Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
  • Hello everyone! I have been wanting to do this thread for a while and I finally brought myself to sit down and write it. So here are my thoughts and criticism on CubeCraft since the Big Change. I do this for multiple reasons, mainly because these topics I will be talking about on the thread are of my interest, and I believe they deserve to be discussed properly. Secondly, the forums has been lacking real discussion and debate lately, and hopefully this thread can give us all something to talk about for some time. I encourage you, since you’re already reading this to leave your little grain of sand on this discussion, don’t think your opinion is not worth sharing, all perspectives are welcome and very much appreciated, doesn’t matter if someone already said it, it’s your individual opinion that matters. I’m most certainly expecting someone to contradict what I’m saying, that’s sort of the point.
Firstly I would like to explain the structure of the thread, there will be an amount of specific subtopics I want to give my opinion on. These subtopics will be organized in spoilers, to give the thread a sense of organization, and because I don’t want to demotivate whoever is reading this with a wall of text.

The first, and I’d say the currently most relevant topic I want to talk about is the situation around Sentinel and /report, but it’s mostly about cheaters in general.

For context, many of you may have noticed that it’s been an increasing trend to write rants/complaints about Sentinel. A “nice” example of these complaint threads is this one: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/sentinel-no-vale-para-nada.224704/. In this particular example, the thread owner was complaining about Sentinel being ineffective. He says he’s tired about finding 2 to 3 hackers every game he plays in, and proceeded to share a video of two hackers fighting each other in a SkyWars match. First of all I’d like to say that I chose this example because the Thread Owner was particularly nice and diplomatic about his complaint, getting his point across without using swear words or insulting anyone. And the first reply to this thread is in Spanish, but I’ll summarize it quickly. The thread owner was basically told that while Sentinel isn’t the perfect anticheat, if he reported them himself, he’d eventually end up seeing less hackers. And it’s here where you can find the problem.

Every single Sentinel rant is replied to with the same old line, “Sentinel is constantly being improved” and “Please report them on the report site”. Which is, the way I see it, the most conformist and hypocritical position that can be adopted. I myself have been one of these people, yes I’m calling myself a hypocrite but I’m endorsing it and write this expecting to see a change beginning with myself and any other people who might agree with me.

I’ll say it, all those self-proclaimed hackers that have made Sentinel rants and have criticized the anticheat are right. They’re all right and it’s about time we stop ignoring the real issue, it’s been enough of blaming them as the problem. Since they insult, harass, hack and whatnot their arguments aren’t valid? No, they’re right to dislike Sentinel, they’re right to complain about it. (I’m not justifying their troublesome behaviour. I in no way agree with presenting their ideas the ways they did, doesn’t mean I didn’t agree with the essence of their complaints. Which is why I’ve written this, to prove it is possible to talk about the same problem, in the same position, without sounding disrespectful and ridiculous) Sentinel is not working how it should, it is highly ineffective, it doesn’t deal with hackers in time, and it’s getting the community upset. Because outside of the ecosystem of the forums, players do like to speak with the truth when it comes to Sentinel. Sentinel is inefficient and requires a lot of attention. The player cannot be blamed over not liking to have to waste their time reporting hackers, since the only thing that a player might want to do, as their name states, is playing.

I’m not an anticheat developer, I barely know how to tell Python to print something. I have never used hacks in my life, but it is far beyond any technicism to see that Sentinel is not working how it should be. I invite you to try to play a game of SkyWars in the 1.8 version of the server. Chances are, you’ll find a hacker every 2 to 3 rounds. Two to three rounds. That’s an insane amount of cheaters! And do you think people will want to stick around because they’re loyal to the server? Well no. Players will eventually get tired of being chased by a bhopper every 10 minutes. Do you think it’s fun to have to waste 3 minutes of your life every time you record and report a hacker? Do you think that having so many cheaters is contributing to the gameplay experience of CubeCraft? No, it’s corrupting it, it’s killing it. It’s making CubeCraft seem a great place to hack on for hackers, and a horrible place to play on for legitimate players.

The situation is in no way eased with /report either. It already didn’t work when it was limited to plus rank players, now that the reporting perk has been given to all paid ranks, you will most probably only ever have your report attended in 1 of every 14 cases. Although I would not associate the staff team with it being ineffective, since they do the best they can, they just have very few people to be checking reports constantly. But that cannot dismiss CubeCraft of giving us a solution, because currently it’s all schemed up like this:
  • Sentinel has its flaws yes, but you can report hackers on the web! You only gotta record the player, upload it to youtube, and file the report. Pretty easy right? It most definitely doesn’t interrupt your gameplay at all.
  • Reporting on the website is too tedious? We got you covered! You can report hackers in-game, although it probably will never be attended. If you wanna make sure they end up being punished, record and report! Your round of EggWars is guaranteed to be ruined regardless!​

I mean, I can sort of understand that CubeCraft’s interest as a company may have migrated from the Java edition to the Bedrock edition, since it’s seemingly five times bigger in playerbase. And that’s understandable, but at least invest something on your anticheat? Or are you already doing something for the anticheat? Please tell us about it at least, otherwise people will continue to complain and the community will continue to believe Sentinel is simply not worked on. It’s all about establishing proper communication and providing concise results. I cannot say “oh you need to fix this specific check” or “maybe try this code!” Because I know nothing about it, but I can in my position as community member be the one to enforce pressure on the topic, demanding results and improvement. Because I don’t need to be an engineer to ask the electronics store to fix my newly bought, already broken PC right?​
Don't mind the double spoiler, I was messing with the format and it glitched for some reason, can't fix it.

The second thing I want to talk about, is the current situation of CubeCraft’s forums. And this topic comes together with a suggestion. Because currently, it seems like the only people keeping the forums alive are a few dedicated community member that are very loyal to the server and like hanging out on the forums. Together with the occasional suggestion, most threads seems to be more forums community related than server related.

One could attribute the deterioration of these forums due to CubeCraft’s player base having seen a reduction. But that’s not true at all, didn’t Bedrock have more than 10,000 players this summer? Why aren’t they flooding the forums? Maybe because most of them probably don’t even know it exists.

While this may be a very personal interpretation of the situation, and there might be multiple other reasons to blame. I’ve come to the conclusion that the forums has lost its purpose. Forums are supposed to be a place to exchange ideas, to discuss, more concisely, to debate isn’t it? And debate has two very particular elements, an issue to debate on and a result prior to the discussion. In the case of CubeCraft, two sides should be the one providing results, from one end, the community with suggestions. And from the other, Management with updates that take into consideration such suggestions. If there’s no results then there’s no point for debate, and if there’s no point for debate then people don’t have the initiative to participate. And if people don’t have the initiative to participate they don’t provide suggestions from their role as community members.

I can imagine someone saying that the past year hasn’t had good suggestions, while it most certainly has (Examples: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/suggestions-about-experience.216149/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/minerware-microgames-ideas.220914/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/blockwars-kit-revamp.220074/). Not many since there's not much to even talk about, but there have been a few quality suggestions put out there since the Big Change. And most haven’t made it, since Java is not important anymore, so are suggestions apparently. Discussions are very few, and the few there are, are rapidly extinguished by the staff team and later on ignored by the community, respecting the staff’s authority. So what is the point of continuing to make suggestions for CubeCraft? Since you’ve been given the impression it as a whole doesn’t really matter, because your input will most probably never be the reason for change in the actual server. Sure you might get a few internet points in the process of talking to yourself on a really long thread only a few will read, but fact remains most people will desist if they realize they’re not even being heard. Because the basic stage of the exchange of ideas isn’t being fulfilled.

So since Management’s interest has migrated over to Bedrock, and we could expect to see a greater abundance of updates for Bedrock rather than for Java. Then bring the Bedrock players over to the forums. Since they do have a reason to comment and share their ideas, because chances are Management would be more open about ideas for Bedrock. Hence I think the forums should be further advertised in the Bedrock network of the server, in an attempt of reviving the forums. This can be done in the shape of Server-wise messages and other in-game references to the forums.
Now as for some good things I would like to congratulate CubeCraft on.

The Featuring System was a genius idea, and the person who came up with it deserves the biggest congratulation and recognition. At first I didn’t really understand the dynamics of this system but now that we’ve got more than a year to get to know it, I must say I am extremely happy with how it turned out.

The Featuring System was proven to be very effective when it comes to giving previously dead games a player base. It brought life back to many game modes that had been struggling before. Which most importantly includes, BlockWars, Survival Games and Slime Survival, amongst others. It’s given me, and many other players a reason to look forward to something CubeCraft related. Because I’ve personally enjoyed BlockWars more than what I used to now that it’s only available for limited periods of time.

At first I was completely opposed to the idea of making BlockWars a featured game. In fact, I made a thread about it, this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/bring-block-wars-back.212629/. Fun fact, that thread is the current 18th most liked thread in the suggestion sub forum, amongst 16k other threads. And it received a huge amount of support with 68 votes in favour, and while Management was very much aware of the success of this thread, they decided to not implement it. And well at first I didn’t understand this position, I was told I wasn’t giving real reasons, only saying “bring it back because I like it and these other 67 people like it too” wasn’t enough. And I understand this now, I’m glad I’m able to say this on my own thread. I accept that the idea of the featuring system was a great one, and it sure was very successful and I would like to congratulate CubeCraft about it.

The translation Team has acquired most of its importance and impact on the server during the past year, and it has brought a lot of translations for multiple languages. The most important part about the translation team is that it has made the CubeCraft experience accessible for many more people, regardless of the language they speak. It not only is a very important project in my eyes, it has also become a very special place for loyal community members to bring their efforts together into doing something good for the server. The Translation Team is one of the things that has helped me keep faith on the future of CubeCraft. And hopefully CubeCraft will continue to appeal to multiple communities around the world. There’s some other steps I consider CubeCraft should take toward this goal of becoming fully international, and there’s more detail about it in this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/international-growth.219703/

Establishing that team, was a very big step in the right direction, and deserves another congratulation.

In conclusion, this past year since the Big Change leaves me thinking Java has become mostly unimportant. It leaves me expecting nothing for the future updates but Skin Packs for the Marketplace. But with a sense of hope, since I am confident the server can still take the right steps into preserving this amazing community I so love and appreciate. Because CubeCraft’s content has an amazing potential, its games are very high quality, and the server in general has a very distinctive feel, of wanting to bring new experiences to an otherwise stereotypical market of Minecraft servers. But it’s a few things like the Anticheat that are affecting CubeCraft’s success.

Thanks for reading this! In this particular thread, I’m expecting that since you’ve finished reading, you’ll go ahead and leave a reply. Your input is highly important!


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Please tell us about it at least, otherwise people will continue to complain and the community will continue to believe Sentinel is simply not worked on.
This is one of CCG main issues for years. Management refuses to share (future) updates with members and moderators. If someone does share, it results in people being fired.

As members we can give barely any feedback on games as they’re already finished when released except for bugs. This makes it impossible to get the bad things out and implement the good things. This already had been addressed by Iloveyouu multiple times, but it got completely ignored. There should be some form of testing before it officially enters the server, but management doesn’t want this since it means that other servers can produce such games too. While it’s not the suggestion to have feedback from the start of the coding work, it is nice to give some feedback before it’s “finished” (drafted from the sentinel stuff).

I’ve come to the conclusion that the forums has lost its purpose. Forums are supposed to be a place to exchange ideas, to discuss, more concisely, to debate isn’t it?
That is due to our loss of @CommunistCactus @iLoveYouu @Sophie @ISTY. @Nikoshka and many many more. We had some outstanding good debaters on this forum. But due to lack of interest from management they all left or got banned. They were more annoying than rewarded for their constructive criticism. I’ve already said this before, but there are nearly not enough escalated threads getting implemented. There is also just a lack of result after many of the same complaints.


Forum Expert
Aug 28, 2016
Doofenshmirtzz Evil Inc.
Laying in bed but I want to reply anyways. I'm gonna keep it kinda short. First Sentinel. I really get tired of all those Sentinel threads. I agree with people who hacks and make threads about how bad it is and stuff and I also agree with people who blame the hackers and defend the anticheat. I personally don't care really much, but that's personal. I never hack so I never had a thing with Sentinel anyways. Ok yes I've been reported 100+ times for hacking at Quake but eh yea...No hacks.

But the forums are indeed at a point that many people don't see the point to discuss things anymore. I think that even the meme page has more discussions than the actual forum. Not really true of course, but you get my point. I really love all the ideas people still have to make the Java server a better place. It's beyond dissapointing that Management refuses to give a properly reaction to all those nice ideas. I don't mean the Escalated marks, but just their reaction about how they feel would be very welcome. I also despise their radio silence about certain things like Tower Defence.
I mean come on. The best idea was already given at page 1. This thread is almost a year old. It is one big meme at this point. And if the Management wants to focus on Bedrock that's fine by me, but just tell that there aren't any big updates coming soon to Java. I'm repeating myself since I already said this earlier.

The Featured System saved Arcade. Yes at first I was mad because I thought Cube deleted the Arcade games again. That would mean that Cube had deleted 20.000+ wins from me at that time if they really deleted Arcade. They already deleted the old Arcade in 2017 where I lost 11.000 Quakecraft wins. But luckily after a few months after they've deleted Arcade 2.0., the games came back as Featured Games. Brilliant move at the end. Games start early instead of waiting for 30 minuts. I still would like to have more Arcade maps in the future, but I think It's never gonna happen anymore I'm affraid...

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
Every single Sentinel rant is replied to with the same old line, “Sentinel is constantly being improved” and “Please report them on the report site”.
Although I think the latter is stupid, saying Sentinel is being improved is the only thing we, as community members, can really do. We can't go shout at the person developing the anti cheat to improve it. And even then, shouting at him would likely demotivate him from even working in this place. Psychologically speaking, it happens more often that not.

They’re all right and it’s about time we stop ignoring the real issue
I've never ignored the real issue,
Since they insult, harass, hack and whatnot their arguments aren’t valid?
Yeah. They are. In an argument, if you try to get your point across by shouting insults, then your actual arguments will not be heard or seen. They become invalid, due to how you present them. --- Sure, there are things to take from them, but the fact they're so much pain to even talk to or argue with, is alone enough to let me not care about what they have to say anymore. Take @nnce as an example, he's made like 9 forum accounts all talking about Sentinel being bad and him cheating on accounts. Every thread is the same and all his arguments are never changing, even if you disprove any of his points. It's just so annoying, and it's not that we're ignoring the real issue, but once it becomes repetitive and obnoxious, you start to not look into it anymore, nor care. Just not worth the trouble. I'd like not wasting my time on these people, thank you.

Just to add: I had a person in Cube's discord server tell me he's hacked on 15 hacked clients without ever getting banned on them. I told him to do it again and film himself doing it. He can hide his alt name, I didn't care. I just wanted him to prove he even has a single client he can hack on for 15 mins without getting banned. Guess what? I never got that video. @xJew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
establishing proper communication
CubeCraft's biggest issue. No arguing in it.
most threads seems to be more forums community related than server related.
The server sucks why do you want threads about the server - the community related threads are awesome.
Management with updates that take into consideration such suggestions.
Except, Management has never, ever, listened to its community. I can give so many examples, the Overpowered multipliers, UHC's custom worlds (after the community explicitly said no to that), their lack of attention for Discord COMPLETELY, like come on, a bot isn't that hard to make. They never cared about their community members, and that is, truly, disappointing.

At one point I wanted to quit the Discord server because they just never did anything with it. You have Nitro? No emojis for you! (A long talk with Camezonda finally changed that for Nitro boosters...)
There's a ping stuck in #announcements? Well, too bad! It's Discord's bug, go tell them to fix it! (It took me around a year to get them to actually fix that ping issue - which Discord just ended up fixing themselves anyway, a while later. You may wonder, well, maybe fixing that ping issue was too hard? Nope! It took someone to send literally a single message into that channel, and fix the ping bug. Not hard, is it?)
No emojis at all, which lately that has also changed. I remember when Efcluke took suggestions on Discord for new emojis. That was honestly really nice. Luke, you really are the only good management, and we all appreciate you for it.
I had asked for a special role on Cube's discord, because I was about to be the first to reach 100,000 messages. Before the Nitro booster role, that role would allow me to use my Nitro emojis. I'd be the only person using those emojis. Guess how I was rewarded? By being completely ignored or told that it was just a dumb idea. Everyone in the Discord server is white. No one is different. There are no bots, there are no fun-channels, community channels.. There are no Discord events even. It really feels like just another online chat room, rather than an actual Discord server. And if you couldn't tell, yes I'm very passionate about the Discord server.
People here gave the argument of "Oh WeLl, If EvErYoNe HaD a CoLoReD nAmE, It WoUlD bE tOo MeSsY!!2!2!4?!!", and to that I say, you, sir, are idiotic. How would colored names make the server messy? Every single massive server has them, except for Cube. Why? And to the people saying it's messy, ironically, they're in community made servers, where everyone has a colored name. They're not messy when it's in a server that isn't Cube's, ay?
Establishing that team, was a very big step in the right direction, and deserves another congratulation.
Except, you can't credit the server for establishing it. It was established by Elenahh and only her. When I translated a thread (which still hasn't been implemented btw), it got ignored. Not blaming Elenahh for that one, just whoever was supposed to handle the translations and add them. Thanks for making all my efforts look like they were worth nothing more than a waste of time! <3
And also I hate whoever is running that thing so I left it for good.


Jan 5, 2020
I could not agree more with your point about Sentinal, it was very well structured and I enjoyed reading it. I have a fly bypass I made like 6 months ago, it is still working well and one of my online friends recently released a new cubecore update and the rediculous amount of cheats that bypass this anticheat is insane. Sentinel has to have more recourses put towards it, because it is simply not keeping up to date with the latest bypasses.
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Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
Although I think the latter is stupid, saying Sentinel is being improved is the only thing we, as community members, can really do. We can't go shout at the person developing the anti cheat to improve it. And even then, shouting at him would likely demotivate him from even working in this place. Psychologically speaking, it happens more often that not.

I've never ignored the real issue,

Yeah. They are. In an argument, if you try to get your point across by shouting insults, then your actual arguments will not be heard or seen. They become invalid, due to how you present them. --- Sure, there are things to take from them, but the fact they're so much pain to even talk to or argue with, is alone enough to let me not care about what they have to say anymore. Take @nnce as an example, he's made like 9 forum accounts all talking about Sentinel being bad and him cheating on accounts. Every thread is the same and all his arguments are never changing, even if you disprove any of his points. It's just so annoying, and it's not that we're ignoring the real issue, but once it becomes repetitive and obnoxious, you start to not look into it anymore, nor care. Just not worth the trouble. I'd like not wasting my time on these people, thank you.

Just to add: I had a person in Cube's discord server tell me he's hacked on 15 hacked clients without ever getting banned on them. I told him to do it again and film himself doing it. He can hide his alt name, I didn't care. I just wanted him to prove he even has a single client he can hack on for 15 mins without getting banned. Guess what? I never got that video. @xJew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

CubeCraft's biggest issue. No arguing in it.

The server sucks why do you want threads about the server - the community related threads are awesome.

Except, Management has never, ever, listened to its community. I can give so many examples, the Overpowered multipliers, UHC's custom worlds (after the community explicitly said no to that), their lack of attention for Discord COMPLETELY, like come on, a bot isn't that hard to make. They never cared about their community members, and that is, truly, disappointing.

At one point I wanted to quit the Discord server because they just never did anything with it. You have Nitro? No emojis for you! (A long talk with Camezonda finally changed that for Nitro boosters...)
There's a ping stuck in #announcements? Well, too bad! It's Discord's bug, go tell them to fix it! (It took me around a year to get them to actually fix that ping issue - which Discord just ended up fixing themselves anyway, a while later. You may wonder, well, maybe fixing that ping issue was too hard? Nope! It took someone to send literally a single message into that channel, and fix the ping bug. Not hard, is it?)
No emojis at all, which lately that has also changed. I remember when Efcluke took suggestions on Discord for new emojis. That was honestly really nice. Luke, you really are the only good management, and we all appreciate you for it.
I had asked for a special role on Cube's discord, because I was about to be the first to reach 100,000 messages. Before the Nitro booster role, that role would allow me to use my Nitro emojis. I'd be the only person using those emojis. Guess how I was rewarded? By being completely ignored or told that it was just a dumb idea. Everyone in the Discord server is white. No one is different. There are no bots, there are no fun-channels, community channels.. There are no Discord events even. It really feels like just another online chat room, rather than an actual Discord server. And if you couldn't tell, yes I'm very passionate about the Discord server.
People here gave the argument of "Oh WeLl, If EvErYoNe HaD a CoLoReD nAmE, It WoUlD bE tOo MeSsY!!2!2!4?!!", and to that I say, you, sir, are idiotic. How would colored names make the server messy? Every single massive server has them, except for Cube. Why? And to the people saying it's messy, ironically, they're in community made servers, where everyone has a colored name. They're not messy when it's in a server that isn't Cube's, ay?

Except, you can't credit the server for establishing it. It was established by Elenahh and only her. When I translated a thread (which still hasn't been implemented btw), it got ignored. Not blaming Elenahh for that one, just whoever was supposed to handle the translations and add them. Thanks for making all my efforts look like they were worth nothing more than a waste of time! <3
And also I hate whoever is running that thing so I left it for good.
I’ll have to disagree with your first statement, regardless of their behavior which I already expressed I don’t approve/nor promote. There is an evidently strong base reason behind the complaints, and one cannot simply ignore it because the member pointing it out hasn’t been the most well behaved. I’m not a fan of people who share their ideas in an aggressive, offensive manner but I do believe that regardless of how it is communicated it should be listened. Not to mention that most of those threads never got any official reply even after receiving a lot of attention and participation from a large amount of forum members. It’s like when people protest and make a whole mess, setting cars on fire isn’t justified, but it doesn’t mean the respective government can ignore the claims the protesters have and not respond to it. Management as the authority of this platform, and even us as members of the forums should be the bigger person in the discussion, and let aside whatever can derail the discussion from its original intent.

I agree with your second point though, and am very shocked to hear that about the special discord role. That and doing stuff like removing physical leaderboards makes me wonder why they don’t invest in giving their most dedicated members some recognition.

At last, about the translation team. I’d say you’re right to an extent. I’ve noticed with your comment, and I apologize for this that it has been an oversight from my end. And it should be left clear that while the team was Elenah’s initiative what I was congratulating was the amount of support members of management like Camezonda have brought to the project. Since this thread is about the server in general and not individual people, I didn’t feel like mentioning any names. But yes, she does deserve a huge amount of credit and congratulation for what she’s done and continues to do for this server.
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Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
Hi! Just want to mention how well-formatted this thread is. Thanks for the consideration instead of it being a screamy wall of text. <3

Every single Sentinel rant is replied to with the same old line, “Sentinel is constantly being improved” and “Please report them on the report site”.
That's unfortunately how we need to deal with hackers. With CubeCraft being a large server, a cult following of hackers is also with us. People dedicate a lot of their time to creating a client which bypasses Sentinel, so there will be consistent influxes of hackers that will come up in your games. So, the best thing for people to do is to report them - it ensures that we can deal with them and any alternate accounts, but also allows us to find any trends with certain hack types to forward on. Any anti-cheat system is going to have flaws, but we can all work together to polish those flaws accordingly. c:

While this may be a very personal interpretation of the situation, and there might be multiple other reasons to blame. I’ve come to the conclusion that the forums has lost its purpose.
I can agree with this to an extent, there isn't a lot of reason to come back, however, there's only so much we can do in order to make the forums better. I would love to hear if there's any way we can do that though, I loved (and still love) coming on forums. Also, I'm very happy to see things like open discussions with the community on forums. The honesty that people show when talking about the server isn't because they think the server is awful, it's because they want the server to get better. The only problem that arises that people get passionate to the point that they attack anyone that disagrees with them which forces us to lock the thread and punish them. But apart from that, please keep any debating threads, it helps with feedback and how the community sees the server. :shrug:

As members we can give barely any feedback on games as they’re already finished when released except for bugs. This makes it impossible to get the bad things out and implement the good things. This already had been addressed by Iloveyouu multiple times, but it got completely ignored. There should be some form of testing before it officially enters the server, but management doesn’t want this since it means that other servers can produce such games too.
When a new game or gamemode is released, I would hope there's a time where management can focus on ironing out the bugs that are found so that there's not an extended period of time where those games are ridden with bugs. I'm not sure what they do, but I'm sure that feedback is also appreciated about the games so that they can see what the community are looking for. Best example I can give is Battlezone when it was released - it received a boatload of requests and quite a lot of them were implemented.

I could not agree more with your point about Sentinal, it was very well structured and I enjoyed reading it. I have a fly bypass I made like 6 months ago, it is still working well and one of my online friends recently released a new cubecore update and the rediculous amount of cheats that bypass this anticheat is insane. Sentinel has to have more recourses put towards it, because it is simply not keeping up to date with the latest bypasses.
Care to share your fly bypass? ;)

No one is different. There are no bots, there are no fun-channels, community channels.. There are no Discord events even. It really feels like just another online chat room, rather than an actual Discord server. And if you couldn't tell, yes I'm very passionate about the Discord server.
While I agree the Discord server is a tad bit stale in comparison to other larger servers, having certain bots will just be abused to hell. I'll see if there's a way to help the Discord server though, I have tons. c:

In conclusion, I really appreciate the time you have put into the thread Eli (I tried to tag you and your name didn't come up xd). I look forward to see what others think about this as well, open discussions are more than welcome on the forums. <3


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
That's unfortunately how we need to deal with hackers. With CubeCraft being a large server, a cult following of hackers is also with us. People dedicate a lot of their time to creating a client which bypasses Sentinel, so there will be consistent influxes of hackers that will come up in your games. So, the best thing for people to do is to report them - it ensures that we can deal with them and any alternate accounts, but also allows us to find any trends with certain hack types to forward on. Any anti-cheat system is going to have flaws, but we can all work together to polish those flaws accordingly. c:
Just wanted to add something to your Sentinel part :) some forum members brag about the fact that their cheat still doesn’t notify Sentinel. But it is also quite known that cheat developers are actively working on bypasses. Sentinel had a huge reputation when released, it banned loads of bypasses and cheat developers were made it difficult. This kinda made it a sports where people tried to make as many bypasses as possible. Meanwhile the developer only works on the most popular/annoying cheat I guess. It’s 1vhowmanydoweknow. I don’t think Sentinel is a bad as most people say, yes it has flaws, but did you see what the server looked like before Sentinel?!

Ps Youn: you’re cute.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Except, you can't credit the server for establishing it. It was established by Elenahh and only her.
As I am a proud member of both the staff team and community, by congratulating the server, he is also congratulating me, as well as all the other people who deserve credit for their work. Sure, I may have been the main person to manage the team and improve the way it works, but that doesn't mean I would have been able to do it without the awesome feedback, tips and support my teammates and the entire management team have given me. That being said, your statement that the team has been entirely established by me is quite incorrect. This achievement is just as much mine as it is theirs.

When I translated a thread (which still hasn't been implemented btw), it got ignored. Not blaming Elenahh for that one, just whoever was supposed to handle the translations and add them.
I apologize for the inconvenience. After the team was founded (October 2018), it was a pretty dead place for months. There were numerous of issues that I had no power to solve, one of them being the fact the staff team didn't trust the team and refused to accept our translations. It was a chaotic time for the team, the organization was pretty bad. Due to the lack of hope I had in the future of the team, I wasn't spending much time trying to develop it. The rise of the team came only after Camezonda discovered it and trusted us (May 2019). You left the team not so long after he discovered it.

The real reason I told you all this was to give you a clear vision of how the team performed at the time you submitted that translation. Mistakes happen, people can sometimes miss things and taking into account the chaotic organization the team had back then, I'm not surprised it happened.

What disappoints me and saddens me, though, is that you said you are feeling like your work has been underappreciated and ignored, but never tried to come to me and say "Hey Elena, maybe you have missed this and that?"
One of the things I appreciate the most is when people communicate about the issues when they occur, so those issues can be fixed, instead of letting negative emotions stack up.


I'm proud to say that this chaos is all in the past now. While it is true that the team doesn't currently perform in the most perfect way possible, the progress of the team since may 2019 is insane and thanks to the effective and hard work of all the members on it, it goes straight forward and upward. I hope that you all can understand that neither I nor the people on the team can just snap their fingers and develop a perfectly functioning translation team. Everything takes time and patience.


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
Just wanted to add something to your Sentinel part :) some forum members brag about the fact that their cheat still doesn’t notify Sentinel. But it is also quite known that cheat developers are actively working on bypasses. Sentinel had a huge reputation when released, it banned loads of bypasses and cheat developers were made it difficult. This kinda made it a sports where people tried to make as many bypasses as possible. Meanwhile the developer only works on the most popular/annoying cheat I guess. It’s 1vhowmanydoweknow. I don’t think Sentinel is a bad as most people say, yes it has flaws, but did you see what the server looked like before Sentinel?!

Ps Youn: you’re cute.
I'm sure more people would have an appreciation for Sentinel if we got rid of it completely. Kappa
I know people have heard the "Sentinel is constantly being worked on" line, but it really is. There are constant improvements being made to it and more experimental logs in the works. It's a cat and mouse type of thing, we make an improvement, and another bypass is found, so we patch that, and it repeats. All anticheats will have flaws, its just a matter of patching it before it gets abused further. ;)


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Just wanted to add something to your Sentinel part :) some forum members brag about the fact that their cheat still doesn’t notify Sentinel. But it is also quite known that cheat developers are actively working on bypasses. Sentinel had a huge reputation when released, it banned loads of bypasses and cheat developers were made it difficult. This kinda made it a sports where people tried to make as many bypasses as possible. Meanwhile the developer only works on the most popular/annoying cheat I guess. It’s 1vhowmanydoweknow. I don’t think Sentinel is a bad as most people say, yes it has flaws, but did you see what the server looked like before Sentinel?!

Ps Youn: you’re cute.

The cheaters on our servers are using some pretty ancient bypasses at this point, and they are still working. I was playing last week at night and it was almost as bad as it used to be before Sentinel in 2017. My mind was blown at how often the cheaters were occurring and how many of their hacks they could use without even getting banned, we're talking like- everything.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
The cheaters on our servers are using some pretty ancient bypasses at this point, and they are still working. I was playing last week at night and it was almost as bad as it used to be before Sentinel in 2017. My mind was blown at how often the cheaters were occurring and how many of their hacks they could use without even getting banned, we're talking like- everything.
I think that also might’ve something to do with the changes of developers since crazymanJR. It probably takes up a lot of time to make the codingwork of Sentinel fit the developers style of coding work. Everyone codes differently. But that is just me speculating because I actually have zero clue.
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