Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jun 14, 2022
1. Has glowstone been changed because now I only get 1 dust per block and silk touch doesn't pick up the block anymore?

2. I can't craft anything on playstation I have to manually put items in the crafting table

3. Signs also have stopped working for me, everytime I place a sign and come back it's blank

I'm playing on bedrock PlayStation if that helps anything
Jun 16, 2022
I haven't got to glowstone yet but I have noticed the crafting issue myself, some items like cookies can be crafted through the menu whereas others like this pickaxe need to be placed in the crafting interface
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Amacchi wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
Thanks for the follow :heart:
New pfp!
I think I have to edit it again… It don’t looks epic…
suedivy40117733 wrote on Fjackp14_'s profile.
A Bit late but congrats on forum expert biscuit man!
jamesthesignificant wrote on Fjackp14_'s profile.
Yooo congrats on Forum Expert!
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