I agree! That was such a fun map!Soooo, ive seen a thread months ago, about area51 being revamped. surely a revamp wouldnt take this long no? plus its requested by several players of the community.
Its an old map that was 3 players per team, 18 players IT WAS AWESOME!!What does Area 51 have to do with egg Wars?
Are you suggestionting a Area 51 map?
If you be more specific, give us the details
Be nice, and I agree too :DNo , maybe you should do your research. It has everything to do with eggwars .
As for the thread i agree
i think the scaling thing doesnt need to happen and no more islands are needed to be added.If you'd like Area 51 back, you'd have to tell what you disliked + what you want to get added. So there's a bigger chance for it to get attention. Construction (Solo) was revamped just because the community gave the builders suggestions. Keep this thread growing if you'd like it back.
Personally, I think Area 51 was a great concept, but the games lasted too long. PvP was alright, most of the time it took place on flat surface. The Bunny thing at mid, where the UFO abducts it was REALLY big. It could be scaled smaller, and there could be more islands added.
I like the rest though
I agree, but its takin a long timeIf I'm correct Area 51 is getting a revamp I'm not 100% sure. It would be fun to play on again.
Be nice! :DIt has something to do with eggwars, as Area 51 IS AN EGGWARS MAP. So how about YOU read before replying and ranting on people? thankssss
I played Area51 a lot of times and I didnt have a game go over an hour.I`ve never played area 51 and reason is that I very hate large maps where games will last for over an hour. Like much smaller maps like forest or resort to have very short games. :/
yea!I completely agree nothing more to be said @Tacosbefriends if anything a revamp would ruin it... just add it back how it normally was.
What if they dont want helper? Also helper isnt really a rank, its an opportunity! :DIt's the opposite of what you said! And you won't get helper rank if you call people dumb for no reason.
Back on topic though, please add area51 back!! @Tacosbefriends