Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 2, 2019


Assassins/Assassination is a PvP game mode that takes place in large enclosed maps.

How To Play
  • Collect coins to purchase items like Armour, Weapons, Food, and Potions located in shops. The objective of the game is to keep evolving in gear until you reach the top tier.
  • As for where you purchase these items, you can recognize these shops by their noticeable height and pixel art differentiating what type of shop it is.
  • You can gain coins by killing other players for their money, by collecting them from various chests around the map, and/or by handing in bounties (but what are bounties?!(we’ll get to that)).
  • Unique to this game mode, you are able to absorb 75% percent of damage taken when receiving fall damage by holding the crouch button (kinda like if you were barrel rolling).
  • Upon joining the game via NPC in pre-game lobby, you will spawn in a random location on the map, with:Chain Chestplate // Wooden Sword // 5 Bread. You can also right click the NPC in the pre-game lobby to select a spawn location.
  • There is a coin exchanger in two of the four shops on both maps. The coin exchanger can be used to exchange all your types of coins into platinum coins which could save a lot of inventory space, it does however take 5% of the coins you are swapping (be sure to drop your platinum coins on the floor before exchanging your coins else you will lose 5% of your platinum coins as well).
  • If you have items you don't want you can use /dispose to get rid of them. Just put the items you don't want in the menu and close the menu and they will be gone.
  • Every Sunday at 11PM GMT inventories get reset. If you're online at this time your inventory will be reset when you log out.
Shops / Items
c = coins (Assassins currency) // pts = points (CCG currency)


Assassination Store
(Type /store in chat or visit “Store” NPC in pre-game lobby)
Leather Helmet - 25 pts

Leather Chestplate - 25 pts

Leather Leggings- 25 pts

Leather Boots - 25 pts


Chain Helmet - 50 pts

Chain Chestplate - 50 pts

Chain Leggings - 50 pts

Chain Boots - 50 pts


Wood Sword - 15 pts

Stone Sword - 50 pts

Bow - 40 pts

Arrows (x12) - 12 pts


Milk Bucket - 3 pts

Bounty Compass - 50 pts

Dark Coin - Charcoal - Worth 1c

Gold Coin - Gold Nugget - Worth 5c

Platinum Coin - Ghast Tear - Worth 10c


Leather Helmet - 15c

Leather Chestplate - 25c

Leather Leggings- 22c

Leather Boots - 12c


Chain Helmet - 35c

Chain Chestplate - 45c

Chain Leggings - 40c

Chain Boots - 32c


Iron Helmet - 65c

Iron Chestplate - 80c

Iron Leggings - 72c

Iron Boots - 62c


Diamond Helmet - 420c

Diamond Chestplate - 500c

Diamond Leggings - 450c

Diamond Boots - 400c

Wood Sword - 25c

Gold Sword - 80c

Stone Sword - 120c

Iron Sword - 400c

Diamond Sword - 1000c


Wooden Axe - 25c

Gold Axe - 80c

Stone Axe - 120c

Iron Axe - 400c

Diamond Axe - 1000c


Bow - 30c

Arrow - 10c

Raw Potato - 2c

Raw Fish - 4c

Melon - 4c

Cookie - 4c

Pork - 6c

Raw Beef - 6c

Apple - 8c

Bread - 10c

Pumpkin Pie - 12c

Baked Potato - 12c

Cooked Fish - 12c

Mushroom Soup - 12c

Milk - 12c

Cooked Beef - 16c

Grilled Pork - 16c

Golden Apple - 100c

Potion of Regeneration (1:30) - 80c

Potion of Regeneration II (0:22) - 60c

Splash Potion of Instant Damage - 120c

Potion of Speed (8:00 / +20% Speed) - 20c

Potion of Speed II (1:30 / +40% Speed) - 20c

Splash Potion of Poison (0:21) - 150c

Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00) - 20c

Potion of Fire Resistance II (8:00) - 60c

Potion of Strength (3:00 / +3 ATK DMG) - 200c

Potion of Strength (8:00 / +3 ATK DMG) - 550c

Splash Potion of Invisibility (3:00) - 100c

Potion of Instant Health - 20c

Potion of Instant Health II - 35c




On every map, chests can be found littered around all over the place. Chests usually contain money but sometimes you can get food and other items. Locations of chests do not change but their reward does. Once looted, they will respawn in the same position in around 45 seconds.

Rough Chest Loot Table

1-5 Dark Coins

1-3 Gold Coins

1-2 Platinum Coins

1-3 Pieces of Bread

Low durability Armour

TIP: Punch a chest once to break it and all of its items will pop out for you to grab them. This makes collecting loot quick and easy. Be careful, though, as the loot can get launched if the chest spawns in the middle of a group of blocks.​




Bounties are new and were added to give “this game-mode more of an objective”. Bounty targets are randomly chosen by the server, and after each bounty completion or failure, you will be given another bounty. For each bounty, you have 3 minutes to find and kill your target. Once killed, they drop their head (as their skins skull). Return their head to the Bounty Hunter to receive your reward.

Your first successful bounty handed in will reward you 25 coins. Every successful bounty will reap the same reward BUT you will get 5 more coins added onto it per bounty.


Bounty #1 - 50 coins

Bounty #2 - 60 coins

Bounty #3 - 70 coins


The max bounty reward is available at 10 kills which is 140 coins per successful bounty after that.
For every 5 bounties handed in without dying, a message will appear in chat announcing it, aaaaaand kind of making you a target. Good luck! ;)




The classic Assassination map that takes place in a desert themed city showcasing a large pyramid in the middle of the map and a coliseum on the edge of the map.

The latest addition to our collection of Assassins maps. This one takes place in an overgrown village surrounded by forest. Shops feel a lot closer and there aren't as many landmarks as there are in the Desert map.​



Q: How do I sell stuff?

A: You may be asking this because items like Charcoal and Gold Nuggets have a “Worth” value. Well, that IS NOT something that can be sold so you can receive that amount of money. That IS your currency, and all three types of the Assassins currency are already added up upon browsing a shop.

Q: Is teaming allowed?

A: Yes it is, beware.

Q: So many hackerrrrrzzzz, whyyyy?

A: I don’t know, ask them. What I do know is how you can help stop them from ruining games for other players. Report them, apply for staff, contact staff, or just warn them in chat.



Check out my other guides below!
Tower Defense - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-guide-tips-info-5-21-16.96579/
Survival Games - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/survival-games-guide-tips-info-07-09-16.128100/
MinerWare - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/minerware-guide-tips-info-07-23-16.131550/
Blockband - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/♫-blockband-guide-tips-info-9-19-16-♪.158927/

[/QUOTE Wow! Thanks for the help! :D
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jamesthesignificant wrote on OpenDistress4's profile.
Welcome to the forums dude! If you need any help then DM me or one of our awesome staff members! You are cool for joining 😎
Daily Question 43.

What is the worst possible day to have a birthday?
Alberto_essa wrote on Capitan's profile.
im too late but still happy birthday capitan :3
Kazwa wrote on Reesle's profile.
Thanks for the follow! <3
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