Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you agree with the ideas promoted above?

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    Votes: 6 31.6%
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    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Maybe a little editing would do

    Votes: 7 36.8%

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Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like
Well, the ranks are already pretty expensive, and adding this over Obsidian would just be way over the line. Also, what perks would it have compared to obsidian?
The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
I personally loved this game! It was how I came to know about cubecraft, and seeing how many people want it back, then they atleast have to think about adding it back or adding something really similar.
/report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
I don't really know. I don't think that the /report command will help much, as staff already have loads of stuff to do and even if only obsidian ranks were able to use it, it could still be abused.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
The amount of Blockband players is 2 to 3.
I'm pretty sure I was able to join 20 player maps before that game breaking bug. I even played Hide N Seek once inside the lobby with 5 people. I can still remember that there were 2 - 3 maps almost full most of the times.
Seeing how block band has around 4 players inside 1 lobby. I can definetly conclude that Money Walls is more popular.

Oh and this:

Oh and lets not forget my favorite one with 69 positive votes:

I believe @KronosReeper has more threads regarding the revival of Money Walls.
yeah no compare all of those players to the 4000 others who may not
not to mention that players who said add this are no longer playing on Cube


Forum Expert
Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
I personally think that there are enough ranks right now. What would be the point of having redstone rank?
The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
Money walls got removed due to its in-popularity. Though I do hope that they add a newer and revamped money walls. #BringBackMoneyWalls
/report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
This could easily be abused. Plus, Sentinel watches everyone, so what is the point of adding a report command? This could easily be abused in many ways.
Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
Creative definitely needs improving. TBH I prefered the old creative (with plots) over the one we have now.


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2016
Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
Firstly why would you want a new rank if there isn't any significant difference between Emerald & Obsidian ranks? I would like it if they actually added a significant feature for obsidian ranks to further distance it from the Emerald rank. Then we may consider adding new ranks.
If I recall correctly @Snap made a thread about adding a few features and one of which was a Redstone Rank for people who donated over a certain amount of money to the server. Which seems to be a better feature (they should get nothing other than a tag according to Snap).
The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
The game itself to me isn't as fun as eggwars. You're forced to wait at least 10 minutes before being able to interact with other players. Compared to eggwars you could act in any way at any time you want, which gives the game so many outcomes and uniqueness. If it were to return I wouldn't see myself playing it unless there was a major update that actually appeals to me.
/report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
This used to be a command according to older players and was removed due to how it got abused. Now it would be more efficient to record and report as Staff could go through multiple reports at a time compared to just watching a player to only find out they wasted their time. You cannot buy trust, just because they have an Obsidian rank doesn't mean Staff should trust them. For all you know a player could've hacked the Obsidian player and abuse this command.
Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
I do like this idea a lot since it gives more outcomes and control over people's plots. For the /fly in certain areas, it could be tied to a specific block so when you step on it you get the ability to fly.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
1. The same colour as the Admin rank.
We have more then enough ranks, not necessary.
2. I don't play it, but if It gets popular, sure.
3. Removed because of the huge amount of abuse
4. Not sure what exactly it is.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
So a lot of people are questioning the usefulness of the Redstone Rank. Personally, I think it should be worth 150.00 USD. That way any previous player that had Obsidian Rank would have the option to upgrade to Redstone Rank. This would also bring in more profit to Cubecraft's store, as they ranks would be more "evenly separated by money." So what are the advantages to the Redstone Rank? I think that the staff could sneak in a /gamestart command. The glass color when waiting could be a mix of red and pink. Not only that but more gadgets should be unlocked, like enderpearls, a grappling hook, and some more creative ideas. The situation for Vanity Points should be somewhere close to double the amount that the Emerald Rank has. What if you could change the time of day in lobbies? Redstone Rank should have that option to do so. However, staff are allowed to disable your commands at any point if it is being abused without warning. Want to make an announcement bigger than color chat. Use /announce ! Redstone Rank would have 100 friend slots and can have 20 party members at once. They would get all the voting options available and can publicize 5 plots on Creative at once. These are just some ideas. Also, instead of the /report system we could change it to a /staffrequest . This would give a message to any staff member online and in a click of a button, they are spectating the game that you're in. However, if abused, the staff has the option to mute you or disable your privileges. So this command should be used for ranks only in my opinion. Or otherwise they would be spammed again.


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2016
So a lot of people are questioning the usefulness of the Redstone Rank. Personally, I think it should be worth 150.00 USD. That way any previous player that had Obsidian Rank would have the option to upgrade to Redstone Rank. This would also bring in more profit to Cubecraft's store, as they ranks would be more "evenly separated by money." So what are the advantages to the Redstone Rank? I think that the staff could sneak in a /gamestart command. The glass color when waiting could be a mix of red and pink. Not only that but more gadgets should be unlocked, like enderpearls, a grappling hook, and some more creative ideas. The situation for Vanity Points should be somewhere close to double the amount that the Emerald Rank has. What if you could change the time of day in lobbies? Redstone Rank should have that option to do so. However, staff are allowed to disable your commands at any point if it is being abused without warning. Want to make an announcement bigger than color chat. Use /announce ! Redstone Rank would have 100 friend slots and can have 20 party members at once. They would get all the voting options available and can publicize 5 plots on Creative at once. These are just some ideas. If you would remove a few or add any, let me know.
Hate to burst your bubble but people don't really tend to purchase ranks just for the cosmetics, they want actual usefulness like being able to vote. As I said before, let CC add something significant to Obsidian ranks before adding any new ranks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
In my studio
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
I say a NO to redstone rank and no to the /report command cause that command was abused by the players.


Jun 23, 2017
1- I don't think that cube needs more ranks
2-Yes, that game is really nice
3-I think this is a good idea
4- Yes and cubecraft can do events for new maps for those people who have talent


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I don't think CubeCraft is going to add more ranks as we've got enough ranks now.
View attachment 134246

The game 'Money Walls' has been removed due to the unpopularity of the game. As that, I don't think it'll come back.

We had the /report command in the past but it has been removed because it was being heavily abused. Players were submitting fake reports and Staff Members were wasting their time on fake reports. Due to these and some other reasons, the /report command won't be added back.

You can still help CubeCraft out with hackers and all the other rule breakers of course! Please report rule breakers here (with the correct evidence) > https://reports.cubecraft.net.

Creative has just got a massive update, it's a long time ago > https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/freebuild.167516/ - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/freebuild-update.185869/.
Yeh. We already have LOTS of ranks
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