- With the Christmas update, Java got Present Rush and bedrock got Snowman Survival. It has been confirmed by multiple staff members that it will not be changing, what does this mean? Snowman Survival is not potentially coming in part 2 of the update.
So I consider, Snowman Survival should be here for Christmas, but with a twist.
This whole thread is based on a reply for another thread I wasn't able to find. About bringing back Present Rush but not Slime Survival. What I consider should be done for christmas, and honestly there's still enough time to implement this is:
Bring back Present Rush and Snowman Survival and have them rotate during December until Christmas is over. And temporarily disable Slime Survival as a featured game.
NOTE: I thought about Snowdown, but not many people seem to miss it. So I don't see the point since Present Rush and Snowman Survival could be getting more featuring time.
I think the implementation of this idea is definitely the most conciliatory way of pleasing everyone! Woohoo we all get our favorite Christmas games. About the time for each game cycle, I think 4 days is a fitting amount of time, just so they're not changing so quickly but they're also fast enough for it not to get boring.
One of the advantages of this system is perhaps that it'll constantly renew the playerbase for each gamemode. Maybe not as effectively as the normal featured games system but it'll definitely help. We don't want people to get bored of the seasonal game right? Like what happened with Ender this Halloween.
I don't know if Management planned to have Snowman Survival on Bedrock so people would play on that version. But if that were to be the case, I'll say that I don't think most people will actually take the time to join the Bedrock version just to play SS: Especially since people tend to care about their statistics and levels, and Bedrock isn't connected to java so... Not to mention most Java users find Bedrock incredibly tedious to play in, and wouldn't sacrifice so much just to play a game.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to vote on the poll. Any feedback is appreciated as always!
Edit: If not for this year, consider it for next year!
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