Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on Skyblock, try to stay on topic!

Xavi | Goofy

Quality Assurance and Support
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
💌 Customer Support
May 14, 2019
My game won't let me go to the nether and when it does it just says error can't load world and it also deleted all my stuff I had fix it now bc it took me forever to get my stuff the first time I'm not wasting more hours to get my stuff back
Please make a bugreport by clicking on the platform you play on Bedrock or Java.


Aug 8, 2022
OMG! Thank you soooo much for all this awesome info! 🤩 I'm super excited to learn about the Optimizer, different islands, generators, crops, and trees in Cubecraft! It's like a whole new world of FUN and MAGIC! 🎉✨


Feb 13, 2024
View attachment 222574

Hello there fellow cubecrafters!
I have decided to gather information about the different islands, crops and generators you can find in
the game such as, the time it takes for them to grow/generate, how much their resources sell for in
the shop and loads more!

View attachment 223205

Wondered what all the skyblock quests are and which quest unlocks what?
You can easily find out on this notion page!

You can find the quest paths by using the spoilers below to navigate to the island of your interest:
Overworld Islands

Nether Islands
Overworld Islands
Nether Islands

View attachment 223204

Wondered how you can invite your friend to your Co-Op profile or how to delete your profile?
You can find a step by step process here, with some other frequently asked questions!

View attachment 223203

Upon joining skyblock you spawn on the oak forest island, but this isn’t all is it?
I mean.. It’s 80x80 blocks… Correct!
Through the course of your adventure you will unlock 9 overworld islands and 4 nether islands, each
time increasing your island size with a 80x80 block plot (max island size 238x238 overworld and 160x160 nether)! They also come with amazing new items,
which can be found in the spoiler.
Oak Forest:
- Cobblestone Generators
-Oak Trees

-Coal Generators
-Cow spawners
-Potatoes and Pumpkins

Snowy Taiga:
-Lapis Generators
-Chicken spawners
-Spruce Trees

-No new generators
-Spider and Ocelot spawners
-Jungle Trees
-Cocoa Beans

-Zombie spawners

Birch Forest:
-Iron Generators
-Cave Spider spawners
-Birch Trees

-Gold Generators
-Pig and Skeleton spawners
-Acacia Trees

Extreme Hills:
-Emerald Generators
-Creeper and Sheep spawners

-Diamond Generators
-Witch and Slime spawners
-Dark Oak Trees
-Sugar Cane

(unlockable during Savannah)

Pigman Colony:
-Pigmen spawners
-Quartz generators
-Glowstone Trees

Magma Graveyard:
-Magma Cube spawners

Nether Fortress:
-Blaze and Wither Skeleton spawners
-Nether Wart

Blaze Spawner:
Nothing New.
Oak Forest
No generators/spawners

20 Coal Generators
L1 | Cow Spawner

Cold Taiga
5 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
L3, 5 | Chicken Spawner

5 Coal Generators
3 Lapis Generators
L8 | Ocelot Spawner
L3, 4, 6, 8 | Spider Spawner

4 Coal Generators
4 Lapis Generators
L10 | Spider Spawner
L10, 12, 14 | Zombie Spawner

Birch Forest
8 Coal Generators
2 Lapis Generators
14 Iron Generators
L18 | Zombie Spawner
L10, 12, 16 | Cave Spider Spawner

22 Coal Generators
6 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
16 Gold Generators
L20 | Spider Spawner
L20 | Zombie Spawner
L14 | Cave Spider Spawner
L18, 20, 24, 28 | Skeleton Spawner
L20 | Pig Spawner

Extreme Hills
37 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
6 Gold Generators
12 Emerald Generators
L24 | Zombie Spawner
L25, 26 | Skeleton Spawner
L18, 26, 28 | Creeper Spawner
L28, 30 32 | Sheep Spawner

37 Coal Generators
18 Lapis Generators
12 Iron Generators
11 Gold Generators
6 Emerald Generators
11 Diamond Generators
L20, 38 | Spider Spawner
L38, 40 | Zombie Spawner
L30 | Cave Spider Spawner
L28, 35 | Skeleton Spawner
L40 | Creeper Spawner
L30, 34, 40 | Slime Spawner
L28, 30, 32, 36 | Witch Spawner

Pigman Colony
21 Quartz Generators
L20, 24, 2x25 | Pigman Spawner

Magma Graveyard
29 Quartz Generators
L32, 30 | Pigman Spawner
L26, 27, 28 | Magma Cube Spawner

Nether Fortress
38 Quartz Generators
L40 | Pigman Spawner
L40 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40 | Blaze Spawner
L38, 40, 42, 45 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

Blaze Spawner
44 Quartz Generators
L50 | Pigman Spawner
L50 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40, 45, 2x48 | Blaze Spawner
L56, 75 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

View attachment 223206

Gather materials with the help of Generators, Crops and Saplings!
These automatically regenerate after a certain time.
Their goodies can be sold in the shop or be used to boost your other Generators, Crops and Saplings.

Regeneration time: 10 seconds
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: Can't be sold


Regeneration time: 1 minute
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 10 Coins

Lapis Lazuli
Regeneration time: 10 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 25 Coins

Iron Ore
Regeneration time: 40 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Ingot sell price: 300 Coins

Gold Ore
Regeneration time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Ingot sell price: 800 Coins

Regeneration time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Sell price: 2000 Coins

Regeneration time: 12 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours
Sell price: 4000 Coins

Regeneration time: 3 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 1200 coins
Growth time: 25 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 3 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 2 minutes
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 8 Coins

Stem growth time: 10 minutes
Growth time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 22 Coins
Seeds sell price: 5 Coins

Growth time: 8 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sell price: 26 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Cocoa beans
Growth time: 35 minutes
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sell price: 80 Coins

Growth time: 50 minutes (per block height)
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 200 Coins

Stem growth time: 12 hours
Growth time: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 220 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours , golden carrot: 6 hours
Sell price: 800 Coins

Sugar Cane
Growth time: 18 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins

Nether wart
Growth time: 2 days
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins
Oak Sapling
Growth time: 1 minute, 10 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sapling sell price: 2 Coins
Wood sell price: 10 Coins

Spruce Sapling
Growth time: 6 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sapling sell price: 5 Coins
Wood sell price: 50 Coins

Jungle Sapling
Growth time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sapling sell price: 15 Coins
Wood sell price: 120 Coins

Birch Sapling
Growth time: 10 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sapling sell price: 25 Coins
Wood sell price: 500 Coins

Acacia Sapling
Growth time: 1 day, 6 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sapling sell price: 40 Coins
Wood sell price: 1200 Coins

Dark Oak Sapling
Growth time: 4 days
Boost duration: 6 hours
Sapling sell price: 50 Coins
Wood sell price: 1800 Coins

Glowstone sapling
Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sapling sell price: Can’t be sold
Glowstone dust sell price: 1400 Coins

Hopefully this thread helped you!
If you ever need more information on anything skyblock related you may always start a conversation with me!

Special Thanks to
@driima for providing a detailed list of the island specifics.
@marblelover6561 for generally helping out with the thread.
@VisoredTrack494 for creating the full quest notion page.
@SuperSuccubus for helping out with the titles.
Did you ever make one for bedrock specifically?


Apr 5, 2024
Notice any mistakes? Reply them in the comments!
In the swamp, there are 2 level 34 slime spawners, with a total of 4 slime spawners. Hope this helps!

Im almost certain there are 12. Have you tried looking at the floating islands + the back and top of the extreme hill?
There are 12. There is one that hides behind a block on the small sheep island that took me forever to find.

Deleted member 592315

View attachment 222574

Hello there fellow cubecrafters!
I have decided to gather information about the different islands, crops and generators you can find in
the game such as, the time it takes for them to grow/generate, how much their resources sell for in
the shop and loads more!

View attachment 223205

Wondered what all the skyblock quests are and which quest unlocks what?
You can easily find out on this notion page!

You can find the quest paths by using the spoilers below to navigate to the island of your interest:
Overworld Islands

Nether Islands
Overworld Islands
Nether Islands

View attachment 223204

Wondered how you can invite your friend to your Co-Op profile or how to delete your profile?
You can find a step by step process here, with some other frequently asked questions!

View attachment 223203

Upon joining skyblock you spawn on the oak forest island, but this isn’t all is it?
I mean.. It’s 80x80 blocks… Correct!
Through the course of your adventure you will unlock 9 overworld islands and 4 nether islands, each
time increasing your island size with a 80x80 block plot (max island size 238x238 overworld and 160x160 nether)! They also come with amazing new items,
which can be found in the spoiler.
Oak Forest:
- Cobblestone Generators
-Oak Trees

-Coal Generators
-Cow spawners
-Potatoes and Pumpkins

Snowy Taiga:
-Lapis Generators
-Chicken spawners
-Spruce Trees

-No new generators
-Spider and Ocelot spawners
-Jungle Trees
-Cocoa Beans

-Zombie spawners

Birch Forest:
-Iron Generators
-Cave Spider spawners
-Birch Trees

-Gold Generators
-Pig and Skeleton spawners
-Acacia Trees

Extreme Hills:
-Emerald Generators
-Creeper and Sheep spawners

-Diamond Generators
-Witch and Slime spawners
-Dark Oak Trees
-Sugar Cane

(unlockable during Savannah)

Pigman Colony:
-Pigmen spawners
-Quartz generators
-Glowstone Trees

Magma Graveyard:
-Magma Cube spawners

Nether Fortress:
-Blaze and Wither Skeleton spawners
-Nether Wart

Blaze Spawner:
Nothing New.
Oak Forest
No generators/spawners

20 Coal Generators
L1 | Cow Spawner

Cold Taiga
5 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
L3, 5 | Chicken Spawner

5 Coal Generators
3 Lapis Generators
L8 | Ocelot Spawner
L3, 4, 6, 8 | Spider Spawner

4 Coal Generators
4 Lapis Generators
L10 | Spider Spawner
L10, 12, 14 | Zombie Spawner

Birch Forest
8 Coal Generators
2 Lapis Generators
14 Iron Generators
L18 | Zombie Spawner
L10, 12, 16 | Cave Spider Spawner

22 Coal Generators
6 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
16 Gold Generators
L20 | Spider Spawner
L20 | Zombie Spawner
L14 | Cave Spider Spawner
L18, 20, 24, 28 | Skeleton Spawner
L20 | Pig Spawner

Extreme Hills
37 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
6 Gold Generators
12 Emerald Generators
L24 | Zombie Spawner
L25, 26 | Skeleton Spawner
L18, 26, 28 | Creeper Spawner
L28, 30 32 | Sheep Spawner

37 Coal Generators
18 Lapis Generators
12 Iron Generators
11 Gold Generators
6 Emerald Generators
11 Diamond Generators
L20, 38 | Spider Spawner
L38, 40 | Zombie Spawner
L30 | Cave Spider Spawner
L28, 35 | Skeleton Spawner
L40 | Creeper Spawner
L30, 34, 40 | Slime Spawner
L28, 30, 32, 36 | Witch Spawner

Pigman Colony
21 Quartz Generators
L20, 24, 2x25 | Pigman Spawner

Magma Graveyard
29 Quartz Generators
L32, 30 | Pigman Spawner
L26, 27, 28 | Magma Cube Spawner

Nether Fortress
38 Quartz Generators
L40 | Pigman Spawner
L40 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40 | Blaze Spawner
L38, 40, 42, 45 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

Blaze Spawner
44 Quartz Generators
L50 | Pigman Spawner
L50 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40, 45, 2x48 | Blaze Spawner
L56, 75 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

View attachment 223206

Gather materials with the help of Generators, Crops and Saplings!
These automatically regenerate after a certain time.
Their goodies can be sold in the shop or be used to boost your other Generators, Crops and Saplings.

Regeneration time: 10 seconds
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: Can't be sold


Regeneration time: 1 minute
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 10 Coins

Lapis Lazuli
Regeneration time: 10 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 25 Coins

Iron Ore
Regeneration time: 40 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Ingot sell price: 300 Coins

Gold Ore
Regeneration time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Ingot sell price: 800 Coins

Regeneration time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Sell price: 2000 Coins

Regeneration time: 12 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours
Sell price: 4000 Coins

Regeneration time: 3 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 1200 coins
Growth time: 25 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 3 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 2 minutes
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 8 Coins

Stem growth time: 10 minutes
Growth time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 22 Coins
Seeds sell price: 5 Coins

Growth time: 8 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sell price: 26 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Cocoa beans
Growth time: 35 minutes
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sell price: 80 Coins

Growth time: 50 minutes (per block height)
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 200 Coins

Stem growth time: 12 hours
Growth time: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 220 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours , golden carrot: 6 hours
Sell price: 800 Coins

Sugar Cane
Growth time: 18 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins

Nether wart
Growth time: 2 days
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins
Oak Sapling
Growth time: 1 minute, 10 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sapling sell price: 2 Coins
Wood sell price: 10 Coins

Spruce Sapling
Growth time: 6 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sapling sell price: 5 Coins
Wood sell price: 50 Coins

Jungle Sapling
Growth time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sapling sell price: 15 Coins
Wood sell price: 120 Coins

Birch Sapling
Growth time: 10 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sapling sell price: 25 Coins
Wood sell price: 500 Coins

Acacia Sapling
Growth time: 1 day, 6 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sapling sell price: 40 Coins
Wood sell price: 1200 Coins

Dark Oak Sapling
Growth time: 4 days
Boost duration: 6 hours
Sapling sell price: 50 Coins
Wood sell price: 1800 Coins

Glowstone sapling
Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sapling sell price: Can’t be sold
Glowstone dust sell price: 1400 Coins

Hopefully this thread helped you!
If you ever need more information on anything skyblock related you may always start a conversation with me!

Special Thanks to
@driima for providing a detailed list of the island specifics.
@marblelover6561 for generally helping out with the thread.
@VisoredTrack494 for creating the full quest notion page.
@SuperSuccubus for helping out with the titles.
I never thought i could get this but its seems a little outdated so maybe someone update it

Xavi | Goofy

Quality Assurance and Support
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
💌 Customer Support
May 14, 2019
I think both melon slices and melon are sellable and the whole melon goes for 1980 coins.
It’s not there since it’s just a condensed version of the melon slices. A whole melon is 1980 since it is comprised of 9 slices each 220. I can add it later today but that is why it wasn’t there.


Novice Member
Sep 22, 2024
View attachment 222574

Hello there fellow cubecrafters!
I have decided to gather information about the different islands, crops and generators you can find in
the game such as, the time it takes for them to grow/generate, how much their resources sell for in
the shop and loads more!

View attachment 223205

Wondered what all the skyblock quests are and which quest unlocks what?
You can easily find out on this notion page!

You can find the quest paths by using the spoilers below to navigate to the island of your interest:
Overworld Islands

Nether Islands
Overworld Islands
Nether Islands

View attachment 223204

Wondered how you can invite your friend to your Co-Op profile or how to delete your profile?
You can find a step by step process here, with some other frequently asked questions!

View attachment 223203

Upon joining skyblock you spawn on the oak forest island, but this isn’t all is it?
I mean.. It’s 80x80 blocks… Correct!
Through the course of your adventure you will unlock 9 overworld islands and 4 nether islands, each
time increasing your island size with a 80x80 block plot (max island size 238x238 overworld and 160x160 nether)! They also come with amazing new items,
which can be found in the spoiler.
Oak Forest:
- Cobblestone Generators
-Oak Trees

-Coal Generators
-Cow spawners
-Potatoes and Pumpkins

Snowy Taiga:
-Lapis Generators
-Chicken spawners
-Spruce Trees

-No new generators
-Spider and Ocelot spawners
-Jungle Trees
-Cocoa Beans

-Zombie spawners

Birch Forest:
-Iron Generators
-Cave Spider spawners
-Birch Trees

-Gold Generators
-Pig and Skeleton spawners
-Acacia Trees

Extreme Hills:
-Emerald Generators
-Creeper and Sheep spawners

-Diamond Generators
-Witch and Slime spawners
-Dark Oak Trees
-Sugar Cane

(unlockable during Savannah)

Pigman Colony:
-Pigmen spawners
-Quartz generators
-Glowstone Trees

Magma Graveyard:
-Magma Cube spawners

Nether Fortress:
-Blaze and Wither Skeleton spawners
-Nether Wart

Blaze Spawner:
Nothing New.
Oak Forest
No generators/spawners

20 Coal Generators
L1 | Cow Spawner

Cold Taiga
5 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
L3, 5 | Chicken Spawner

5 Coal Generators
3 Lapis Generators
L8 | Ocelot Spawner
L3, 4, 6, 8 | Spider Spawner

4 Coal Generators
4 Lapis Generators
L10 | Spider Spawner
L10, 12, 14 | Zombie Spawner

Birch Forest
8 Coal Generators
2 Lapis Generators
14 Iron Generators
L18 | Zombie Spawner
L10, 12, 16 | Cave Spider Spawner

22 Coal Generators
6 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
16 Gold Generators
L20 | Spider Spawner
L20 | Zombie Spawner
L14 | Cave Spider Spawner
L18, 20, 24, 28 | Skeleton Spawner
L20 | Pig Spawner

Extreme Hills
37 Coal Generators
14 Lapis Generators
7 Iron Generators
6 Gold Generators
12 Emerald Generators
L24 | Zombie Spawner
L25, 26 | Skeleton Spawner
L18, 26, 28 | Creeper Spawner
L28, 30 32 | Sheep Spawner

37 Coal Generators
18 Lapis Generators
12 Iron Generators
11 Gold Generators
6 Emerald Generators
11 Diamond Generators
L20, 38 | Spider Spawner
L38, 40 | Zombie Spawner
L30 | Cave Spider Spawner
L28, 35 | Skeleton Spawner
L40 | Creeper Spawner
L30, 34, 40 | Slime Spawner
L28, 30, 32, 36 | Witch Spawner

Pigman Colony
21 Quartz Generators
L20, 24, 2x25 | Pigman Spawner

Magma Graveyard
29 Quartz Generators
L32, 30 | Pigman Spawner
L26, 27, 28 | Magma Cube Spawner

Nether Fortress
38 Quartz Generators
L40 | Pigman Spawner
L40 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40 | Blaze Spawner
L38, 40, 42, 45 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

Blaze Spawner
44 Quartz Generators
L50 | Pigman Spawner
L50 | Magma Cube Spawner
L40, 45, 2x48 | Blaze Spawner
L56, 75 | Wither Skeleton Spawner

View attachment 223206

Gather materials with the help of Generators, Crops and Saplings!
These automatically regenerate after a certain time.
Their goodies can be sold in the shop or be used to boost your other Generators, Crops and Saplings.

Regeneration time: 10 seconds
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: Can't be sold


Regeneration time: 1 minute
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 10 Coins

Lapis Lazuli
Regeneration time: 10 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 25 Coins

Iron Ore
Regeneration time: 40 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Ingot sell price: 300 Coins

Gold Ore
Regeneration time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Ingot sell price: 800 Coins

Regeneration time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Sell price: 2000 Coins

Regeneration time: 12 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours
Sell price: 4000 Coins

Regeneration time: 3 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 1200 coins
Growth time: 25 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sell price: 3 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 2 minutes
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 8 Coins

Stem growth time: 10 minutes
Growth time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sell price: 22 Coins
Seeds sell price: 5 Coins

Growth time: 8 minutes
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sell price: 26 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Cocoa beans
Growth time: 35 minutes
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sell price: 80 Coins

Growth time: 50 minutes (per block height)
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 200 Coins

Stem growth time: 12 hours
Growth time: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sell price: 220 Coins
Seeds sell price: 1 Coin

Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: 3 hours , golden carrot: 6 hours
Sell price: 800 Coins

Sugar Cane
Growth time: 18 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins

Nether wart
Growth time: 2 days
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sell price: 1500 Coins
Oak Sapling
Growth time: 1 minute, 10 seconds
Boost duration: 2 minutes
Sapling sell price: 2 Coins
Wood sell price: 10 Coins

Spruce Sapling
Growth time: 6 minutes
Boost duration: 5 minutes
Sapling sell price: 5 Coins
Wood sell price: 50 Coins

Jungle Sapling
Growth time: 2 hours
Boost duration: 10 minutes
Sapling sell price: 15 Coins
Wood sell price: 120 Coins

Birch Sapling
Growth time: 10 hours
Boost duration: 30 minutes
Sapling sell price: 25 Coins
Wood sell price: 500 Coins

Acacia Sapling
Growth time: 1 day, 6 hours
Boost duration: 1 hour
Sapling sell price: 40 Coins
Wood sell price: 1200 Coins

Dark Oak Sapling
Growth time: 4 days
Boost duration: 6 hours
Sapling sell price: 50 Coins
Wood sell price: 1800 Coins

Glowstone sapling
Growth time: 4 hours
Boost duration: Can’t boost
Sapling sell price: Can’t be sold
Glowstone dust sell price: 1400 Coins

Hopefully this thread helped you!
If you ever need more information on anything skyblock related you may always start a conversation with me!

Special Thanks to
@driima for providing a detailed list of the island specifics.
@marblelover6561 for generally helping out with the thread.
@VisoredTrack494 for creating the full quest notion page.
@SuperSuccubus for helping out with the titles.
OMG that helped me so much!
Thanks for the effort you did and I wish you a great year!
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jamesthesignificant wrote on OpenDistress4's profile.
Welcome to the forums dude! If you need any help then DM me or one of our awesome staff members! You are cool for joining 😎
Daily Question 43.

What is the worst possible day to have a birthday?
Alberto_essa wrote on Capitan's profile.
im too late but still happy birthday capitan :3
Kazwa wrote on Reesle's profile.
Thanks for the follow! <3
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