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Forum Veteran
Mar 12, 2017
het land van kroketten, frikandellen
Yes I understand, but people (including me) get banned for message farming by doing that kind of stuff
Because you should not react 'I agree' under every single suggestion. What I meant is that some threads are short and clear and don't require a long opinion as a reaction, for those threads 'I agree' is good enough. What makes it better than just liking the thread is that the thread gets bumped.

What often happens to those threads is that they get about 6 likes and 11 poll votes, but no replies. Everybody agrees to it, but nobody is really too exciting about it so they don't reply. This lets the thread die out, while the idea wasn't too bad. Just adding 'I agree' bumps the threads so more people will see it and possibly add some better feedback!
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Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
Hey xHappyMood, thanks for the suggestion ^-^

I'm currently experimenting with what sort of custom reactions we're able to add. This includes reactions specific to a subforum, for example, you can react with the :cube_light: emoji only in the "News" subforum.

I reckon something like this could be experimented with and we can assess how useful it really is. 😄
Okidoki, thanks! :D
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Aelfwif wrote on Keanu's profile.
It's raining 🌦️ tacos 🌮 From 😤 out 😵 of the 🤣 sky 🈳🈳🈳 Tacos 🌮 No 📵🈵 need to ask why Just open 😦 your mouth 😶 and close your eyes 😻 It's raining 🌂🌂🌂 tacos 🌮 It's raining 🌂 tacos 🌮
Dedicated member yeah!!!
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Reesle wrote on Magitroopa's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🐠 🎉
Reesle wrote on Kozi's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
Maybe I should go buy some bubble tea at the mall later~
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