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Would you guys like to see FFA and Duels added on Bedrock?

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Dedicated Member
Sep 6, 2019
Catalonia, Spain.
Hey guys! I've recently been getting quite into the Bedrock community and it's really fun! What I've been noticing though, is that I am really bad at PvP. That set aside, I've also been noticing that it lacks FFA and Duels, which are two game modes that are extremely easy to understand and are really fun to play.

Unlike past threads that requested to add games like BlockWars (view this thread if u want to read it and give ur thoughts on adding BlockWars to bedrock), games that are pretty hard to understand and even in the Java network don't have a major success nor are understood by everyone (yes, even if BlockWars isn't a complex game sometimes there are people that don't understand how to play it). Plus, FFA in Java has been proven to be a huge success, so my guessing is that in Bedrock the game would be a success too.

With PvP that doesn't happen. In duels, it's pretty obvious that you have to kill the other person, there's not too much you can do other than that besides maybe building in kits with blocks? It's too unlikely someone would not understand the word Duels (Duelo in Spanish, Duel in Dutch..)
For FFA, everyone would pretty much understand that they are in a battle arena, kits and maps could be adapted made smaller or kept the same. It's not too hard to understand either. For this one, maybe people would not quite understand it and might feel a bit lost so a book that explains what the game is about could be put in the inventory, and this could be translated to the selected language. (e.g. if the person has CubeCraft translated to Spanish, the book would be in Spanish).

I hope that Cube can add FFA and Duels to the Bedrock edition, it's been quite a while since there has been a new game (separate from the existing modes, I know that mega SkyWars was released not too long ago, but it's a SkyWars related game). Maybe a test week like you guys did with Chaos Skywars for everyone wouldn't be too bad either, or make it only testable by Vip Level 1 + people, to see if the game would be a success or not.

Thanks for reading the thread, and don't forget to vote on the poll and leave your opinions on the comments.

The possible point I want to comment before people leave negative comments against this idea:
  • The game would be so toxic as in Java.
First of all, that's such a huge assumption and I don't think that a Bedrock game's success can be based on the toxicity of Java Network players.
Secondly, Bedrock players, as far as I know, tend to be more friendly and don't use the chat as frequently. People use different versions and some are on console devices, whose chat is kinda messy and annoying to use.
Third, saying that a game should be removed by player's behavior or that it shouldn't be added is pretty much nonsense, if we removed games because the community is toxic we would be left with only Tower Defense, Minerware and Parkour. FFA on the Java Network will most likely not get removed even if the community is the most toxic ever, so why wouldn't add FFA to Bedrock only because of the same reasoning?

That point set aside (I hope it discourages you from commenting over the toxicity of FFA on the Java network) I hope you guys can give me feedback on how to improve the thread.
Thanks for reading guys! <3


Suggestions given in the comments that I like and want them to apply to this thread! =)

This suggestion was given by @xXIIIIIIXx and I like it!
The idea is to make the maps smaller in Bedrock to avoid the lag for some users that might be using a lower quality device, to avoid them getting lagged essentially.
I agree with the idea, and that's why I add it to be taken into consideration. I believe that 25 players ( a number he also gave ) would be great!
If this is taken into consideration, I believe that more maps should be open then, since the maps would be smaller there should be more maps open.
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Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
I really like the idea of having a place to practise (gamode) in Bedrock.
I’m very experienced with both 1.8 and 1.9 java edition combat, however I barely know how to fight on Bedrock, and I won’t improve until I get a real place to practise.
Being on a mobile device like me, doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to fight, so I would really like to see Duels getting added to Bedrock.
About FFA I’m not quite sure, because it may be a real mess.


Dedicated Member
Sep 6, 2019
Catalonia, Spain.
I really like the idea of having a place to practice (game) in Bedrock.
I’m very experienced with both 1.8 and 1.9 java edition combat, however, I barely know how to fight on Bedrock, and I won’t improve until I get a real place to practise.
Being on a mobile device like me doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to fight, so I would really like to see Duels getting added to Bedrock.
About FFA I’m not quite sure, because it may be a real mess.
FFA is already a chaotic place, where everyone is fighting everyone in order to get kills and get better at the game, there's no teaming rule so you can team and everyone knows which players to avoid when fighting them. I've always seen FFA like that chill place you go when you're feeling tired and you just want to casual fight and speak with people.
Mind explaining why you think it would be a mess? :)
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Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
FFA is already a chaotic place, where everyone is fighting everyone in order to get kills and get better at the game, there's no teaming rule so you can team and everyone knows which players to avoid when fighting them. I've always seen FFA like that chill place you go when you're feeling tired and you just want to casual fight and speak with people.
Mind explaining why you think it would be a mess? :)
Of course I will explain.I think it’s a mess, because on java every ffa map can be filled with 40 players maximum which is a lot of players.
Players with weaker devices will suffer from a lot of lagg(which occurs on non nasa computers as well)
plus the world will render very slowly(if the same huge maps are just used on the bedrock server).
If FFA has to come to Bedrock, then I would like to see smaller maps(different ones please) plus reduced player limit(20/25).
Otherwise it just won’t be a very good experience, which of course is not what players are looking for.
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Apr 10, 2020
Add duels its a good gamemode with a leaderboard it would be so good and it will get you better at pvp please cubecraft team we havent seen a new gamemode in over a year

Deleted member 486292

since pvp and duels can get very competitive, it is unfair that European players would have an inherent ping advantage, notwithstanding the fact that the network is constantly laggy and apparently has poor packet transfer anyway.It isnt optimized for these gamemodes currently, but if the staff decide to improve this fault, then I would most definitely like to see this addition. Despite all this, a PVP and duels mode would almost certainly be successful (if executed correctly) and make the network money, which is something worth noting to them.


Oct 4, 2019
I think adding a duels mode would be amazing. To reduce toxicity you could just connect players back to the hub after every game. Another thing that would be very cool if they added duels would be having multiple types like build UHC, nodebuff, and sumo. Mentioned in an earlier post about was that ping advantage could be an issue but I don’t see it being a huge deal. Definitely the bigger issue would be if they made Mobile players go agaist PC player. They would create a huge disadvantage for the mobile player, so I think if they add duels it should only be people on the same kind of device like mobile console and PC


Jan 18, 2020
I think it would be a very empty gamemode. It would be very PvP heavy. And would require traits that mostly only work for PC players such as hot-keying or high click rate. Console is CPS capped and mobile is overall difficult. Sure it would show how good you actually are. and from a PC players perspective this would be amazing. And a first for the Bedrock Server Community. I would love to see it and finally show my friends I don't just play a lot. But it would be a PC favored gamemode and mobile/console players might decide to dump it.

Overall great idea, I support it! But CC wants to please all platforms not just PC.
Good Luck!


Oct 4, 2019
I completely understand why they wouldn’t do this and I agree they probably shouldn’t but it’s a fun thing to think about. On the side note not only on console is caps capped also on PC. The cps cap is 22. You are generally right that console and mobile players will dump it but like I said before they should be separated into their groups and this might sound crazy but there are mobile turneys on server like versai that are very competitive, and on some pvp server console or controller player are some of the highest ranking


Oct 4, 2019
They already exist, just not in this scale, the only bad part about them adding it is that it would put smaller pvp servers out of business


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May 2, 2016
I would definitley love this being added
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