Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Which would you like to see added?

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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Hi there!
I've been wanting to make a suggestion thread on the following topics for a while now, and decided to do it now as it seemed like a good time. I found some threads for inspiration on some topics as well, so I'll also mention those here.

Lately, I've been playing lots of games with big parties of friends, which I'm quite fond of. Though it disappointed me that you can only play Tower Defence properly with a party of six (a full team) or twelve (a full game). Otherwise, a lot of randoms would be in your team, placing towers wrong, leaving often and not following the chat nor the strategy, or you can't even play the game, because the party is too big. These are all frustrating things which I encounter daily.

Bigger teams
Currently, the only team size there is I've seen various suggestions about 1v1s, 2v2s, etc. (Example thread). But I've never really seen suggestions for bigger maps. For instance, SkyWars and EggWars has maps for different sizes of teams, so why not Tower Defence? Which is why I'd like to propose the following idea: Adding big (or small) maps for larger (or smaller) teams; Up to 12 players in a team. Now, various problems may come with this. One of these problems would be that the current maps are way too small. To solve this issue, bigger maps could be built. I'd love to see some bigger maps to play in with bigger parties. This, again, could have lots of downsides. I'll name the biggest one (which I can already see coming in the comments here) and a solution to it: 'The castle will be harder to reach because the path is so long'. That's why you would have a bigger team depending on the map. Meaning bigger and stronger waves: more mobs will be tanking each other. However, there is a really good solution for this problem overall. First of all, mobs like giants need to be stronger. They deal a lot of damage, yes, but they die really quick and they are extremely slow. I suggest giving them more health or more damage resistance or a higher walking speed. A second (and good) solution would be making all mobs stronger/faster depending on the size of the map. Another cool thing I'd love to see is more mobs in the game.

Tower placement
People who place towers wrong can be really gamebreaking. They usually do not listen to users in the chat telling them to remove towers or at least place them right. Yes, you can report them, but most of the time it's already too late, because staff are unable to be at the case immediately or punish the player soon enough unless they are in the game themselves. I wouldn't like to see a manual vote-kick system, because it has a lot of downsides and can easily be abused. However, having some kind of system that would warn the player for placing (multiple) towers wrong and then kicking them for a reason would just be better. For instance, the player that placed a tower in a wrong place would get a system message saying the following: 'Oops! It seems like you placed one of your towers wrong. Remember to place 3x3 towers on 3x3 platforms, and 5x5 towers on 5x5 platforms!'. And if they would do that again twice or three more times, they would get kicked for 'Team trolling' or something similar, granting the possibility for other teammates to remove their towers. I feel like all the suggestions about a warn-kick system are drowning under all the suggestions about a vote-kick option and isn't getting enough attention. Another idea could be that every tower placed wrong in a game, could be sold by anyone, but the money would go back to the player who placed the tower(s) to prevent misuse of the feature.

Instant upgrades / Disabled upgrade delay
When you try to upgrade your mobs their skill, you can, if you have enough exp, upgrade them as far as your exp lets you.
View attachment 158290

If you try and upgrade your tower however, you need to click each upgrade separately.
View attachment 158289

So, my suggestion is simple: If you want to upgrade your tower, you can upgrade them instantly, just like mobs.
Thread & idea credits to @Sweetenerera (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/224479/).

I saw this thread looking for similar threads like mine, and I just had to include this. It's pretty self-explanatory, so I won't say much about this besides the fact that not being able to do this annoys me (and various others I know). You're able to upgrade mobs instantly if you have enough EXP for them, so why not towers? The delay on this and on the shift-click upgrade feature frustrates me every time. Especially when I'm in a hurry. For example I need to place towers almost instantly to prevent mobs from getting through. @Fisktratt also said this in a comment under Sweet's thread:
They should also reduce the delay when upgrading a tower by shift-clicking on it.
This is just a minor thing that would make the game better and more fun.

Toggleable enemy health
During the time I was looking for similar threads like mine, I also found this one: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/204075/
I immediate thought: 'Yes! This is something small but rather important'. It, again, is a minor thing that'd make the game work better.

I'd love to see a feature in the settings GUI where you could toggle the enemy's castle health. So I'm proposing yet another idea: Being able to toggle through different modes of the enemy's health. You'd be able to switch through the following modes:
  • Off: The enemy's health isn't shown anywhere on the screen.
  • Percentage: Show the enemy's health in a percentage on the scoreboard (Under your coins & EXP).
  • Bars: Show the enemy's health in bars (Bars like those you'd normally see when visiting the enemy's castle) on the scoreboard.
  • Boss bar: Show the enemy's health under your own team's castle health bar.
I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas and have some feedback in the comments.
Also, the mentioned threads do not belong to me, all credit to the thread owners.


Mar 16, 2020
Great proposal, it's a bit long, so I didn't read it all ;)
I think this is approved, +1 <3


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 18, 2020
Hi there!
I've been wanting to make a suggestion thread on the following topics for a while now, and decided to do it now as it seemed like a good time. I found some threads for inspiration on some topics as well, so I'll also mention those here.

Lately, I've been playing lots of games with big parties of friends, which I'm quite fond of. Though it disappointed me that you can only play Tower Defence properly with a party of six (a full team) or twelve (a full game). Otherwise, a lot of randoms would be in your team, placing towers wrong, leaving often and not following the chat nor the strategy, or you can't even play the game, because the party is too big. These are all frustrating things which I encounter daily.

Bigger teams
Currently, the only team size there is I've seen various suggestions about 1v1s, 2v2s, etc. (Example thread). But I've never really seen suggestions for bigger maps. For instance, SkyWars and EggWars has maps for different sizes of teams, so why not Tower Defence? Which is why I'd like to propose the following idea: Adding big (or small) maps for larger (or smaller) teams; Up to 12 players in a team. Now, various problems may come with this. One of these problems would be that the current maps are way too small. To solve this issue, bigger maps could be built. I'd love to see some bigger maps to play in with bigger parties. This, again, could have lots of downsides. I'll name the biggest one (which I can already see coming in the comments here) and a solution to it: 'The castle will be harder to reach because the path is so long'. That's why you would have a bigger team depending on the map. Meaning bigger and stronger waves: more mobs will be tanking each other. However, there is a really good solution for this problem overall. First of all, mobs like giants need to be stronger. They deal a lot of damage, yes, but they die really quick and they are extremely slow. I suggest giving them more health or more damage resistance or a higher walking speed. A second (and good) solution would be making all mobs stronger/faster depending on the size of the map.

Tower placement
People who place towers wrong can be really gamebreaking. They usually do not listen to users in the chat telling them to remove towers or at least place them right. Yes, you can report them, but most of the time it's already too late, because staff are unable to be at the case immediately or punish the player soon enough unless they are in the game themselves. I wouldn't like to see a manual vote-kick system, because it has a lot of downsides and can easily be abused. However, having some kind of system that would warn the player for placing (multiple) towers wrong and then kicking them for a reason would just be better. For instance, the player that placed a tower in a wrong place would get a system message saying the following: 'Oops! It seems like you placed one of your towers wrong. Remember to place 3x3 towers on 3x3 platforms, and 5x5 towers on 5x5 platforms!'. And if they would do that again twice or three more times, they would get kicked for 'Team trolling' or something similar, granting the possibility for other teammates to remove their towers. I feel like all the suggestions about a warn-kick system are drowning under all the suggestions about a vote-kick option and isn't getting enough attention. Another idea could be that every tower placed wrong in a game, could be sold by anyone, but the money would go back to the player who placed the tower(s) to prevent misuse of the feature.

Instant upgrades / Disabled upgrade delay

Thread & idea credits to @Sweetenerera (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/224479/).

I saw this thread looking for similar threads like mine, and I just had to include this. It's pretty self-explanatory, so I won't say much about this besides the fact that not being able to do this annoys me (and various others I know). You're able to upgrade mobs instantly if you have enough EXP for them, so why not towers? The delay on this and on the shift-click upgrade feature frustrates me every time. Especially when I'm in a hurry. For example I need to place towers almost instantly to prevent mobs from getting through. @Fisktratt also said this in a comment under Sweet's thread:

This is just a minor thing that would make the game better and more fun.

Toggleable enemy health
During the time I was looking for similar threads like mine, I also found this one: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/204075/
I immediate thought: 'Yes! This is something small but rather important'. It, again, is a minor thing that'd make the game work better.

I'd love to see a feature in the settings GUI where you could toggle the enemy's castle health. So I'm proposing yet another idea: Being able to toggle through different modes of the enemy's health. You'd be able to switch through the following modes:
  • Off: The enemy's health isn't shown anywhere on the screen.
  • Percentage: Show the enemy's health in a percentage on the scoreboard (Under your coins & EXP).
  • Bars: Show the enemy's health in bars (Bars like those you'd normally see when visiting the enemy's castle) on the scoreboard.
  • Boss bar: Show the enemy's health under your own team's castle health bar.
I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas and have some feedback in the comments.
Also, the mentioned threads do not belong to me, all credit to the thread owners.
This updates would be actually pretty good,especially Tower placement,but I would like to see 1 or 2 new towers!I am a big fan of TD but I am starting to get a little bored with the same towers(Don't get me wrong I love the game and the recent towers but a new one wouldn't be bad)I will be happy to see some new towers!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2017
Even though I'm not much of a Tower Defence player I still think this could make the game way better and nicer to play. I might even start playing it more seriously if this gets added. Players placing the wrong towers (anything but snowmen) can be really frustrating. The Tower placement would be the one I feel is the most useful ingame and the one which would make the experience in TD better for all players. The others are really nice aswell, all should get added, but I guess that might be too much to ask for from the devs.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2020
Really nice idea! This suggestion is actually 2 in 1 suggestion which I both really like and support. I'm not a player that loves long games. It has to be a game with the maximum time 15 minutes. This suggestion which is a suggestion that makes the Tower Defence game definitely much longer than it was, so honestly, I wouldn't play it, because, yeah, I don't like long games what I already mentioned, but I think there are many other players that will love long games and who are having a good/cozy time with each other, by hopefully playing this more enjoyable Tower Defence.

Last edited:

Ellie Williams

Forum Veteran
Jan 6, 2016
University of Eastern Colorado
Toggleable enemy health
During the time I was looking for similar threads like mine, I also found this one: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/204075/
I immediate thought: 'Yes! This is something small but rather important'. It, again, is a minor thing that'd make the game work better.

I'd love to see a feature in the settings GUI where you could toggle the enemy's castle health. So I'm proposing yet another idea: Being able to toggle through different modes of the enemy's health. You'd be able to switch through the following modes:
  • Off: The enemy's health isn't shown anywhere on the screen.
  • Percentage: Show the enemy's health in a percentage on the scoreboard (Under your coins & EXP).
  • Bars: Show the enemy's health in bars (Bars like those you'd normally see when visiting the enemy's castle) on the scoreboard.
  • Boss bar: Show the enemy's health under your own team's castle health bar.
I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas and have some feedback in the comments.
Also, the mentioned threads do not belong to me, all credit to the thread owners.
I believe you used to be able to see your own castle's health in the scoreboard, as an integer ∈ [0, 1000]. EDIT: I was wrong


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
A tower in TowerDefence
Very good ideas! I agree.

I also experience a lot of people are leaving during the game. For example, I start with six teammates and I end up with two. This is very annoying. I think this is due to the fact that a lot of people do not really understand the game that well.
Therefore I suggest:
- Kind of a forced tutorial that shows you how the game works.
- When a player leaves the game:
- His money will be automaticly distributed amongs the playing teammembers
- The money he would earn will also automaticly distribute amongs the playing teammembers​
This way the playing players will experience fewer disadvantages of having less team members


Novice Member
Apr 27, 2020
I really like your idea about tower placement. There was a time, when I was playing tower defence regularly, and I saw how many people intentionally troll their team.
I appreciate your idea. Tower Defence update would be great!
The only thing, that disturbs me in a tower defence is an acceptable version of minecraft. To be obvious, I don't like to play on 1.9 or higher. I totally understand it may be impossible to change the version to lower, but if it'd be possible, i'm sure, that more players will play this gamemode.
I have another idea that you may like.
I think, it needs to be possible in tower defence, to buy different paths of towers by points while in game. This upgrade would be really useful. There are many people, who have many points, and decided to try td for the first time. Unfortunately, they were so bad at the gameplay, because they didn't have good paths for towers, and they weren't able to buy them, because they were in game. I think it should be available to buy towers while in game because it's hard to decise, which path should you choose while you're in lobby. While you're in game, you've got privilege to look at your teammates, and choose which patch you're going to take. I hope you understand my way of thinking :D


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Thanks for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated!
I think, it needs to be possible in tower defence, to buy different paths of towers by points while in game. This upgrade would be really useful. There are many people, who have many points, and decided to try td for the first time. Unfortunately, they were so bad at the gameplay, because they didn't have good paths for towers, and they weren't able to buy them, because they were in game. I think it should be available to buy towers while in game because it's hard to decise, which path should you choose while you're in lobby. While you're in game, you've got privilege to look at your teammates, and choose which patch you're going to take. I hope you understand my way of thinking :D
This already is possible. If you go to your in-game settings (crafting table), then you can click on the ‘Allow in-game purchases with points’ button. With this, you’re already able to purchase path upgrades whilst being in-game.
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Novice Member
Apr 27, 2020
Thanks for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated!

This already is possible. If you go to your in-game settings (crafting table), then you can click on the ‘Allow in-game purchases with points’ button. With this, you’re already able to purchase path upgrades whilst being in-game.
Thanks! I didn't know this.


Apr 7, 2020
United States
Hi there!
I've been wanting to make a suggestion thread on the following topics for a while now, and decided to do it now as it seemed like a good time. I found some threads for inspiration on some topics as well, so I'll also mention those here.

Lately, I've been playing lots of games with big parties of friends, which I'm quite fond of. Though it disappointed me that you can only play Tower Defence properly with a party of six (a full team) or twelve (a full game). Otherwise, a lot of randoms would be in your team, placing towers wrong, leaving often and not following the chat nor the strategy, or you can't even play the game, because the party is too big. These are all frustrating things which I encounter daily.

Bigger teams
Currently, the only team size there is I've seen various suggestions about 1v1s, 2v2s, etc. (Example thread). But I've never really seen suggestions for bigger maps. For instance, SkyWars and EggWars has maps for different sizes of teams, so why not Tower Defence? Which is why I'd like to propose the following idea: Adding big (or small) maps for larger (or smaller) teams; Up to 12 players in a team. Now, various problems may come with this. One of these problems would be that the current maps are way too small. To solve this issue, bigger maps could be built. I'd love to see some bigger maps to play in with bigger parties. This, again, could have lots of downsides. I'll name the biggest one (which I can already see coming in the comments here) and a solution to it: 'The castle will be harder to reach because the path is so long'. That's why you would have a bigger team depending on the map. Meaning bigger and stronger waves: more mobs will be tanking each other. However, there is a really good solution for this problem overall. First of all, mobs like giants need to be stronger. They deal a lot of damage, yes, but they die really quick and they are extremely slow. I suggest giving them more health or more damage resistance or a higher walking speed. A second (and good) solution would be making all mobs stronger/faster depending on the size of the map. Another cool thing I'd love to see is more mobs in the game.

Tower placement
People who place towers wrong can be really gamebreaking. They usually do not listen to users in the chat telling them to remove towers or at least place them right. Yes, you can report them, but most of the time it's already too late, because staff are unable to be at the case immediately or punish the player soon enough unless they are in the game themselves. I wouldn't like to see a manual vote-kick system, because it has a lot of downsides and can easily be abused. However, having some kind of system that would warn the player for placing (multiple) towers wrong and then kicking them for a reason would just be better. For instance, the player that placed a tower in a wrong place would get a system message saying the following: 'Oops! It seems like you placed one of your towers wrong. Remember to place 3x3 towers on 3x3 platforms, and 5x5 towers on 5x5 platforms!'. And if they would do that again twice or three more times, they would get kicked for 'Team trolling' or something similar, granting the possibility for other teammates to remove their towers. I feel like all the suggestions about a warn-kick system are drowning under all the suggestions about a vote-kick option and isn't getting enough attention. Another idea could be that every tower placed wrong in a game, could be sold by anyone, but the money would go back to the player who placed the tower(s) to prevent misuse of the feature.

Instant upgrades / Disabled upgrade delay

Thread & idea credits to @Sweetenerera (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/224479/).

I saw this thread looking for similar threads like mine, and I just had to include this. It's pretty self-explanatory, so I won't say much about this besides the fact that not being able to do this annoys me (and various others I know). You're able to upgrade mobs instantly if you have enough EXP for them, so why not towers? The delay on this and on the shift-click upgrade feature frustrates me every time. Especially when I'm in a hurry. For example I need to place towers almost instantly to prevent mobs from getting through. @Fisktratt also said this in a comment under Sweet's thread:

This is just a minor thing that would make the game better and more fun.

Toggleable enemy health
During the time I was looking for similar threads like mine, I also found this one: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/204075/
I immediate thought: 'Yes! This is something small but rather important'. It, again, is a minor thing that'd make the game work better.

I'd love to see a feature in the settings GUI where you could toggle the enemy's castle health. So I'm proposing yet another idea: Being able to toggle through different modes of the enemy's health. You'd be able to switch through the following modes:
  • Off: The enemy's health isn't shown anywhere on the screen.
  • Percentage: Show the enemy's health in a percentage on the scoreboard (Under your coins & EXP).
  • Bars: Show the enemy's health in bars (Bars like those you'd normally see when visiting the enemy's castle) on the scoreboard.
  • Boss bar: Show the enemy's health under your own team's castle health bar.
I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas and have some feedback in the comments.
Also, the mentioned threads do not belong to me, all credit to the thread owners.
This is an awesome idea Hoshi. I love how you explain you suggestion in such broad way. I would love the the vote kick system. I think it's great that it will detect if the towers are out of place. Now with the bigger maps I think it's a great idea. Although It will take some time. Maps can't just be made that quick. It takes time and effort into it. Anyways keep up the good work your a great helper.
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