I love egg wars as much as the next person, one of my favorite games on Cubecraft by far, but if you've played minecraft for at least a decent amount of time, you would know that campers are a big problem from time-to-time, break bridge, get a bow, and just not allow anybody near while profiting the max level gens on their own island. That is why I would like to suggest a new feature in egg wars, I honestly don't know if this would be worth it to add or not, in my opinion it would also make gameplay more difficult for some people who think egg wars is too easy. My suggestion is, adding Catastrophies. Say every 10 minutes or so, a random catastrophy, ex: Lightning storm, hits a random players island (With warning like a minute before) for a minute or so, and if you stay on your island you will either get damage or killed forcing players to retreat to middle. Every 30 minutes it would add an extra catastrophe so say after an hour and a half there would be 3 different catastrophies hitting 3 islands (they can hit the same one if your unlucky)
List of catastrophies:
Lightning storm:
Clouds appear over the players island for a minute and strike down lightning with 3-7 second intervals.
Mobs spawn all over the players island and hunt you down, Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers (Charged if during a thunderstorm), Endermen, and basically every other mobile enemy mob and disappear after a minute (Creepers don't damage the natural environment but can destroy player placed blocks). (Player can fight them off like every other mob)
Lava rain:
Lava falls from the sky all over your island drenching it in lava for one minute, no fire spread.
Anti-gravitational field
Similar to invasion, except all the mobs are shulkers, as the name suggests, their abilities will make you float into the air until you eventually fall and die or avoid their attacks.
Meteor rain
Only possible after first 30 minutes, most rare catastrophie, meteors fall down from the sky for a minute like the rest, but they can destroy the natural environment and player placed blocks (can't destroy generators).
That is all for now, might add more some other time if the idea is acceptable.