CyberAutumn: Amazing name. 11/10. Amazing.
DontForgetMe: Imma' forget you now. Banned.
GimmeAHug_: Uhh.. I don't know you.. no thanks. Banned for being creepy.
Diesel03: This name reminds me of the clothing company. Banned for
IWantKills: So many names starting with 'Iwant'. banned. killing is bad.
LisaHeree_: CyberHeree_. banned.
iBulter: Butler? Okay, please, I spilled coffee this morning. Could you clean it up for me?
wertyryan: uh.
Chiaratjuhh: uhh.
CupzOfDeath: Why not MugzOfDeath? Banned
Lorrainetjuhh: uhhh.
INeedYourSkils: No, my skills are off limit. banned.
xISABELLExx: xCYBERxx. banned.
AgressiefAapje: be happy. banned for being aggressive.
JasperWillGetYou: so many names start with this. banned. (no he wont)
R3ktByMe_: Me? You were rekt by me? Oh, cool. banned.
i love dissing peoples names. XD