before you read the title and say hell no in the comments actually hear me out
I suggest that people with the following are able to bypass the cooldown:
Been on the forums over 1.5 years
Posted (thread or profile) at least once a month; posted at least 70 (again, thread or profile) times each month for the past 4 months
Has at least 30 more likes than posts
I know 70 sounds like a lot, but you really don't need to bypass cooldown if you post any less.
I suggest that people with the following are able to bypass the cooldown:
Been on the forums over 1.5 years
Posted (thread or profile) at least once a month; posted at least 70 (again, thread or profile) times each month for the past 4 months
Has at least 30 more likes than posts
I know 70 sounds like a lot, but you really don't need to bypass cooldown if you post any less.