Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2016
Today there was a little discussion going on about someone asking for someone else to play with.

I hopped in a bit later then the actual incident leading into the discussion but as far as I could read back it was about someone looking for someone else to play a game with. This person got corrected by a helper/mod to not do that. This was seen as advertising.

I've seen this happen more than once and it seems like quite a big topic.

Therefore I do a suggestion to change the rule about advertising. 1:1 advertising still shouldn't be allowed and will still need a warning or punishment. I would flexuate the "looking-for-...." part and make a channel where people can ask for someone else to play with. Cubecraft or something else doesn't matter as only people that are looking for someone will look into the channel. This shouldn't cause any problems and will only make the tasks for helpers and mods clearer and easier.

Could've forgotten something. Feel free to add something if you think that would be better.

What would this solve:
- Confusion about people asking for teammates for whatever game it may be.
- Moderators and helpers not knowing when it's actually advertisement and when not.

Another small suggestion;

Make the option for mutes instead of a server ban. I swore twice and got banned immediately without me knowing what the punishment for that was. A mute is more useful and community friendly.

Hopefully this was clear and not all over the place as it's quite early in the morning for me.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

- Fowth

Discord: Fowth#1183
IGN Minecraft: Bektrekker
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Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2019
Make the option for mutes instead of a server ban. I swore twice and got banned immediately without me knowing what the punishment for that was. A mute is more useful and community friendly.
at the moment there is no Discord bot so no one can be muted (if you refer to in the text chat and not in the voice chats)


Hope you have a nice day :)
Sep 22, 2016
hi there,
I don't see the problem with someone asking for a teammate. I've seen It plenty of times in de bedrock channel and they were never warned by mods.
I hope they change the rules because I don't think that asking if someone wants to play is advertising.
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Welcome to the forums bro! :)
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