Points & Vanity points become useless.
Okay so I have a suggestion for a new command: /points give [player] [amount]. Give your points to other players, me and HurmitCurtis were having this conversation the other day, where once reaching a certain stage, points and vanity points become useless. This command could use the same command as giving coins, as if a player won a game, for the player receiving points. The command to take points away, as if you were purchasing something, could be inflicted on the player giving away points This would be a simple feature to add, or it could be completely re-coded to act as a pay feature. I would also like to see a feature where you can convert vanity points to regular points. I am obsidian rank and have unlocked everything u can with vanity points and still have 100k useless points. I know people have more than me, but after a while they are useless, and people able to convert them adds another reason to purchase a donor rank. And you could also help other players with the /points give command. Hope you like the suggestion.
- Shyry123
Okay so I have a suggestion for a new command: /points give [player] [amount]. Give your points to other players, me and HurmitCurtis were having this conversation the other day, where once reaching a certain stage, points and vanity points become useless. This command could use the same command as giving coins, as if a player won a game, for the player receiving points. The command to take points away, as if you were purchasing something, could be inflicted on the player giving away points This would be a simple feature to add, or it could be completely re-coded to act as a pay feature. I would also like to see a feature where you can convert vanity points to regular points. I am obsidian rank and have unlocked everything u can with vanity points and still have 100k useless points. I know people have more than me, but after a while they are useless, and people able to convert them adds another reason to purchase a donor rank. And you could also help other players with the /points give command. Hope you like the suggestion.
- Shyry123