Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Feb 3, 2021
Que tal amigos, quiero hablar sobre un caso que ocurrió el día de hoy el cual me parece sumamente injusto y poco ético por parte del staff de cubecraft... me encontraba con un amigo jugando tranquilamente una partida de eggwars duo, cuando de repente, me encuentro con un jugador que comienza a hacer focus constante en mi isla, lo cual es normal, el problema esta cuando yo logro derrotar en diversas ocasiones a este jugador llamado Dutchyyy, (al principio yo no sabia que el es moderador)... después de defender mi isla me dirijo a la isla de Dutchyyy para romper su huevo, logro derrotar a este jugador y a su team, una vez que logre romper el huevo, elimino al equipo de dutchyyy y a dutchyyy, y escribo en el chat global "zzzz" lo cual creo yo que es el motivo por el cual este moderador se molesto y actuó de una forma super super infantil y poco ética, el moderador Dutchyyy siguio espectando mi partida, cuando de repente puff me banean por usar "modificaciones ilegales" sin ninguna prueba o video, sencillamente porque un admin llamado xPineappleMan dice haberme visto usando hacks, este otro moderador se escuda diciendo que el SENTINEL me detecto usando hacks y que por "Coincidencia" el fue a verificar esto... siendo que yo uso el cliente badlion... aqui mismo les adjunto captura de pantalla de lo mencionado anteriormente... pero esto no acaba aquí, después de esta primera injustica (de recibir el ban injusto en mi cuenta xBadEmerson_) intente entrar en mi cuenta principal que tiene el rango lápiz comprado, en la cual llevo jugando mas de 1 ano... para hablar con el moderador xPineappleMan y pedirle amablemente pruebas y el motivo exacto con el que me baneo injustamente, pero oh sorpresa!!! este moderador me banea mi cuenta con nombre Emersonn PERMANENTEMENTE, que opinan con respecto a esto? En mi personal opinión es increíble y lamentable que personas como estos dos moderadores xPineappleMan y Dutchyyy formen parte del staff de cubecraft, estos dos moderadores banean a personas a su propia conveniencia, actuando de manera infantil, sin tener pruebas de esta ocasión, simplemente por intereses propios fui baneado de mis dos cuentas de minecraft, la única explicación que recibí fue que xPineappleMan fue testigo de que yo estaba hackeando y que el sentinel me detecto... y por otro lado baneo mi otra cuenta permanentemente por bypassing, xPineappleMan simplemente denegó la apelación en mis dos cuentas y no respondió mas mis mensajes, y no me siento ofendido, me siento decepcionado que en un servidor tan reconocido como cubecraft existan este tipo de personas siendo personal del staff del server, espero algún miembro del staff competente y serio éticamente pueda leer esto... la intención con la que hago esto es que las personas que representan a cubecraft como miembros del staff desempeñen su función correctamente y hagan de cubecraft un server mejor, baneando a VERDADEROS HACKERS y no solo a personas inocentes solo porque se sintieron ofendidos, esta mas que claro que en mi caso se ve reflejada la injustica, corrupción, falta de moral y ética.... gracias por leer. (Adjunto las imagenes de mis baneos y de lo que sucedio en la partida, ahi se muestra que estoy usando el cliente BadLion, lo cual es una prueba irrefutable de que no uso hacks, porque todos sabemos que ese cliente hasta tiene un anticheat).
What's up friends, I want to talk about a case that happened today which seems to me extremely unfair and unethical by the staff of cubecraft .... I was with a friend playing a game of eggwars duo, when suddenly, I find a player who begins to make constant focus on my island, which is normal, the problem is when I manage to defeat several times to this player named Dutchyyy, (at first I did not know that he is a moderator) .... after defending my island I go to Dutchyyy's island to break his egg, I manage to defeat this player and his team, once I manage to break the egg, I eliminate dutchyyy's team and dutchyyy, and I write in the global chat "zzzz" which I think is the reason why this moderator got upset and acted in a super super childish and unethical way, the moderator Dutchyyy kept watching my game, when suddenly puff I get banned for using "illegal modifications" without any proof or video, simply because an admin named xPineappleMan claims to have seen me using hacks, this other moderator shields himself by saying that the SENTINEL detected me using hacks and that by "Coincidence" he went to verify this. ... being that I use the badlion client.... ... but this does not end here, after this first injustice (to receive the unfair ban on my account xBadEmerson_) I tried to enter my main account that has the pencil rank purchased, in which I have been playing for more than 1 year ... to speak to the moderator. .. to talk to the moderator xPineappleMan and ask him kindly for proof and the exact reason why he unjustly banned me, but oh surprise!!!! this moderator bans my account with name Emersonn PERMANENTLY, what do you think about this? In my personal opinion it is unbelievable and unfortunate that people like these two moderators xPineappleMan and Dutchyyy are part of the cubecraft staff, these two moderators ban people at their own convenience, acting in a childish way, without having proof of this occasion, simply for their own interests I was banned from my two minecraft accounts, the only explanation I received was that xPineappleMan witnessed that I was hacking and that the sentinel detected me.... and on the other hand banned my other account permanently for bypassing, xPineappleMan simply denied the appeal on my two accounts and did not answer my messages, and I do not feel offended, I feel disappointed that in a server as recognized as cubecraft there are such people being staff of the server staff, I hope some competent and serious staff member can read this ethically. .. the intention with which I do this is that people who represent cubecraft as staff members play their role properly and make cubecraft a better server, banning REAL HACKERS and not just innocent people just because they felt offended, it is more than clear that in my case is reflected the injustice, corruption, lack of morals and ethics.... thanks for reading. (I attach the images of my bans and what happened in the game, it shows that I was using the BadLion client, which is an irrefutable proof that I don't use hacks, because we all know that this client even has an anticheat).


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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
Hi, while I understand that you are frustrated this isn't the correct place to rant about 2 mods "abusing" their perms as the correct place to do so is here.
Though from what I can gather, you admitted to bypassing with another account which then means that bypassing ban is correct as bypassing in any situation is not allowed. And another thing to note, moderators do not need evidence to ban a user for rule-breaking. Though whether or not you were false banned for cheating is up in the air, but as I said if you feel as though they were "abusing" their perms then feel free to use that link I mentioned above.


Feb 3, 2021
Hi, while I understand that you are frustrated this isn't the correct place to rant about 2 mods "abusing" their perms as the correct place to do so is here.
Though from what I can gather, you admitted to bypassing with another account which then means that bypassing ban is correct as bypassing in any situation is not allowed. And another thing to note, moderators do not need evidence to ban a user for rule-breaking. Though whether or not you were false banned for cheating is up in the air, but as I said if you feel as though they were "abusing" their perms then feel free to use that link I mentioned above.
bro I have already done it since Saturday and no one had approved my post, that's why I resorted to do it this way, I understand your point of view and I just want to support the cubecraft staff to improve, I recognize that the error of the second account for bypassing was mine, but the banning of the first account? Pff that’s a complete abuse of power, I just share my point of view, have a nice day!


Forum Expert
Apr 27, 2020
the Pizza Parlor
Heya! I understand your frustration completely and I understand why you think this was an abuse of powers. After our discussion in your appeal (which I did not deny straight away) you never really gave good evidence that you weren’t cheating so after you confirmed you saw my message that I was gonna deny it, I did. You bypassing your ban didn’t really help your case either, in fact it led me to think that you were just cheating on an alt in the first place. Thank you for making this thread as it gave me the opportunity to rethink this ban and I asked our moderation manager (CapitanGato) for his opinion on this since he was helping since your first appeal. We have decided to unban both of your accounts on the premise of this being a misunderstanding on my end. I’m deeply sorry that this has happened and I ask that you forgive Dutchyyy and myself for this as it really had nothing to do with Dutchyyy he was just there by coincidence and I was the one watching you. I do however want you to know this was not an abuse of powers and there was no corruption involved in your ban whatsoever. The bans will be undone in the next couple minutes after posting this message. Sorry again this happened, have a nice day. :)
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