself. Work as a team to gather kills and be the team with the most kills.







Voting Options

Vote with rank: Gold
Want to be the one choosing what mode to play Paintball, plus other arcade games + global features? Donate for a rank at https://store.cubecraft.net !

Spawn with 40 ammo

Spawn with 20 ammo

Machine Gun
Spawn with 40 ammo

Rocket Gun
Spawn with 3 ammo


Get to a certain amount of kills to win the game, number depends on team sizes, use power ups to overcome the other team.

How to play
Use your gun to shoot paint balls and kill the enemy team.
Structures will randomly generate around the map use them for cover.
Pick up power ups and use them to help eliminate the enemy team.

Side Tasks for Normal

Become godlike (10 killstreak)

Get two grenade kills

Kill three players with headshots

Become unstoppable(5 Kill Streak)

Play the entire game without dying and get at least 5 kills

Capture the Flag
Defend your flag while trying to capture the other teams flag, run to the opposing team's flag grab it and run back to yours to capture! You will be unable to capture the enemies flag if your flag is in the process of being captured and not at its resting place. Health has been buffed a tad to keep the game going, you also light up once you have the flag.

How to play
Get the enemy flag and bring it to your own flag to score a point.
Structures will randomly generate around the map use them for cover.
Pick up power ups and use them to help eliminate the enemy team.

Side Tasks

Kill an enemy 33 blocks away

Become unstoppable(5 Kill Streak)

Play the entire game without dying and get at least 5 kills

Power ups

Jump Boost

Gives you an extra boost and allows you to jump higher

Speed Boost

Allows you to speed around the map


Become invincible and avoid crash damage

Egg sniper

Drop TNT behind you and blow your enemies up, given 5 ammo

Sniper Paintballs

Deals extra damage to the player, given


Gives you extra ammo


Gives you regeneration if you do not have full health, if full health is present you gain 2 hearts for the time being


Allows you to shoot rocket ammo

Machine Gun

Allows you to shoot rapid fire with current ammo, if in Machine Gun mode you gain ammo

Grenade Pack

Grenades can be earned through killstreaks or within the spawning platforms, use F/binding key to use
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013


Slime Survival is a game that consists of throwing slimes at other players, whether it’s to freeze the player or turn them into a slime. In normal mode run away from the selected slime, but be aware, if you get hit you will be changed. Freeze tag allows redemption, if you get frozen your teammates have the option to come and save you to allow you to continue playing. But be aware of the slime grenade as it may get you in a sticky situation.

How to play
Capture other players by shooting your slime at them, slime grenades will spawn in your inventory and give an advantage of a larger field. But watch out for the survivors and their power ups as they may slow you down.​






Voting Options

Vote with rank: Iron
Want to be the one choosing what mode to play in Slime Survival, plus other arcade games + global features? Donate for a rank at https://store.cubecraft.net !

-Normal Mode

-Freeze Tag

Run away from the selected Slime, but be aware if you get hit you also become a slime! Hunt down the hiding survivors and turn them, use your switch key to spot hidden players.

How to play
One player is chosen as the first slime. It is their goal to throw slimes at other players. Converting them into slimes. Avoid becoming a slime till the timer runs out!

Side Tasks


Freeze a slime with Frost sword power up

Freeze 2 slimes with Frost sword power up*

Trap a slime with Slime trap power up


Convert 2 slimes with slime grenades*

Shoot a player within first 30 seconds of a game

Hit a player with slime grenade

Hit an invisible player

Hit a player with slime ball that bounced off a wall

Freeze Tag

We all recall the game we played as youngsters called freeze tag, well we’ve brought it to minecraft! Run around throwing slimes at players and capturing them, but be aware, they can be revived by team mates and can jump around. Jumping is enabled when your experience bar has 5 bars, as each jump requires 5 bars.

How to play
A few players are chosen to be slimes. They can paralyse players by throwing slimes at them,
but survivors can rescue their paralysed teammates. If everyone gets paralysed, slimes win!

Side Tasks


Freeze a slime with Frost sword power up

Freeze 2 slimes with Frost sword power up*

Trap a slime with Slime trap power up

Have your decoy alive for 30 seconds

Recover 2 paralysed survivors

Recover 5 paralysed survivors*

Don't get paralysed the whole game


Shoot a player within first 30 seconds of a game

Hit a player with slime grenade

Hit an invisible player

Hit a player with slime ball that bounced off a wall

Paralyse 5 players in total

Paralyse 3 different players

*a lot of people may not know this, but more difficult tasks give double reward ^-^

Power Ups

Speed Boost

Give you extra speed for 10 seconds.


Gives you a shield that protects any slime him(lasts 15 seconds or until you get hit)


Leaps your forward.


Gives you 3 fireballs that will blind and slow slimes down for 5 seconds.


Teleports where you are looking.

Jump Boost

Gives you jump boost for 15 seconds.

Gravity Explosion

Takes 1 second to charge up after use and causes an explosion that will cause nearby Slimes to fly away from you.

Instant wall

Builds a brick wall in front of you in 2 seconds.


Creates a clone of yourself that will last either 30 seconds or until decoy gets hit with a snowball. While your decoy is alive you are completely invisible.

Frost sword

Hitting a slime will freeze them in an ice cube for 7 seconds.

Slime Puncher

Bow that shoots 3 arrows that will knock slimes away from you.

Cage Trap

Pressure plate that will put the Slime in a cage for 5 seconds when they step on it.

Web Bomb

Ball that will cover the nearby area with spider webs (Survivors can punch a spider web to destroy it instantly).

Slime Blinder

Summons a cloud that will blind slimes when they go into it.
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Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013


Get as many kills as you can in the 3 minutes you have. Spawning in random locations with your railgun carrying you to victory. One shot to kill, but be careful if you miss as they can shoot back. One in the chamber allows you to improve your shot as you only get one ammo per kill, allowing redemption with your melee weapon you can get close range with enemies to gain a kill. Powered quake is a crazy adventure, power ups spawn around the map, collect them to get advantages on others!

How to play
Use your rail gun to take out your opponents, be aware of who's around you as you may get shot from behind or above.








Voting Options

Vote with rank: Lapiz
Want to be the one choosing what mode to play in QuakeCraft, plus other arcade games + global features? Donate for a rank at https://store.cubecraft.net !

-Classic Mode

-One in the Chamber

-Powered Quake


The good ole’ classic quake that we all know and love, given unlimited shots, get the most kills and always watch your back. Use your rail gun to take out enemies!

How to play
A massive free-for-all where you shoot first and ask questions later! Shoot your opponents with a lightning-fast railgun before they can land a kill on you. The player with the most kills at the end of the game wins!

Side Tasks

Become Unstoppable (5 Killstreak)

Become godlike (10 Killstreak)*

Kill multiple enemies with one shot

Kill everyone at least once in the game

Get K/D ratio over 3.0

Kill an enemy 50 blocks away

Kill an enemy while being launched from jump pad

One in the Chamber

One shot, how will you use it? Limited to one ammo, the only way to get more is to get kills, if you miss you will need to resort to the sword located in your inventory, get the most kills to win and hope you come out on top.

How to play
An intense free-for-all match where you only get one shot and the only way to reload is scoring a kill. Run out of ammo and you’ll be forced to use your melee weapon. When the timer runs out the player with the most kills wins!

Side Tasks

Become Unstoppable (5 Killstreak)

Become godlike (10 Killstreak)*

Kill multiple enemies with one shot

Kill everyone at least once in the game

Win 2 sword fights

Stab an enemy in the back

Powered Quake

Power ups spawn around the map, like the classic version but with more action! Look around for the map for power ups to over take your opponents and come out on top

How to play
Powered Quake is a new spin on the old classic. Arm yourself with a whole arsenal of unique gun types, grenades, armor, and other power-ups in this fast-paced, action-packed death match!

Side Tasks

Become Unstoppable (5 Killstreak)

Become godlike (10 Killstreak)*

Kill multiple enemies with one shot

Kill everyone at least once in the game

Get K/D ratio over 3.0

Kill an enemy with airstrike

Get two grenade kills

*a lot of people may not know this, but more difficult tasks give double reward ^-^

Power Ups


Gives you extra speed for 10 seconds.


Gives you jump boost for 15 seconds.

Fast Reload

Every gun will reload twice as fast for 15 seconds.


Equips in your off hand for 10 seconds and when blocking with it all projectiles coming in front of you will be reflected back (Holding a shield means that you can only shoot with left click).


Calls an airstrike that shoots at location where you summoned it to.


Gives you a shotgun that shoots 5 railgun beams at once (5 shots).

Machine Gun

Gives you a machine gun (15 shots).

Grenade Launcher

Shoots explosive shots that fall on the ground and explode on impact (3 shots).

Rocket Launcher

Shoots a big rocket beam that explodes into a big explosion on impact (1 shot).


Gives you golden chest plate, leggings and boots that will protect you from 1 shot into each armour part. You can still be instantly killed when shot in the head though.


Does everything you'd expect a grenade to do.

Quake Wave

Summons a particle ring around you that expands for 2 seconds and kills everyone who touches it.
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Pineapplerator - Daily Quotes
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 27, 2017
Swedish noodles
Nice thread, I guess people don't have to spam "how to play?" in every game after this.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
(I'm not sure about this, but did you want this locked so it stayed a guide and stuff? anyways, I'll take the opportunity and say this: Could you lay out the power ups list so there's two lines between a power up description and the next power up? it looks kind of weird otherwise if there's a constant single line skip. It also seems that some of the slime survival power ups have an odd double space going in between the power up and its description)

Here's a few slime survival sidetasks that I know exist (there are a few others):
Freeze a slime with a frost sword
Freeze two slimes with a frost sword
Trap a slime with the slime trap power up
Have a decoy alive for 30 seconds
Revive 2 paralyzed players (Freeze tag) (might be a slightly different name)

Paralyze 5 survivors (Freeze tag)
Hit a player with a slime that has bounced off of a wall
Kill two players with the slime bomb


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2013
(I'm not sure about this, but did you want this locked so it stayed a guide and stuff? anyways, I'll take the opportunity and say this: Could you lay out the power ups list so there's two lines between a power up description and the next power up? it looks kind of weird otherwise if there's a constant single line skip. It also seems that some of the slime survival power ups have an odd double space going in between the power up and its description)

Here's a few slime survival sidetasks that I know exist (there are a few others):
Freeze a slime with a frost sword
Freeze two slimes with a frost sword
Trap a slime with the slime trap power up
Have a decoy alive for 30 seconds
Revive 2 paralyzed players (Freeze tag) (might be a slightly different name)

Paralyze 5 survivors (Freeze tag)
Hit a player with a slime that has bounced off of a wall
Kill two players with the slime bomb

Meant to stay open, and fixed. Also, the side tasks are listed on there?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Why did u even put time and effort into this? Nobody ever plays this.


Forum Expert
Nov 23, 2014
the Netherlands
Why did u even put time and effort into this? Nobody ever plays this.
Even tough it’s still usefull.
Thanks for calling me Nobody because I play it.
Since the last arcade update, there have been more players there than before.
Also they took time in it to help other people, for how games works and what you can do with


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Even tough it’s still usefull.
Thanks for calling me Nobody because I play it.
Since the last arcade update, there have been more players there than before.
Also they took time in it to help other people, for how games works and what you can do with
Yes, there are actually more arcade players than ever because they like the new 2 games!

On topic: well done, good to see you took the time to help players, because some games are pretty difficult. (Still don't know how to play barn brawl tbh :p)
Btw it's not in your thread! Or is it removed?
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