Hi, interesting thread.. I understand the reason behind your suggestion and see the potential benefits, But I'll go with disagree into making private games accessible to all players.. There are several concerns that could arise from such an implementation, and I believe the current system—where private lobbies are limited to certain ranks or groups—exists for good reasons, I'll list them down for you so you'll understand why's that alright?
1- One of the biggest concerns is that allowing all players to create private games could lead to a significant reduction in public match activity.. It's not like public matches are already high in playerbase (At least Not like how it used to be) so if pg's become for everyone, Many players might prefer to stick with private games, especially casual players who want to avoid competitive environments.. This could lead to longer queue times in public matchmaking, affecting the overall activity and playerbase of the games. If too many players move to private games, it might even make certain game modes unplayable due to lack of active players (Especially when the server is in its low peak times, Eg.. 5-7k players online only).
2- There’s also a technical aspect to consider.. Allowing every player to host private matches could put additional strain on the servers, leading to potential performance issues (More than how it already is) i can't imagine the amount of reported issues to the devs and staff will be handled If a large number of private lobbies are created at once, server resources could be stretched thin, and also possibly affecting matchmaking stability for ranked or casual public games. This is why they decided to limit private games to certain player's (Staff team And Partners) Because it helps to maintain server efficiency.
3-If private lobbies were freely available, players might isolate themselves into familiar groups instead of engaging with the wider player base..This could slow down the growth of new interactions, which are crucial for a strong community tbh.
While I agree that private games can provide more fun games, But I believe unrestricted access to them could create more problems than benefits tbf.. The current system, where private lobbies are available only to specific ranks, ensures a balance between flexibility and game stability. Instead of making private matches available to everyone, i think player's should keep an eye out for the community games and tournaments for now, as that's where usually private games are hosted to the public between a while and another.. So I do appreciate the discussion, but I think the risks outweigh the benefits in this so i choose
