Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Which suggestions of mine this year are your favorites (MAX 13 Votes)?

  • New Skyblock Island 1st Edition - Overworld: Bamboo Jungle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Goblin Egg Skin Suggestion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Skyblock Island 6th Edition - Overworld: Mangrove Swamp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skyblock - Goats + New Quest

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Hello everybody! This thread will be an end-of-year thread featuring all of the suggestions I’ve made throughout 2023. Make sure to vote in the poll above to tell me which suggestions of mine were your favourite! Also, feel free to react with :agree:, :unsure:, or :disagree: on any suggestions that you haven’t seen yet (just beware of necroposting)! Now, GO VOTE ON THE POLL (max 13 votes per person)!


March 🌷
In this suggestion, I suggest that Cubecraft should make every bundle that is 660 Minecoins or higher giftable. His would help make Cubecraft make more money and be competitive against the Hive, as you can gift everything on there. Shockingly, the poll on this suggestion found that only 37% wanted packs 660 Minecoins or higher to be giftable, but that’s because 52% would rather have EVERYTHING giftable!
P.S. the prices in CAD are outdated, and there are some newer bundles not included in this suggestion, but other than that I believe the rest of the info is still accurate!

September 🍃
In this suggestion, I recommend that players who are VIP level 30 or higher are able to fly in the Skyblock Hub using /fly.
In this suggestion, I propose Cubecraft add a Backrooms Profile Background off the Backrooms under the Main Lobby to the Backrooms bundle.

October 🎃
Skyblock already has cats, so why not wolves (dogs)? In this suggestion, I propose that Cubecraft add Wolves to the Extreme Hills (8th) Overworld island.
In this suggestion, I want Cubecraft to change the background of the Pit Skin selection menu from the old pit skins to the new pit skins. Very simple suggestion.
In this suggestion, I propose that Cubecraft make a Bamboo Jungle island, kinda like a Jungle part 2. This island would contain bamboo, which means it would now be possible to craft the 18 new bamboo wood types from the 1.20 update. It would now also be possible to craft scaffolding. This island wouldn’t just contain a new wood type, but also 2 new mobs, PANDAS & PARROTS!
In this suggestion, I introduce the idea of making the Eggwars Duos map “Toys” into a new Eggwars Duels map! I had the idea that this map could either be a new permanent Duels map or that it could be a limited time map for the holidays (for it to go along with the gifting theme of Christmastime). Thank you to @WorriedSkate940 for giving me the inspiration to make this suggestion! This suggestion is my first and only suggestion confirmed to be planned, see this post by efcluke94 for proof.
In this suggestion, I advance the idea of making the 3 new Mob Vote candidates into 3 buddies in an all-new Buddy pack! This pack would obviously include a Rockhopper Penguin, an Armadillo, and a Crab. This pack would cost 660 Minecoins (or 4.99$ CAD).
In this suggestion, I propose Cubecraft incorporate a Cherry Grove island containing cherry trees, bees, and copper generators to Skyblock. Each of these would provide new decoration/building blocks and would come with lots of potential for new quests! Thank you to @Hoshi for giving me the idea of a Cherry Grove island!

November ❄️
In this suggestion, I come up with many cosmetic ideas for a new bundle called “Minerware Variety Bundle”. This bundle would include an Egg Skin, a Skyblock Furniture Item, a Flag Skin, an Arrow Trail, a Kill Effect, 2 Buddies, 2 Cages, 2 Win Effects, 3 Parkour shoes, and 4 Prefixes. Thank you to @Casualpoalrbear for helping me with some of those ideas. For pricing, as there are many cosmetics (18) in this bundle, I suggested it cost 1690 Minecoins (or 12.99$ CAD).
In this suggestion, I recommend Cubecraft add a new Nether island called “The Bastion Remnant”. This new island would contain a Bastion Remnant structure on a SoulSand Valley. The Bastion Remnant island would contain 18 new blocks that would be purchasable from the shop after unlocking the island. These blocks would be great for decorating and for those who enjoy building. Cubecraft should also incorporate Piglin Brutes into this structure, a tougher Piglin mob. The Bastion Remnant’s chests should also include the “Snout” armor trim. This would add an extra depth of player customization that I think the community would really like. Finally, all of these new features would add the potential for many more quests (most pertaining to smelting/crafting).
As we all know, Eggwars Trios has been suggested countless times. In this suggestion, instead of suggesting Eggwars Trios, I proposed that Cubecraft add an Eggwars 3v3 Duels option at the Duels NPC in the Eggwars Lobby. It would be quite simple to make these maps, as they can pull some from Eggwars Duos and Eggwars Quads. Also, many of the concerns I saw brought up in past Eggwars Trios suggestions was the issue of how long the games would last. Well, making a 3v3 instead of 4 teams of 3 definitely helps with that problem.
In this suggestion, I propose that Cubecraft add the ability to craft chiseled bookshelves and lecterns within Skyblock, as for some odd reason it isn’t currently possible to do so. I also introduce 2 NEW book-themed Skyblock quests.
In this suggestion, I put forth many different ideas for new cosmetics to include in a new Winter Bundle. These suggested cosmetics include a Hot Chocolate Egg Skin, a Gingerbread Man Shop Skin, a Gingerbread House Skyblock Furniture item, a Festive Lights Arrow Trail, an Igloo Pit Skin, a Holiday Gift Lucky Block Skin, a Polar Bear (@Casualpoalrbear) and Holiday Stocking Buddy, and 3 prefixes made by @WorriedSkate940. These prefixes are: “Christmas”, “Frozen”, and “Carol Singer”. My suggested price for this bundle was 990 Minecoins (or 7.99$ CAD).
In this suggestion, I suggest that Cubecraft add a “Pillager Outpost” island that contains both Pillager and Ravager spawners. I also suggest that they add an amethyst geode in an underground cave in the island. Amethyst shard generators (amethyst blocks) would be used to generate amethyst shards which could be used to craft normal amethyst blocks (not amethyst shard generators), spyglasses, and tinted glass. In the pillager outpost chests, the “Sentry” armour trim would be included. Lastly, this island would also contain 8 illager banners, and smooth basalt & calcite blocks. The smooth basalt and calcite blocks would be purchasable in the shop from this island onward.
In this suggestion, I propose that the Skywars Profile Background obtained at VIP level 29 be updated, as it currently reflects the old Skywars hub that was present pre-1.19 update. The players who were VIP level 29 or higher prior to the server being updated to 1.19 would keep the old background and would receive a new one. However, for those who achieved VIP level 29 after the server was updated to 1.19 would only receive the new Profile Background.

December 🎁
In this suggestion, I propose that chains become craftable in Skyblock. If chains were craftable, that means it would also be possible to craft hanging signs, a new Minecraft 1.20 feature! I also submit 3 new quest possibilities regarding, you guessed it, chains and hanging signs. But, 2 of the 3 quests I submitted also contain tasks about lanterns, because there are currently no lantern quests within Skyblock.
In this suggestion, I make the recommandation that a “Retro” prefix be acquired along side the purchase of the Gamebox Chest Skin. I thought this was a good idea because the official description of this cosmetic said “It's time to return to the early 2000s and open your chests in retro gaming style!”.
In this suggestion, I propose that a “Goblin” prefix suggestion be given when purchasing the Goblin Egg Skin. @Dualninja also made a good suggestion in the replies and put forth the idea of instead obtaining a “Gremlin” prefix upon purchase of this cosmetic.
In this suggestion, I recommend Cubecraft add a “Frozen Ocean” island which would contain three NEW mobs : polar bears, strays, and glow squid. These mobs could provide new killing quests. In addition, snow and top snow would be purchasable via the shop. Also, ice would be purchasable via the shop, which could also be crafted into packed ice and blue ice. These blocks would be useful for decorating/building and would come with new quests. I also have many quest ideas in the “Quests” section of the suggestion.
In this suggestion, I advance the idea of getting a “Nuclear” prefix upon buying the Gyro Reactor Egg Skin.
In this suggestion, I put forward the idea to implement the “Wild” armour trim into the jungle temple on the Jungle (4th) Overworld island.
In this suggestion, I propose that 1 of 2 prefixes be obtained when purchasing the Toaster Lucky Block Skin. The 2 possibilities were “Toasty” and “Toaster”.
In this suggestion, I am proposing Cubecraft add an island centred around the new “Mangrove Swamp” biome. This island would include Mangrove trees which would create the possibility of obtaining 22 additional blocks too! I am also suggesting Cubecraft incorporate frogs into this island. Not only are they a good fit for this island, but they are also useful for obtaining froglights! Froglights are pretty light sources that are useful for both building and decorating. From this island onward, lily pads would be purchasable in the shop. I also make multiple new quest suggestions, including one for mud as there are 0 mud quests in Skyblock to my knowledge.
This suggestion is a 3-in-1 where I proposed EXP be granted for completing lobby parkours. Here are those 3 suggestions quickly summarized:
  1. Upon completing a lobby parkour for the first time, the player would receive +50 EXP.
  2. Upon beating a previous time record on a lobby parkour, the player would receive +3 EXP.
  3. Upon completing a lobby parkour previously beaten without getting a better time, the player would only receive +1 EXP.
In this suggestion, I proposed goats be added onto the Extreme Hills island in Skyblock. Their implementation would also come with a new quest called “All Things Goats”. The objectives of this quest would be milk and breed goats as well as collect a certain amount of each kind of goat horn.
In this suggestion, I proposed that a “Royalty” prefix be obtained with the purchase of the Orb Staff Flag Skins cosmetic.

Honourable Mentions:

Thank you to those who took time to read through my suggestions and react to them this past year! It is much appreciated! Once again, make sure to vote on the poll at the top of the page!
Did you like this thread? Let me know in the replies! If anybody else would like to make a similar thread & poll with all of their suggestions from this past year, go ahead! Would be very interested in reading them.
I have made a total of 27 suggestions this year and I got lots more coming in 2024! Stay tuned! 👀
Happy New Year everyone!

- Reesle 🎊
Last edited:

Xi :3

Dedicated Member
Oct 25, 2023
All of your suggestions this year have been amazing, ive always enjoyed reading your Feedback & Suggestions threads throughout my time on the Forums, and i can say you did not disappoint.
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Forum Expert
Oct 16, 2019
Turkey ❤️🤍
I have read many of your suggestions, it is really nice that you think about all of them and write them down without taking your time. So congratulations to you and congratulations for being the most active member of the forums, mate! 🤍
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Xavi | Goofy

Quality Assurance and Support
Team CubeCraft
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May 14, 2019
I absolutely love all of the suggestions you've made. I don't think I'd be wrong if I said that over 70% of the quality suggestions I fully read are yours.
With them all listed here I'll most likely be giving the ones I missed a read.

Ps. I like how my one line suggestion is an honorable mention haha


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
All of your suggestions this year have been amazing, ive always enjoyed reading your Feedback & Suggestions threads throughout my time on the Forums, and i can say you did not disappoint.
Happy you like them :D
I have read many of your suggestions, it is really nice that you think about all of them and write them down without taking your time. So congratulations to you and congratulations for being the most active member of the forums, mate! 🤍
Thanks, but I wouldn’t say I’m THAT active xD
I love all these suggestions!
I absolutely love all of the suggestions you've made. I don't think I'd be wrong if I said that over 70% of the quality suggestions I fully read are yours.
With them all listed here I'll most likely be giving the ones I missed a read.

Ps. I like how my one line suggestion is an honorable mention haha
I’m very happy you find my suggestions quality, as sometimes I second-guess myself whether they’re good. Thanks :)
Also, it may have only been a one-liner, but it was a good QoL suggestion at that, because I always found it annoying to have to check what cost what in the boost menu in Skyblock.


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Should I do another thread like this at the end of 2024?
:agree: for yes
:disagree: for no

We literally can't do that lol
  • Haha
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The new pfp is so cute ✨
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