Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


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Dedicated Member
May 5, 2016
Under Your Bed (O.o)
RemiO05 was no match for Spuuuni (Rare)
Spuuuni didn't show mercy to RemiO05 (Rare)
RemiO05 was annihilated by Spuuuni (Legendary)
RemiO05 was sent to the void by Spuuuni (Legendary)
Spuuuni sent RemiO05 to the deep freezer (Legendary)
Can anybody beat Spuuuni? RemiO05 can't (Legendary)
Spuuuni wiped the floor with RemiO05 (Mythical)
Spuuuni sent RemiO05 to the Underworld (Mythical)


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
If I had to choose 1 suggestion I would have taken 6 but also that one is useless because im allready lvl 70.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
If I had to choose 1 suggestion I would have taken 6 but also that one is useless because im allready lvl 70.
You can have multiple choices... You can choose for all 8-- I mean, all 7, or none at all.

Also, there are more rewards after level 70, and I'm also pretty sure you would still get the rewards of previous levels when/if the rewarding system is made.

And that is not an argument why you chose none of all the 7 suggestions. If suggestion 6 isn't good for ya because you're level 70, there's 6 other suggestions you haven't explained why you don't like them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
You can have multiple choices... You can choose for all 8-- I mean, all 7, or none at all.

Also, there are more rewards after level 70, and I'm also pretty sure you would still get the rewards of previous levels when/if the rewarding system is made.

And that is not an argument why you chose none of all the 7 suggestions. If suggestion 6 isn't good for ya because you're level 70, there's 6 other suggestions you haven't explained why you don't like them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. The friend status we have now is fine they only thing they should add is the lobby where you in at that moment
2. Why punish something that's allowed? I would rather have them block the words or MUTE ppl who use the words
3. In the 5 years I played cube I have never waited 10 min before a game started. I think this suggestion could cause lagg and is also not needed
4. I can understand ppl like this but idc what message I get when I kill or get get killed by someone also think this is not needed
5. I don't think game of the week will work. If blockwars was game of the week I still wouldn't play it
6. I only like this option If I get the other rewards before lvl 70
7. I think 1 name is enough and I think ppl will abuse this option. I also think this is not needed

Instead of these suggestions they should add new maps or new games maybe expand freebuild with Skyblock, Survival, Factions etc.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
1. The friend status we have now is fine they only thing they should add is the lobby where you in at that moment
It's just more fun, and much better; and less basic as well, yknow.
2. Why punish something that's allowed? I would rather have them block the words or MUTE ppl who use the words
Why do you get 1 XP for saying gg? It makes no sense. Why is being a good sportsmanship rewarding-worth? Toxicity should be punishable, but don't you think it's stupid for you to get permanently muted for saying "noob"? Sounds ridiculous to me. The whole point of this is to lower toxicity as much as possible.
3. In the 5 years I played cube I have never waited 10 min before a game started. I think this suggestion could cause lagg and is also not needed
Why would it cause lag? By your logic, we might as well remove all gadgets in the lobby. Also, have you ever tried battle zone? Tower defence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. I can understand ppl like this but idc what message I get when I kill or get get killed by someone also think this is not needed
Just like the first one, it's less basic and more fun.
Just bc something has no use to you doesn't make it useless to the entire community.
5. I don't think game of the week will work. If blockwars was game of the week I still wouldn't play it
Fair enough.
6. I only like this option If I get the other rewards before lvl 70
Just bc something has no use to you doesn't make it useless to the entire community.
7. I think 1 name is enough and I think ppl will abuse this option. I also think this is not needed
How the hell can you "abuse" a title, that's literally only shown when you hover over someone's name? + it's not like you get them that easily. Good luck getting 10,000 kills in Skywars for a single title, then to somehow "abuse" it. Not to mention, @Spoon. did say, you can only wear one title at once.
In my opinion they should use theire time creating new maps and games not for something like this
They've been creating way too many maps. I think we have enough maps to play on...
New games? Do you remember how any recent new game lately turned out?
Battle Zone, Bingo, Infected, TNT run, ...

Edit: thanks for making legitimate arguments. :D
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