Fraps unregistered version (free) allows you to record a video with a maximum duration of 30 seconds: You only need to press F9 (by default) to start recording, and F9 again to end the video. And recording and reporting players is the best way to stop hackers, because anti-cheat softwares aren't 100% trustworthy.
In regards of hacks, anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but anti-cheat softwares can't
effectively stop anti killaura hackers. Anti-cheat softwares can't detect if a certain hack is enabled by a client: what they do detect is its effects. And that's because it's a server-sided sofware.
Server-sided anti-cheat sofware detects if the info packets the server recieves are legitimate or fake. For instance, if someone is dealing critical hits without jumping, flies, jumps too high, has abnormal movement speed or health regeneration, etc... those softwares can detect those abnormalities, especially if those hacks activate commands that need permissions. However, they can't easily detect if someone is using aimbot or killaura, because its a possible event: the first one just makes you aim perfectly, and the second one just makes you hit with perfect timing. In order to prevent those hacks, the only thing that the anti-cheat can do against this hacks is to mark as fake those packets that are "too pro for a person", and chances are legal players are going to get kicked too because of it.
Another example is any visual hack. Visual hacks can't be detected because... they are just
visual. You can display players's health, see through blocks, change tag size, track players, etc, and the anti-cheat won't notice it because the client doesn't tell the server what are you seeing. So, the only way to prevent people for using those hacks is to:
1. Ban hacked clients. And that's not fair, because certain hacks aren't actually exploits (i.e. anti-spam) and because using a hacked client doesn't turn you into a "hacker". Nonetheless, I don't know if this is possible without the following point.
2. Use a both server-sided and client-sided software. This way, each player would need to install a mod that will detect if your client is using any hack, or even if its a hacked client, by reading the files that you have installed. However, I'm sure this would reduce the player base. I've read this before: