I indeed have.Severe,have you ever see a baby pigeon?0-0 i mean,all of the pigeon are adults0-0
You don't have to make a separate post. :)Lol its glowstone
SevereWarning is like goldilocks. He doesn't like things squishy, he doesn't like things hard, he likes them just right.yes (sorry mom)
do u prefurr sqwuitchie or haard?
Debatable, because when the genetic mutation happened, it's debatable whether it was the chicken when it came out of the egg, or whilst it was in the egg, and whether there was the point of it becoming the chicken when the pre-chicken made the egg with the final mutation that would create the chicken (because many mutations at once is unlikely, DNA has great copy and paste skills) or whether it was when the chicken came out of the egg.The egg. The family evolved from being different animal to what it is today. Therefore, there must have been a mutation in the DNA that produced the chicken egg. And that's what came first.
What's your favorite Minecraft block?
I feel the need to reference the sixth sense here.. But I'm not going to....No,but i see dead people;-;
Would you kill your mom if she tries to kill you?
Um capitalism heaven, I mean, it's heaven it can't be that bad.Small,what do you preffer,a capitalism heaven or a comunist hell?
Mortal Kombat7 exams ;-;
Street fighter or mortal kombat?o.o
Eziothat are 2 diferent games,i preffer Call of duty
Ezio or Altair?
A lot, I sing so much myself too.Nova Scotia.
How much do you love music?