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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
It's just that lesbian and transgender aren't used as insults,
Well The General Reason Lesbian Isn't Is because gay is an insult that works for both genders (stop typing, yes it is) and Transgender Is used as an insult quite a bit I've seen... That or other/it being used in a sentence intended as an insult
3) Expresssive about what? Their love life? There is no need to be talking about that in a minecraft server.
geez I hope there is no need to be talking about it on a Minecraft server
I don't get why anyone would be talking about their private life like that on a minecraft server.
I've seen people express that they are happy before it is good because it can make more people feel happy but that is only with happy, excited, and good since those aren't mistakable
For the word "straight," it is not used as an insult, and is used semi-frequently in basic chat.
it is still used as an insult but it is very very very rare
like finding a snorlax in Greenland on pokemon go rare

(I still agree with you that it shouldn't be added b the way
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Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
This is the worst thread I have read in a lot of time...
How can somebody say "I had a Gay day" meaning it was a Happy day? Makes no sense at all.
People would just start saying Gay and Gay and Gay to everyone because that's what people do.

3.What will this actually do?
So finally what will this do for cubecraft?
What I have thought up is this will allow people to be more exspresive on CubeCraft and will help people be more exspresive online and in real life and isn't that what CubeCraft wants? to make people happy?
This wont make people Happy, this will make them Unhappy because they are being called Gay.

Q.Why would people need to say gay?
A.Maybe people are saying they had a
Gay day or they could be telling friends
about their life and that'd be something
they're proud of and want to share.
I'm sure if you have friends in CUbeCraft you skype with them so tell them there, not need to Spam Chat saying "I had a Gay day" <--- No need to, you can say "I had a HAPPY day" but whatever, maybe you are just like that so...

1.What does word mean?
The word Gay it self is not a swear, it means two things
a. To be happy
Example: "I'm having a gay ol time" said the old man
That's just the Urban meaning, not the real meaning... It's like Stfu or Omg.

Please don't make threads like this that don't help the Server, maybe they help you but I doubt anyone uses "Gay" to refer to happy.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
This is the worst thread I have read in a lot of time...
why are you being so sour on the forums
sourness isn't be good for your health
How can somebody say "I had a Gay day" meaning it was a Happy day? Makes no sense at all.
no it makes plenty of sense because gay does mean happy most people just don't think of it that way
not need to Spam Chat saying "I had a Gay day" <--- No need to, you can say "I had a HAPPY day" but whatever, maybe you are just like that so...
so if I say A__ referring to a female Donkey in a sentence that makes it obvious I mean A Female donkey like "Wow This African Wild A__ Keeps Bucking Me In The Knee" all of a sudden the meaning changes No it doesn't
That's just the Urban meaning, not the real meaning... It's like Stfu or Omg.
no it is a completely proper and real definition if any form of the word were to be an urban meaning it would be the Australian candy called gay
Please don't make threads like this that don't help the Server, maybe they help you but I doubt anyone uses "Gay" to refer to happy.
yes people do use it as happy just less commonly

also I don't see how making any thread helps the server if this doesn't bug reports would be the only thing to help the server because they are literally there to fix things to help the server if this suggestion can't help the server then none can

also the sourness level is over 9000
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Forum Expert
Mar 17, 2014
fabulous land
I would've said that it should be taken off the filter because I thought people could be mature enough to use it correctly but upon reading the thread I have learnt that no people are not mature enough to not use 'gay' as an insult.

The word Gay it self is not a swear, it means two things
a. To be happy
Example: "I'm having a gay ol time" said the old man

LOL I use the phrase "I'm having a gay ole time" as in "I'm feeling happy right now because I'm feeling so gay today"


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
To me, these things are too controversial. Allowing them will only make the chat worse and more work for staff.
Not to mention, is there even a problem with it not being in the chat filter?
There are plenty other words to express gay, and so far, gay has mainly used as an insult more than anything else.
And believe me, it will cause too much arguing with this.
You think that someone religious would just walk away?
They would probably argue against it.
And with more reporting = more work for staff when all we had to do was leave the darn chat filter alone.
What do you gain by allowing LGBT stuff in the chat filter?
What does it solve?
If you claim that it solves the problems with what LGBT's feel, know that you can express yourself with other words that do not affiliate with the word gay.
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Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2015
You cant say JustRyann, amazing savage chatfilter.

'Omg these hackers hit everything' is something i frequently say (something around that)

hackers hit is considered as shit

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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
Candy - https://discord.gg/rcQfj8v
Lmao get over it
Finding stuff to argue about just to argue really ticks me off
I honestly have no idea where you got the idea that I wanted to start arguments, I thought about this as a legit Idea and in the please read this before continuing to read section I said I don't want Hate to be Thrown around or hate so I am sorry if it seems that way but it wasn't my intention


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Honestly, if this gets removed I'm pretty sure no one will use it as the word "happy". don't think anyone else uses this word for that reason anymore

Nowadays 90% of the time, people uses this word for an insult or being rude.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
-Quick message-
I'm not going to read through the replies to see what's been said and what hasn't, as I just want to reply to this with everything I want to say.

1.What does word mean?
The word Gay it self is not a swear, it means two things
a. To be happy
Example: "I'm having a gay ol time" said the old man

b. of, relating to, or exhibiting desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own gender
Example: "I don't date girls because I'm gay" said the boy
You're going by the official definitions.
On the internet, words can gain another meaning overtime, depending on how it's used. "gay" for instance, is used as an insult nowadays.

Now I don't belive ethier of those defenisions are really all that bad what makes them bad is the way people use them and truly the barrier isn't stoping anyone from saying gay because people will just say gey.
That's what happens when you pick 2 good definitions, and if these were the only definitions, there is no way to use them badly.

The people it is stop are people who are not using it to insult someone, those people who just are using it in a sentence like they do in there every day life are not gonna pull the risk of saying a muted word even if they're just saying a normal scentence.
What are you even trying to say here? I'm having trouble decoding the lack of punctuation...
The people that want to use it, can easily use different words to express it. If people insulted each other with different words that mean "gay", they're able to be reported & muted.

not to mention CubeCraft also allows the word straight? To me this doesn't make much scene because the word straight (In the sexuality manner) is the same word as gay just dating people of a different gender
When has "straight" ever been used as an insult? Never, really. There's no valid reason to block it.
and straight also has a meaning that's used extremely often in-game.

And I know that straight can also mean something not wavyt or a straight line but if that's truly the reason why gay also deservers to be allowed because gay (as said above) also means to be happy.
(as said above) Straight is never used as an insult, unlike the word "gay".

I'm not gonna sugar coat this easily people WILL use gay as a insult more often if the word is unmuted, so the question is what do we do about it? Well referring to what I previously said people already just say gey so we do what we do to those people, report them. It's not that hard to report people espically if you're using screenshots, all you have to do is click this link https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/how-to-use-the-new-report-system.175577/ , Put it under bulling, put in the screenshots, and say what they did that's how easy it is! No joke!
(Not to sound mean, but could you please use spell-check? and also use a bit more punctuation? that'd make it easier to read & understand)
Anyways, why would we allow something that's almost always used as an insult, just for the minuscule amount of cases where it's used normally?
It'll just create more unnecessary reporting, more unnecessary appeals claiming that it "wasn't on the filter, so it's not swearing or bullying".
It's just not a good idea, because it'll just cause lots of unnecessary arguing & unnecessary players offending others.

So finally what will this do for cubecraft?
Cause lots of people insulting each other with "gay".
Cause homophobic people to freak out and possibly even send death threats.
Cause religious people to start arguing. Arguing about religion is a bad idea, since "Your religion is the right religion, don't worry about what others believe)
Cause an immense amount of people to create reports, which costs time that could've been used for hacker reports or team reports.
The list goes on!

What I have thought up is this will allow people to be more exspresive on CubeCraft and will help people be more exspresive online and in real life and isn't that what CubeCraft wants? to make people happy?
You're missing the whole: People almost never talk about their sexuality online, let alone on Cube.
People almost always use it as an insult. Why would we add a word that's almost always used negatively? It'll just cause hate and negativity in the community. Not happiness.

Q.Why would people need to say gay?
A.Maybe people are saying they had a
Gay day or they could be telling friends
about their life and that'd be something
they're proud of and want to share.
Nobody uses "gay" for happy online. Why bother, when you can just say "happy" and not cause arguments?
And when people declare their sexuality, they can just say "I am attracted to x" or something along the lines of that. If people want to use THIS WORD specifically, they'll just have to deal with it or mask it. I doubt they'll get muted for it if it's in the right context.

A. This is 100% me being serious and it's
very hard but if they're in a lobby and
some ones talking about it they just have
to leave, Leave the lobby or go into a game
and not start a fight.
You're asking a lot from the average player.
Have you ever seen how some religious people react to someone claiming that they're gay? Not everyone will simply "leave", and it'll cause a storm of negative comments, which can even lead to religious people arguing with other religious people.
Not gonna happen.

We get it! You want to make it a better place! But you can't expect us to have it removed in hopes of people using the word with it's normal meaning.
You never see someone telling another that they're gay, you never see someone saying "gay" with its "happy" meaning.
The word "gay" itself is extremely controversial on the internet, considering the average player doesn't have a thick enough skin to deal with it. Let's not forget about homophobic people & religious people that hate the gays. It's just asking to have the chat swarmed with insults & death threats against homosexuals.
The worst part is: We can't tell the religious ones that they're wrong, since it's apart of their belief. We can't say that their belief is incorrect, as that's a "taboo".
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Dedicated Member
Aug 1, 2016
Western Australia, Perth
1) That is old English. No one ever uses it when they are happy or having a good time. I don't get why anyone would be talking about their private life like that on a minecraft server. There is just no reason. People use the word "gay" more as an insult. If it was unblocked, the use of this insult would go up, and that is about it. I highly doubt anyone would actually use it for a conversation. And if they are, it should be kept private, like private messaging on discord or something.
For the word "straight," it is not used as an insult, and is used semi-frequently in basic chat. There is no reason to block "straight" as the word is not being abused in any way.

2) the amount of insults would go up and so would the amount of reports staff would have to handle, which also means more players getting muted on the server. Like before, ti haeherere is no need for this.
3) Expresssive about what? Their love life? There is no need to be talking about that in a minecraft server.

Great post! I enjoy these types of threads, fun debates! :D
I guess most of what you said, made sense :p

Ellie Williams

Forum Veteran
Jan 6, 2016
University of Eastern Colorado
The whole chatfilter itself is already 100% broken

Seriously, you can't even say the words "free", "trump" or "creeper" just to name a few. It also doesn't help that it doesn't specify what you are not allowed to say which doesn't help either. It's just completely broken, the word gay being blocked is just another example.
Why can't you say "creeper"? Seriously, some people have their usernames blocked.
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Casualpoalrbear wrote on WaynePrime's profile.
Seriously though nothing personal. It just a tradition to give angry face to whoever talks in CCG memes. You're a cool guy
الجهراوي قوي🇰🇼 wrote on BicolourSine41's profile.
الجهراوي قوي🇰🇼 wrote on Muhh's profile.
Hi muhhCCG I change my name to Arabic with flag this allowed? , if not allowed why the admin accepted that?

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