Hope u have a great day!
Today i'll have a pet bundle suggestion! (Credit: @Fjackp14_)
I have altered the samoyeds thing a bit and hope this is good enough! (But i will add some samoyeds) BUT DO NOT MIND THE SMALL LETTERS HERE PLS
But with the bottom part extended
some sort of pixel thing of this lil fella
Thanks for reading, this suggestion didn't take a lot of time but it was a lot of fun! And react with
if you like it!
- Bico :)
P.S. Thanks to @Reesle for making me have a good outlook of the suggestion (i bet outlook is the wrong word)
Hope u have a great day!
Today i'll have a pet bundle suggestion! (Credit: @Fjackp14_)
I have altered the samoyeds thing a bit and hope this is good enough! (But i will add some samoyeds) BUT DO NOT MIND THE SMALL LETTERS HERE PLS
The bundle:
4 Prefixes
[Samoyed] duh
[Dog] samoyed doggo ig
[Cat] clyde?
[Adopt me!] no no no no pet simulator pls
3 Cages
Guinea pig cage @suedivy40117733 is gonna hype this ngl
Dog field (just some grass with dogs INCLUDING SAMOYEDS)
Cat house ig clyde would like this right?
1 Egg skin
Hamster wheel
1 Shop skin
Sitting dog
ok euh there shows some weird thing here, dont mind it
some sort of pixel thing of this lil fella2 Buddies
Clyde (@jamesthesignificant his profile and yk who clyde is)
1 Pair of Shoes
Dog paws (Like the cat one from parcour rank)
1 Pit Skin
Pets (Just a load of dogs cats and other pets on the side of the pit :) )
2 Gravestones
Guinea pig (A guinea pig standing on grass)
Cat (A cat in a cat house
2 Win Effects
Cat/Dog food
Fish (Fish spashing around u)
2 Trails
- Paws (As if ur a big standing dog)
- Grass (Like the rainbow road trail but with grass)
I think a good price for this bundle is €7 (1140 minecoins) due to it containing a load of cool cosmetics.Thanks for reading, this suggestion didn't take a lot of time but it was a lot of fun! And react with

- Bico :)
P.S. Thanks to @Reesle for making me have a good outlook of the suggestion (i bet outlook is the wrong word)
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