Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
May 22, 2015
behind you
P R I V A T E - H O S T E D - R O O M S

Okay, i’m Sam, and i’m here with a new suggestion.

I was wondering how much fun could players have with Private Hosted Premium rooms, with the game that they want, a good system, and a max capacity of 30 players, (min 2).
This would increase the server fame, and i’m pretty sure everyone would love to be able to create a private room, choosing any game, to play with Friends.

What’s a private hosted room?
Well, basically, it’s what his name says, a Private hosted Room, where you can have some fun playing with your Friends,
choosing ANY game that you want to play, with a limitation of 30 players.

Do i need to be a donator to create a Private party Room?
Yes, only Lapiz + (EDIT : Due to all the requests, and knowing that this would need more money, the rank could be modificated from Lapiz to Emerald) donator would be able to use this, but, hey! Don’t worry if you’re not a donator,
you can just be invited and have fun.

Do i need to be invited to join a Private Party Room? Or can i just join randomly?
Yeah, you need to be invited, you can’t just join Randomly, this is just to make it clearly and don’t have strange people in your Private party room.

Commands :

/hostpartyroom : This command would be used to start hosting a private party room.
/invite (Username) : Command used to invite someone to your private party room.
/kick (Username) (Reason) : Command used to kick someone from your Private party room

/leaveroom : Command used to leave the private party room.
/sethelper (Username) : Command used to set a helper in your private party room.

/game : Command use to start picking a game in your private party room. (This would open a Menu, where you can find any game that you want)

/finishgame : Command used to finish the game.

/startgame : Command used to start the game (fastly).

Ranks :

[PARTY OWNER] : Owner of the party, can use all commands and do all the decisions about the private party room

[PARTY HELPER] : Party helper, can use /kick, /startgame, /finishgame.

This would change all in the server, this would be the new party system, but more funny, letting players choose any game, and with who play, at any time.

Well, that was my suggestion, sorry for the typos, still learning english.


Tags : @Tacosbefriends , @Cheez , @GingerGeek , @error_dan_overflow , @rubik_cube_man , @Iselciour , @Dutchy_Nub , @DionInsanity , @Paraleea , @MadGab210 , @PinkSparkleWolf , @Macreddin , @Efcluke94 , @Stefanvld , @Younisco , @Terrarialover11 (Epic Comments) , @ImABubbleHead, @Saradabaschi


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Happy Birthday, cool person
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Happy birthday!
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