Hi everyone,
I've made a suggestion about enabling /party chat before, but it became clear to me that /party chat is disabled because private messaging isn't allowed by Microsoft on featured servers, which is also why /msg is disabled.
I recently found out that another big featured Bedrock server has /party chat enabled, but you can only use it if the party has at least 3 players which makes the command allowed by Microsoft, because then it's not direct messaging between two players anymore (which apparently is accepted by Microsoft)
Even though I don't agree with Microsoft's rule, I think this would be a great solution to still be able to communicate with friends-only via a party chat, especially because a lot of games still don't have team chat.
I feel that Team Chat is also disabled in most games because of Microsoft not allowing private messaging (I don't know for sure), but if it is indeed allowed for private messaging between 3+ players, then I think Team Chat could also be enabled together with the party chat (This would exclude team chat for duo games of course).

Please react to this thread with agree

Let me know what you think about the suggestion and if you have any other ideas for this suggestion

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