Ok First off Nice ideas and now here's what I think of them
1-3.-I have suggested this and I like the idea the only problem is with new cosmetics and accessories can bring lag to the server
4.Yes but it should be optional, I hate servers that require you to take a tutorial when you first start, with that said it should also be aloud to be taken later because most people will get on not use the tutorial and feel confused and wish to go back to the tutorial
5. Staff doesn't allow anyone /Nick because they feel as though youtubers will abuse /nick by going in game use /Nick and than Hack
6.Sounds cool but you should be able to turn it off, some times people will be on and just wanna play alone and with a /find command even for friends you should be able to turn it off
7.I like that idea Gives you something to do with all those flag hats you get over and over again, the only problem is I can only think of all the people going into lobby say stuff like Can you give me this this this and this NO! if that were added I think there'd need to be a addition to the rule don't ask people for ranks and make it don't ask people for ranks or cosmetics
9.My friend actually knows how to fix the problem I did try contacting staff about the solution and they responded with that they are aware of the problem
10.Yeah I like the idea of having more to do with a high level
11.What are you asking???
12.what kind of kits?
13.Seems a little unesasary
14.They can't control the way the website blocking works it's just anything with a description and ethier a / or a . followed after it
15.They are working on a party system and many people (My self included) have asked for it just be patient :)